NO donation or memory???

trynagetlaid's Avatar
But was it a jimmy or a jimmy rapper?
I agree, and add:
3. Two sides to every story.
4. Unless you were there, you're entitled to an opinion, not a conclusion.

I think this thread need a conclusion. We've beat every side of the horse to bloody death. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

This is an enlightening thread. I agree with the general consensus that TT should be more careful. To be safe you should get tested. The guy may not have been completely sober and improper use of condoms can result. We all make mistakes and should learn from them. Hear a lot of cases of being told MSOG but the girl gets dressed fast after the first bell. Or getting CBJ when all indications were BBBJ. I would not cry criminal offense. It was 1 AM and she had a few drinks. That's the same as taking a sleeping aid well into the night. All these calls of rape, spiking drinks and assault with little evidence to show otherwise is stupid. I've had my share of having too many drinks and not remembering what I did with the girl laying next to me. You don't hear me crying rape.

I now know which ladies are likely to be trouble when things don't go perfect in a session. Some of these responses speak volume about the poster and less about TT's situation. No compromise, just cry rape. Didn't provide the correct donation apparently is an assault. Never been much of a fan of liberal judges, but thank goodness for the many judicial reviews when people's freedoms are at stake. The mob can be hasty.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
True, 3 sides but we get to vote lol
.....but I'm going to have to side with Pbaddison on this one, from what I can tell he is a respectful good guy that wandered in to a bad situation. Hopefully T will take this as a warning on what not to do.

I think he needs to go back and get some from the maid, she's probably hot
London Rayne's Avatar
Good lord! I think this thread should be closed soley because the English language can't possibly be beaten any more. How any guy would read this crap and not be turned off, is beyond me...then again, I guess when you bargain shop you really can't complain about details lol.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It doesn't always happen just when you bargain shop....

I don't drink, period. If I was in the pressence of a woman/provider that was drunk I would not proceed with anything sexual as too many things can go wrong. Especially if she can't remember. You fellas that go through with sessions like this should read this thread and take what has happened as a result to heart. Take responsibility and realize that you do not have to have sex that damn bad.

Tiffany you really should think about talking to someone. Yes you do have a ton of positive reviews but you also have a history of drinking and you flat out admitted to it in your first post on this thread.
Good lord! I think this thread should be closed soley because the English language can't possibly be beaten any more. How any guy would read this crap and not be turned off, is beyond me...then again, I guess when you bargain shop you really can't complain about details lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

And now this thread has turned into an advertisement against bargain shopping providers? That's b.s. There are plenty of he said/she said threads based on expensive overnighters that fail miserably.

It isn't the rate that guys should look out for. It is about class and knowing when to just keep quiet rather than start threads or posting on threads that make you look bad. This thread provided great information on who to avoid.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
That's why she's not stripping any more...imagine that...
Naomi4u's Avatar
It doesn't always happen just when you bargain shop....

I don't drink, period. If I was in the pressence of a woman/provider that was drunk I would not proceed with anything sexual as too many things can go wrong. Especially if she can't remember. You fellas that go through with sessions like this should read this thread and take what has happened as a result to heart. Take responsibility and realize that you do not have to have sex that damn bad.

Tiffany you really should think about talking to someone. Yes you do have a ton of positive reviews but you also have a history of drinking and you flat out admitted to it in your first post on this thread. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Disagree. This is a girl that wants to have drunk sex.

Her showcase even says ....

My rate -50 Tuesday, -40 Wednesday, -30 Thursday, and -20 Friday; So come see me asap!!! I am looking for a new laptop so will be willing to trade a good quality working laptop for a session!! **Also if you bring me a 6pack of Mikes HaRDER Lemonade then you will get a special treat in return!**
She offers discounts or maybe even special favors for a 6pack of Mikes Harder Lemonade. If you read her other reviews, a few guys have admitted to buying and bringing this along to their date with them. It is not their fault. She is flat out asking them to bring alcohol to her dates.

I however do think that the guys are playing with fire. This girl could really get someone in trouble. The men are not responsible here. She is over the legal age and old enough to make smart, adult decisions.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Both sides have now had their say. Everyone can make their own determination from the information posted.
