If the Feds Won't Do It...

If I could make 8 times my current salary by jumping the boarder I would too. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I wonder what the boarder would think of that.
I cannot speak to unskilled labor, but skilled labor – at least in the construction business – the workers are paid decently. Not well, but at least decently. $100 per day times 52 is $26,000. Since they don’t pay taxes I’ll add 25% to that or the equivalent to $32.500 per year. Add to that entitlement benefits.

· Foods stamps are paid on a per American child basis. Say they have three kids, they get around $300 per month. Even if the kids are infants.
· WIC (Women and Infant Children) gives away free formula, milk, eggs and cheese. I knew a lady that breast fed her child (That one child got $162 a month in foodstamps.), got formula from WIC and sold it. Aside from selling the formula say they get about $100 worth of food a month.
· Free health care in the form of Medicade (care?) I pay $285 a month for my independent health care. Since we’re talking about kids, let’s throw in $50 a month for antibiotics and Riddilin (sp).

Let’s add that all up. It’s a whopping $735 extra per month or an extra $8,820 per year. Without the wife taking in a few kids to babysit, a family of five (two parents and three kids) now earns $41,320 year. Nice work if you can get it I'd say.

The only “real” money employers save is in employment (941 and unemployment taxes. They don’t have to pay them because them because the workers are paid in cash. You can’t even 1099 them anymore. The Social Security office matches the names up with the numbers now and sends out letters to employers. Employers that gets too many letters gets investigated.

Add to that, employers that pay cash for labor can’t report the income that is equivalent to the labor because it can’t be expensed off. Businesses aren’t in business to pay too much in taxes. So, think illegal immigrants are underpaid now? Think they don’t cost the American taxpayers tons and tons of hidden money?
Willen's Avatar
I jumped a boarder once. She didn't seem to mind at all, but we were both young and foolish.
Rudyard K's Avatar
The Social Security office matches the names up with the numbers now and sends out letters to employers. Employers that gets too many letters gets investigated. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
A lot of these things are "Lip Service"...and not the good kind.

As an employer I must get all the I-9 information...but much of it is false. But as long as I get it, I am covered. If I get the letter from the SS Admin, I am required to notify my employee of a discrepancy in his SS information. But because of privacy rights I can't know what the discrepancy is...I only know I am to notify him to follow up with the SS Admin. I can't even require the employee to report back to me of a fix. I have to be careful too, not to appear to be looking too hard at one race, because that would be discrimination. Another letter from the SS Admin...another notice from me...and again and again and again.

INS or SS Admin ever shows up (rare indeed) the employee moves on and starts the circle somewhere else. It is a game rigged to fail.
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  • WTF
  • 05-26-2010, 02:12 PM
WTF, you are missing the point. Nobody is saying that there is anything wrong with immigration. We are a nation of immigrants -- people with the genes to get up off their ass and go better their life. Its a good thing. The complaints to various degrees are:

1) Illegal immigrants. We set limits and quotas for reasons (not always rational) but its our country and we (through our representatives) get to make the laws. Now enforce the damn laws and keep these people out -- whether they are coming in over the southern border or flying in on tourist visa and staying.

2) Assimilate. Every wave of immigrants before you did. This isn't Italy, Iran, India or Mexico. Throw a little spice in the gumbo, but become part of us. Dont expect us to provide every service in your language. English is ours -- learn it and use it. Learn our laws and traditions. If yours were so damn important, you should have stayed home.

3) The level of the immigrants. This is an advanced economy. We don't have a lot of need/jobs for people without any skills. Yes, there are some areas (e.g., agriculture) where there is a need for temporary workers, but that is what they should be -- temporary. Just because we let you in to pick a few tomatoes, doesn't mean you get to bring an extended family of 43 people that will chew up social services. Leave them at home. Come here, earn some good money (relative to what you can get at home) and go back. Originally Posted by pjorourke

Well maybe we are both missing each others point.

1) Illegal immigrants. We are selective in our views of laws....you do know this little world of ours is not legal. Should they deport us?

2) AssimilateEach wave of immigrants faced this same charge. That is why each city in America has a Chinatown, Little Italy.....so that argument does not hold much agua! lol

3) The level of the immigrants. Why not allow doctors and lawyers and engineers to move freely across our borders. That is the true free market. Reform our SS system is the better idea. Not protect the better politically connected. Let the doctors fight with cheap labor like the freaking hard working Americans do. If we are so advanced , nobody will hire them and they will go home.
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  • WTF
  • 05-26-2010, 02:17 PM
, a family of five (two parents and three kids) now earns $41,320 year. Nice work if you can get it I'd say.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Look ....if I had four people to support....well let's just say 41k would not cut it.

I damn sure would not be bragging about it!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
The guys on TV say that doctors don't make good money in other countries. So if they run jump and swim over here it'll just lower doctors income here.
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  • WTF
  • 05-26-2010, 02:21 PM

INS or SS Admin ever shows up (rare indeed) the employee moves on and starts the circle somewhere else. It is a game rigged to fail. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Damn bippy it is! The smart folks know we need these folks and (did you see the study) it is a net gain.

Not sure where all the bitching is about?

Pour me another tequila Shelia
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  • 05-26-2010, 02:22 PM
The guys on TV say that doctors don't make good money in other countries. So if they run jump and swim over here it'll just lower doctors income here. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Fucking A!

Health care problem solved!
John Bull's Avatar
Look ....if I had four people to support....well let's just say 41k would not cut it.

I damn sure would not be bragging about it! Originally Posted by WTF
It would if you had 4 families in a house sharing the rent and the food expenses. You also have free med care at the local emergency room because they are required to treat you free - and all your kids.

Not trying to be nasty but the above is the reality. Frankly, if I could hire a day worker where I am for 10 bucks an hour, I'd have a maid, janitor, houseboy and gardener. But I still hypocritically support the Arizona law.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-26-2010, 02:30 PM
It would if you had 4 families in a house sharing the rent and the food expenses. You also have free med care at the local emergency room because they are required to treat you free - and all your kids.
Originally Posted by John Bull
No, I still do not aspire to live in a shitty house with three other families! Damn JB, that would be twenty folks crammed together. A free night at the local hospital would be a vacation!

Damn folks, these cats are workers!


I feel like we are reliving the scene in GIANT....Go Rock Hudson you gay wad, kick some prejudice people's ass!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
No, I still do not aspire to live in a shitty house with three other families! Damn JB, that would be twenty folks crammed together. A free night at the local hospital would be a vacation!

Damn folks, these cats are workers!


I feel like we are reliving the scene in GIANT....Go Rock Hudson you gay wad, kick some prejudice people's ass! Originally Posted by WTF
That's insulting and you know that's not what's being talked about here.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-26-2010, 02:44 PM
That's insulting and you know that's not what's being talked about here. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Oh Marcus....I'm sorry.

Please tell me again what is being talked about.

I love that scene.....anytime I hear all this'' immigrants bad'' talk, I'm reminded of it. Gotta throw out a reminder from time to time.

Come on Senor, don't be so sensitive, have a jalapeño and lighten up my brother!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
We don't need no stinking badges!
atlcomedy's Avatar
No, I still do not aspire to live in a shitty house with three other families! Damn JB, that would be twenty folks crammed together. A free night at the local hospital would be a vacation! Originally Posted by WTF

If I lived with 20 people I'd be inventing all kinds of ailments so I could go to the hospital...and as soon as I got there I'd start counting down the minutes until visiting hours were over