Yea Marshall, I will Vaseline my hand and you'll be my puppet
Originally Posted by WTF

And you'll demand Nina's rates!........don't worry, they taught me 22 ways with my bare hands......
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-13-2011, 11:18 AM
And you'll demand Nina's rates!........don't worry, they taught me 22 ways with my bare hands...... Originally Posted by Marshall

I wasn't talking about your masturbation problem.
I thought it was TFF, people quoting people saying chit they didn't say! Kept you on your toes Originally Posted by WTF
Because I have nothing else to do than surf D&T and edit quote links.
I wasn't talking about your masturbation problem. Originally Posted by WTF
Speaking of puppets........just before my last post, I bet someone that I could make you do a masturbation joke within 1 hour.....guess what?


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-13-2011, 11:47 AM
Speaking of puppets........just before my last post, I bet someone that I could make you do a masterbation joke within 1 hour.....guess what?


Originally Posted by Marshall
Marshall you know the Definition of masturbation? - Poking fun at yourself.

Little Johnny woke up in the middle of the night and went to the
bathroom. On the way back to bed, he passed his parents room. When
he looked in, he noticed the covers bouncing.
He called to his dad, "Hey Dad, what are you doing?"
The dad answered, "Playing Cards".
Little Johnny asked, "Whose your partner?"
The dad answered, "Your mom".
Little Johnny then passed by his older sister's room. Again, he
noticed the covers bouncing.
He called to his sister, "Hey Sis, what are you doing?"
The sister answered, "Playing Cards."
Little Johnny asked, "Whose your partner?"
She answered, "My boyfriend."
A little later, the Dad got up and went to the bathroom (naturally).
As he passed Little Johnny's room, he noticed the covers bouncing.
He called to his son, "what are you doing?"
Little Johnny answered, "Playing Cards."
The Dad asked, "Really? Whose your partner?"
Little Johnny answered,..."You don't need a partner if you have a
good hand".
Marshall you know the Definition of masturbation? - Poking fun at yourself.

Little Johnny woke up in the middle of the night and went to the
bathroom. On the way back to bed, he passed his parents room. When
he looked in, he noticed the covers bouncing.
He called to his dad, "Hey Dad, what are you doing?"
The dad answered, "Playing Cards".
Little Johnny asked, "Whose your partner?"
The dad answered, "Your mom".
Little Johnny then passed by his older sister's room. Again, he
noticed the covers bouncing.
He called to his sister, "Hey Sis, what are you doing?"
The sister answered, "Playing Cards."
Little Johnny asked, "Whose your partner?"
She answered, "My boyfriend."
A little later, the Dad got up and went to the bathroom (naturally).
As he passed Little Johnny's room, he noticed the covers bouncing.
He called to his son, "what are you doing?"
Little Johnny answered, "Playing Cards."
The Dad asked, "Really? Whose your partner?"
Little Johnny answered,..."You don't need a partner if you have a
good hand". Originally Posted by WTF

Since this exchange turned stupid, let me contribute to the stupidity.....

I was in a Houston bar earlier this year and I was seated by 2 escorts and I couldn't help eavesdropping in on their conversation....Escort 1 says to escort 2, "It's long and hard on WTF." Escort 2 says to escort 1, "Jeez, I hope he passes 1st grade this time."
Good thing my SERE training is up to date!

only David Hasselhoff records playing all day........... Originally Posted by Marshall
shit, how did you know THAT its my preferred music for torture ;-)
And you'll demand Nina's rates!........don't worry, they taught me 22 ways with my bare hands...... Originally Posted by Marshall
who is they? the enemies
" I need you to need me" is classic co-dependency.
Both parties suck the life out of EACH OTHER.
Whilst ex addicts have long been identified of being one of the most susceptible groups to engage in co-dependent behavior (loads of data out there to support this) they are by no means the only ones by a long shot. As Clair and WTF said, co-dependency is not restricted to certain groups and is not always viewed as unattractive.

C Originally Posted by Camille
right, it is codependency. but there are people *knowing* what they are doing. and energetical vampires are a one-way street. They need other people as "batteries" for their life (because they have none or an uneven one).
A man will always remember the way a woman made him feel, but what can become fuzzy rather quickly, are the things she did to make him feel that way. In terms of sex, he will remember the woman that couldn't get enough of him but not necessarily the specific tangible that made him feel that way. There are plenty of reviews out there where's it obvious that the man got so lost in the connection that he struggled to remember the "menu" that you are focused on....because it's not what she does, it's the way she does it WITH HIM. Make sense Marshall? Originally Posted by Camille
diamonds for pigs :-) ? its something a marshall never will understand :-)
shit, how did you know THAT its my preferred music for torture ;-) Originally Posted by ninasastri
his music is torture [probably explains the low birth rate in Germany]..........of course, I can see where some might consider sex with you torture...........
A man will always remember the way a woman made him feel, but what can become fuzzy rather quickly, are the things she did to make him feel that way. In terms of sex, he will remember the woman that couldn't get enough of him but not necessarily the specific tangible that made him feel that way. There are plenty of reviews out there where's it obvious that the man got so lost in the connection that he struggled to remember the "menu" that you are focused on....because it's not what she does, it's the way she does it WITH HIM. Make sense Marshall? Originally Posted by Camille

I must confess, I've had 2 situations in the past year where I ran into women I forgot I had sex with.....they were none too happy with me

There's a few women I remember because it bothered me that they used too much hand and not enough mouth.....Usually I'm not a complainer about a woman using her mouth too little or her giving me a hand, but in these situations I did......
right, it is codependency. but there are people *knowing* what they are doing. and energetical vampires are a one-way street. They need other people as "batteries" for their life (because they have none or an uneven one). Originally Posted by ninasastri
Yep, I agree Nina. There are plenty of people on both sides of that equation that know what they are doing. It's almost like emotional blackmail.

Btw..diamonds for pigs. Neve heard that before but love it lol

C xx
I must confess, I've had 2 situations in the past year where I ran into women I forgot I had sex with.....they were none too happy with me
Originally Posted by Marshall
Marshall, remember this...having sex without a connection is a bit like being birthday candles without the cake. An anti climax that becomes forgettable lol...but of course you wont realize that until you get the candles with the cake!

his music is torture [probably explains the low birth rate in Germany]..........of course, I can see where some might consider sex with you torture........... Originally Posted by Marshall
i wasn`t talking about sex. and Hasselhoff is american, so how do you relate that to Germany??