Married or engaged providers ruin my fantasy(so do one's with boyfriends)

kusmaldo's Avatar
@addison in time,I make the call to her tomorrow
to set up the date,so speaking from the heart is vital.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-21-2015, 08:18 AM
Ruining your fantasy, huh? But you focus on the ladies reality? And you claim you are looking for a real relationship - in this realm?

What fantasy exactly is getting ruined for you? Originally Posted by Solitaire
Is this real? Consider it the ECCIE equivalent of General Hospital.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-21-2015, 08:20 AM
After not being on here for a day or two and coming back to think on this I have concluded that you're pulling our collective leg. Please tell me you are. You have to realize that the fantasy you are looking for is unhealthy. You are mixing in reality aspects that are none Of us clients business. Originally Posted by Permission2Look
He can only pull as hard as you let him.
kusmaldo's Avatar
Okay guys todays,the big day of the date,my date.I have to get flowers.This is where,I make history.
pyramider's Avatar
Doing a tranny?
Indirah.Raven's Avatar
I've encountered this before. Some clients wouldn't see me because I was engaged...but my fiance at the time was OK with it. If you're looking for someone that isn't married, some providers will not tell you if they're attached because they don't want clients knowing their personal business.
JazzyJas's Avatar
I wear rings on my both of my ring fingers, but i'm not married or engaged or have a bf. I just like my rings on those fingers lol. I've had guys ask and i just let them know my rings are cute on these fingers hahaha

I didnt think you guys were so gun ho about rings on fingers and all that stuff. And who cares if the girl has a spouse, I'm sure most of you do lol. As long as that guy/ person isnt present and ruining your date, why do you care who she goes home to?
inspector farquar's Avatar
… I didnt think you guys were so gun ho about rings on fingers and all that stuff. And who cares if the girl has a spouse ... Originally Posted by JazzyJas
Miss, have you not read ANY of this thread?

To answer your questions, in order asked:

1.) "you guys" are not so gun ho (sic) about rings on fingers. The OP, Kusmaldo, is gun ho (sic). And maybe a bit more.

2.) The OP, Kusmaldo, cares. And probably no one else. At least, no one else who has bothered to declare themselves such.
JazzyJas's Avatar
I read some of it not gonna lie, its like what 10 pages lol. I said I didnt think you guys were concerned about it, as I see most arent. But You know certain boards have "certain" members that are a tad bit crazy hahaha
RedLeg505's Avatar
I read some of it not gonna lie, its like what 10 pages lol. I said I didnt think you guys were concerned about it, as I see most arent. But You know certain boards have "certain" members that are a tad bit crazy hahaha Originally Posted by JazzyJas
Kusmaldo went screaming past "a tad bit" ages ago. For some real laughs read his "Dinner with a dime piece" classic.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-23-2015, 11:43 AM
But the good thing is that he is relatively harmless and most of us suspect his obsession is only in his alter ego's mind.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Indirah well do the SO know that they are doing it.Honey Im going to work
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Jazzy Jas Silvia Flores was a provider from the OC. Everu guy has got to have a dream.
JazzyJas's Avatar
I make dreams come true lol
kusmaldo's Avatar
@OldT thats the nicest thing you've said all day.
Dinner was a blast though