House panel finds Obama and Clinton responsible for Benghazi errors

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you fuckers STILL trying to make excuses for George W (as in WUSSY) Bush?

Hope you have a job!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yup! It wasn't defective tracking devices during the Odumbo administration that caused the problem -- it was the defective trackers; Odumbo, et al, were obviously more stupid than Bush, et al.

Incredulously, you're once again bragging about how Odumbo, idiots all, had absolutely no plan in place to track thousands of weapons once they lost LOS on the subject mules! At least the Bush administrators did have a plan in place!

Once again you've provided evidence of and underscored how Odumbo, et al, were more stupid than Bush, et al. Further, you still haven't provided the necessary factual cites to support the rest of your specious stance?

Your argument is specious and not founded on facts. More guns were lost on Odumbo's watch. Odumbo's people had no plan in place to track the guns once LOS was lost. An American agent was killed on Odumbo's watch, and Odumbo's program was not shut down until after an American agent was killed. Those are irrefutable facts that differentiate the two separate, individuated programs. Originally Posted by I B Hankering


What a bunch of retards!

I don't give a fuck if that's a harsh term for guys are fucking idiots!
NiceGuy53's Avatar
More hot air from our resident Dipshit of the Year!
flghtr65's Avatar
Yup! It wasn't defective tracking devices during the Odumbo administration that caused the problem -- it was the defective trackers; Odumbo, et al, were obviously more stupid than Bush, et al.

Incredulously, you're once again bragging about how Odumbo, idiots all, had absolutely no plan in place to track thousands of weapons once they lost LOS on the subject mules! At least the Bush administrators did have a plan in place!

Once again you've provided evidence of and underscored how Odumbo, et al, were more stupid than Bush, et al. Further, you still haven't provided the necessary factual cites to support the rest of your specious stance?

Your argument is specious and not founded on facts. More guns were lost on Odumbo's watch. Odumbo's people had no plan in place to track the guns once LOS was lost. An American agent was killed on Odumbo's watch, and Odumbo's program was not shut down until after an American agent was killed. Those are irrefutable facts that differentiate the two separate, individuated programs. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
My argument is, if you use Webster's definitions for the words same and resemblence, Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious can be considered the same. They can not be considered identical. Again, the key word is RESEMBLENCE which means: Point of likeness, similarity. You can have differences and still be the same. You can't be identical. I removed the word exact from a prior post. The agents leading Fast and Furious were reassigned. I do not believe that Holder should be forced to resign. The previous adminstration had a "Gun Running Program" as well.
flghtr65's Avatar
COF, if two presidents have sex in the oval office with a mistress and lie about it, you must impeach both of them or let both of them have a free pass. You can not impeach one and let the other go free. Do you understand now? I will give you an example of a moron. The example is when you said Ron Paul only got 66 delegates because the liberal media brainwashed 200 million people. There is your moron. Originally Posted by flghtr65
For JD Barleycorn, I have the word lie in the first sentence. No futher explanation is needed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
COF, if two presidents have sex in the oval office with a mistress and lie about it, you must impeach both of them or let both of them have a free pass. You can not impeach one and let the other go free. Do you understand now? I will give you an example of a moron. The example is when you said Ron Paul only got 66 delegates because the liberal media brainwashed 200 million people. There is your moron. Originally Posted by flghtr65
This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever seen. I mean, this surpasses even the EvaEkim level of stupidity.

The funny part is you think it is a logical response to my post.

The sad part is . . . you think it is a logical response to my post.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever seen. I mean, this surpasses even the EvaEkim level of stupidity.

The funny part is you think it is a logical response to my post.

The sad part is . . . you think it is a logical response to my post. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I B Hankering's Avatar
My argument is, if you use Webster's definitions for the words same and resemblence, Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious can be considered the same. They can not be considered identical. Again, the key word is RESEMBLENCE which means: Point of likeness, similarity. You can have differences and still be the same. One program ended in 2007, and the other started in 2009. Those two programs were no more the "same" than the years 2007 and 2009 were the "same" -- just like your "RESEMBLENCE" doesn't resemble Webster's "RESEMBLANCE." You can't be identical. I removed the word exact from a prior post. The agents leading Fast and Furious were reassigned. I do not believe that Holder should be forced to resign. The previous adminstration had a "Gun Running Program" as well. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Caution! You're still burying Odumbo!
flghtr65's Avatar
+1000 Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
The reason Ron Paul lost is because the liberal media brainwashed 200 million people. Really? You have been posting nonsense for quite a while now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy, you're too stupid to even know what part of your post was stupid.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The proper way to phrase the statement would be that he was impeached for lying under oath, to the American people, and encouraged others to lie on his behalf.
flghtr65's Avatar
Caution! You're still burying Odumbo! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IBH, forgive my typo. The concept of gun running did start under Bush. We will have to agree to disagree on Websters definitions of Same and Resemblance. Why do you want Holder to resign when Bush had a similar program?
flghtr65's Avatar
You mean "House Republicans", not "house panel", right? As CC notes, let's be accurate.

Meaningless. Just like 90% of the rest of what the conservatives and conspiracy loons say about Benghazi. Manufactured, made-up nonsense designed to further the aspirations of the republican party to try to make some sort of a scandal stick to President Obama's administration. Same as Fast and Furious. All bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
Exactly. This started with Senator Mitch McConnell statement 'I want to do everything I can to make sure Obama is not re-elected."
This has got to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever seen. I mean, this surpasses even the EvaEkim level of stupidity.

The funny part is you think it is a logical response to my post.

The sad part is . . . you think it is a logical response to my post. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Only reason you would think eva/ekim stupid is because you are unable to comprehend most of his stuff and it goes over your old bald head.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IBH, forgive my typo. The concept of gun running did start under Bush. We will have to agree to disagree on Websters definitions of Same and Resemblance. Why do you want Holder to resign when Bush had a similar program? Originally Posted by flghtr65
Another significant difference you are ignoring as you continue to illustrate how inept Odumbo, et al, behaved in Operation "Fast and Furious." Bush' people coordinated with Mexican agencies; whereas, Odumbo, et al, violated international law:

Mexico still waiting for answers on Fast and Furious gun program

Top Mexican officials say the U.S. kept them in the dark. One official was stunned to learn that the cartel hit men who killed her brother had assault rifles from Fast and Furious in their arsenal....

"At no time did we know or were we made aware that there might have been arms trafficking permitted," Morales, Mexico's highest-ranking law enforcement official, said in a recent interview. "In no way would we have allowed it, because it is an attack on the safety of Mexicans."

...."The basic ineptitude of these officials [who ordered the Fast and Furious operation] caused the death of my brother and surely thousands more victims," Gonzalez said.,0,5544168.story

Mexico lawmakers demand answers about guns smuggled under ATF's watch

Mexican politicians have criticized the ATF program as a violation of Mexico's sovereignty and evidence of U.S. arrogance toward its southern neighbor...
"This is a serious violation of international law," said lawmaker Carlos Ramirez Marin, a member of the opposition Institutional Revolutionary Party and president of the Chamber of Deputies.