'Twas the third day of hanukkah and the studio was full
With Jimmies to rub down and hard-ons to pull.
The far eastern ladies would giggle with glee
When Jimmie would blow they'd say, "Please now tip me."
With every new client the linens they'd change,
Until they were visited by a Jimmie most strange.
He was not a newbie, no he'd been there before;
In fact the mama-san yawned at the sight of the bore.
She wanted to slap him and tell him to leave,
But in the holiday spirit she thought, "Why not relieve
This weary old haggard man, in from the snow,
This miserable cheap haggler known as Celso."
So she swallowed her pride and showed him a room.
But then this rude ingrate asked, full of gloom,
"Surely you've someone who is prettier than you?
Please, mama-san, my balls are quite blue!
I've been texting and calling ladies all day
And have yet to find one to give me my way
For the meager pittance I offer in trade;
I feel it is due me, the disappointment life has made."
The madam by appearance took the insult in stride
But pointed to the door and said, "You get no such ride!"
At first the codger couldn't believe the ma'am and her word.
He stuttered and stammered, demeanor disturb'd.
But a new thought came upon him and with a grin
He round-housed the Madame square on the chin.
"No service," cried Celso, enraged with delight,
"There will be some bruised and battered Asians tonight!" Originally Posted by JohnnyCap