The Iranian side deals

The difference is he has to drag his sorry ass to work to support his unhappy wife and 2.3 rugrats. I get to sit around while others manage my shit while I fuck off with you shitstains. So, no, it's not how I envisioned my life would be, but I'll take it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You TAKE IT on your knees in BOTH holes down at Talleywackers woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker / y maricon y mamalon y puto !!! Viva la maricones y mamalones, tu pinche wey. Chupa la verga !!!! Orale y oral-ly !!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-06-2015, 03:24 PM
To my brother on the right who seem to hate this deal...let me ask you how you expect to have a strong Federal government when it comes to foreign policy yet weak when it comes to domestic?

Do you not understand the how those to things do not mesh ... you are want to denut the administration.
I B Hankering's Avatar
War is supposed to be the last option, I know u republicunt war mongers love to send other people to kill and die for lies but im glad Obama is not a murdering cunt like GW. You can support murder and lies if u want, its ur right to be a cunt, ill oppose it every step of the way. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Suggesting that Odumbo's only recourse would be to go to war because this treaty is not ratified is a ridiculously preposterous joke, suckclown. It's such a fuckin' hollow straw man argument one can't find a hint of straw with a magnifying glass to knock it over, suckclown.

It's quite disingenuous of you lib-retards to claim there will be a war without this treaty, suckclown. You know damn good and well that Odumbo will bend over backwards to ignore every transgression and treaty violation by Iran (look at the "red lines" Odumbo "drew" for Assad and Putin), and you know damn good and well that Odumbo would never venture to go to war with Iran for any reason, suckclown.

BTW, suckclown, Hildabeast is the murdering "cunt": her willful neglect directly contributed to the murder of an American ambassador, she voted to renew hostilities against Iraq and she was the "cunt" that promulgated the war against Libya.
dirty dog's Avatar
The difference is he has to drag his sorry ass to work to support his unhappy wife and 2.3 rugrats. I get to sit around while others manage my shit while I fuck off with you shitstains. So, no, it's not how I envisioned my life would be, but I'll take it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh I do, you know so much about me lol. If you did you would know (because its been openly discussed on the KC board), that I retired 2 years ago at the age of 50. I spend my time between my home in KC, Chicago and my home on St Croix. I'va beggin and COG I am sure has heard me discuss all this on that board many times, if not feel free to check my posts. My wife passed away a couple of years ago from cancer and my 4 kids are doing fine. See unlike you, mr. I developed an APP I can prove my wealth. You on the other hand are simply lying. Maybe you did hear of my wealth which is why you propositioned me the way you did. But the truth be known, even if I were gay and interested in sex with men, it would never be with a gardner. Have a great day Pedro, once again you have demonstrated to the board just the kind of guy you are.

PS. The answer is still NO!, Why would you want to stick your tongue up my ass anyway,.
Oh I do, you know so much about me lol. If you did you would know (because its been openly discussed on the KC board), that I retired 2 years ago at the age of 50. I spend my time between my home in KC, Chicago and my home on St Croix. I'va beggin and COG I am sure has heard me discuss all this on that board many times, if not feel free to check my posts. My wife passed away a couple of years ago from cancer and my 4 kids are doing fine. See unlike you, mr. I developed an APP I can prove my wealth. You on the other hand are simply lying. Maybe you did hear of my wealth which is why you propositioned me the way you did. But the truth be known, even if I were gay and interested in sex with men, it would never be with a gardner. Have a great day Pedro, once again you have demonstrated to the board just the kind of guy you are.

PS. The answer is still NO!, Why would you want to stick your tongue up my ass anyway,. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I don't give a shit if you spend your time between rey lingo's ass and Timbuktu. I don't know you, don't know whether you're homeless or Bill Gates, don't much care. Why in the shit would I want to check your posts? Methinks the lady doth protest too much. The fact that you're 50 though, and still playing goddamn playground games, is sad. You know I didn't send you any PM. If I had, you'd have sent it to the mods. You can't produce it, because it doesn't exist. I don't proposition men. I don't need your money or anyone else's. I have my own. I don't know about you because I don't hang out on the KC board with the rest of you faggots. Not from KC, don't even want to visit, why in the fuck would I hang out there? And it's gardEner, you stupid fuck. You may be retired, but you can't fix stupid.
dirty dog's Avatar
I don't give a shit if you spend your time between rey lingo's ass and Timbuktu. I don't know you, don't know whether you're homeless or Bill Gates, don't much care. Why in the shit would I want to check your posts? Methinks the lady doth protest too much. The fact that you're 50 though, and still playing goddamn playground games, is sad. You know I didn't send you any PM. If I had, you'd have sent it to the mods. You can't produce it, because it doesn't exist. I don't proposition men. I don't need your money or anyone else's. I have my own. I don't know about you because I don't hang out on the KC board with the rest of you faggots. Not from KC, don't even want to visit, why in the fuck would I hang out there? And it's gardEner, you stupid fuck. You may be retired, but you can't fix stupid. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well Pedro you had to have cared because you brought this up when you said I had to go to work and you didn't which was the reason for the very large difference in post counts. So your not being honest when you said you didn't care. Why do I care enough to send it to the mods, its not me that has to prove you sent it, I don't care if people believe it or not, you sent it not me. You got me there I spelled gardener wrong, but you sure got it right, must be all the practice you get from filling our job applications at the unemployment office. You do know that unemployment is not considered retirement don't you. Those weekly checks are not a pension payment. You are right about another thing, I am retired and I cant fix you.
Well Pedro you had to have cared because you brought this up when you said I had to go to work and you didn't which was the reason for the very large difference in post counts. So your not being honest when you said you didn't care. Why do I care enough to send it to the mods, its not me that has to prove you sent it, I don't care if people believe it or not, you sent it not me. You got me there I spelled gardener wrong, but you sure got it right, must be all the practice you get from filling our job applications at the unemployment office. You do know that unemployment is not considered retirement don't you. Those weekly checks are not a pension payment. You are right about another thing, I am retired and I cant fix you. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I was bullshitting. You know, what we do on here. Jesus Christ. I got it right, because I know how to fucking spell. Meanwhile, you can't even get out, but put 'our' instead. Can't isn't right either. You have no attention to detail. You're sloppy. Your and you're aren't the same word either. Completely different words. I don't receive government aid of any kind, Bob. As for not being honest, that's you, until you produce a goddamn PM. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
dirty dog's Avatar
I was bullshitting. You know, what we do on here. Jesus Christ. I got it right, because I know how to fucking spell. Meanwhile, you can't even get out, but put 'our' instead. Can't isn't right either. You have no attention to detail. You're sloppy. Your and you're aren't the same word either. Completely different words. I don't receive government aid of any kind, Bob. As for not being honest, that's you, until you produce a goddamn PM. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by WombRaider

I don't care if it's sloppy Pedro, unlike you this isn't my life. So correct away I could careless. LOL you gay guys crack me up with your pithy little ways. Your more worried about spelling on an internet board than you are the STD's you get sucking dicks through a hole in the wall. You know if you would just drop the PM subject people would forget you wrote it. I am not the one constantly brining it up.
I don't care if it's sloppy Pedro, unlike you this isn't my life. So correct away I could careless. LOL you gay guys crack me up with your pithy little ways. Your more worried about spelling on an internet board than you are the STD's you get sucking dicks through a hole in the wall. You know if you would just drop the PM subject people would forget you wrote it. I am not the one constantly brining it up. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Spelling isn't something you turn on and turn off, Bob. If you're sloppy here, you're sloppy everywhere. It speaks to a general lack of overall attention to detail in your life. You brought up the PM subject. And I've already told you that it ends when I say it ends. Brining it up? Are you frying chicken, Bob? If you'd just drop the soap in the shower, you'd get that reacharound you've been wanting.
southtown4488's Avatar
Suggesting that Odumbo's only recourse would be to go to war because this treaty is not ratified is a ridiculously preposterous joke, suckclown. It's such a fuckin' hollow straw man argument one can't find a hint of straw with a magnifying glass to knock it over, suckclown.

It's quite disingenuous of you lib-retards to claim there will be a war without this treaty, suckclown. You know damn good and well that Odumbo will bend over backwards to ignore every transgression and treaty violation by Iran (look at the "red lines" Odumbo "drew" for Assad and Putin), and you know damn good and well that Odumbo would never venture to go to war with Iran for any reason, suckclown.

BTW, suckclown, Hildabeast is the murdering "cunt": her willful neglect directly contributed to the murder of an American ambassador, she voted to renew hostilities against Iraq and she was the "cunt" that promulgated the war against Libya. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

u truly are dumb. no wonder why no one likes u.
I B Hankering's Avatar
u truly are dumb. no wonder why no one likes u. Originally Posted by southtown4488
And you're the jackass shouting about how Odumbo will necessarily become embroiled in a war with Iran if he doesn't get his POS treaty ratified by the Senate, suckclown.
lustylad's Avatar
I got it right, because I know how to fucking spell.... You have no attention to detail. You're sloppy. Your and you're aren't the same word either. Completely different words. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Spelling isn't something you turn on and turn off.... If you're sloppy here, you're sloppy everywhere. It speaks to a general lack of overall attention to detail in your life.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Who are you calling sloppy, sewer rat???

You're illiteracy is rearing its ugly head again. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Spare us the lecture, you sloppy moron. You constantly mix up your and you're. It speaks to a general lack of overall attention to detail in your life. Your customers down at the 'holes complain about it all the time!

Who are you calling sloppy, sewer rat???

Spare us the lecture, you sloppy moron. You constantly mix up your and you're. It speaks to a general lack of overall attention to detail in your life. Your customers down at the 'holes complain about it all the time!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Spare us all your presence IB. errr Lusty Srard. Sorry, I get you two confuesed.
dirty dog's Avatar
Spelling isn't something you turn on and turn off, Bob. If you're sloppy here, you're sloppy everywhere. It speaks to a general lack of overall attention to detail in your life. You brought up the PM subject. And I've already told you that it ends when I say it ends. Brining it up? Are you frying chicken, Bob? If you'd just drop the soap in the shower, you'd get that reacharound you've been wanting. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Errr... okay what ever you say Pedro, if this is helping you save face have at it I am going to go play a round or two of golf, you can sit around and think of all the ways you can spend that $643.00 a month you get from the government. Have a great day, oh hey last time you forgot to weed eat the flower bed on the south side. Make sure you get it this time. have a great day Pedro.
Just so you know dog, " It's " full name en Espanol is Pedro El Puto Pendejo. MAybe that'll get him paying more attention to detail if you call him by his full name. Makes him feel mas importante !