On the abuse in the Houston board and Eccie's reluctance to deal with it

texasjohn1965's Avatar
You are what you post.
Deleting this thread would hide the true nature of the posters involved. This entire thread is a huge stinking turd. Those that created it, should have to wear it.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar

Just as I think I am making a pretty good and concise point....... DH and BP show up with those two posts....... I'm not sure that things could really be put any better than that on 2 consecutive posts.......

Rafe, if you feel attacked by either of those posts, or for some reason cannot find a shread of VERY good advice from either......... then you may need to sincerely re-evaluate things here my man.........

Thanks to DH and BP for two EXCELLENT posts!

sky_wire's Avatar
Let's please stick to the topic of this thread.

Thank you. Originally Posted by Mokoa

Please dummy it up for me. What exactly is the topic?
notanewbie's Avatar
this threAD is making me horny...

No snow in Houston maybe a road trip?
No snow in Houston maybe a road trip? Originally Posted by maybedick
but there's a whole lot between Atlanta and Houston, beginning with my driveway.
..... but to react like a disemboweled chicken and flop around with your entrails flailing really doesn't do you much good at all...... Originally Posted by blowpop

Yeah, what he said.
JAD3's Avatar
  • JAD3
  • 01-10-2011, 10:01 PM
This isn't going to end well, just sayin'

Let's put all the cards on the table and I mean all of them, see if that light at the end of the tunnel is a train wreck. I'll start, went to lunch about a month ago, with a knobbyist that was getting some heck down at the port for maybe not being exactly a male and perhaps one of sofia's (Raphael's mistress and the puller of his strings, she's sort of horrible but we'll get to that later on trust me) thincking that a little off board face to face would provide some bonding. We like to bond down at the port and most of the regular posters know one another and have for many years. So having lunch with someone isn't really a big deal. So we have lunch and it's no big deal, except later the hobbyist tells me that sofia is blackmailing him, forcing him to obtain information on other providers and hobbyists. Personal info, where they work, marital status and so on.

This becomes quite involved and ugly but that is another story, so a few days ago Father Wayward the inoccent fluff ball of SHMB land starts getting these PMs from sofia's handle of the moment jasmin, they have all sorts of personal data about me, my wife, my kids, their cell phones and so on. Which would have most knobbyists pissing blood, but my wife knows, besides she has a showcase on eccie and I've already turned out one of my daughters, my son is running some girls in Galveston ... not really but the truth is even funnier so let's go with this small bit of poetic license for now.

Raphael would you like to keep going because this is getting to be kind of a turn on for me? Originally Posted by Wayward
I mean really everyone claims this sofia chick is all crazy and blackmails people but I have never seen that. I have visited her co-op before and have not run into any of that. I know people who have visited her co-op and no issues. If you are saying that someone else took your plates and it wasn't her then how is she at fault here. From what I've seen you Wayward are always the aggressor along with Luxury Daphne and Brooke Wild. If it is true that you are the person outing people, then it would be poetic license that someone would want to help her and give her your information. If I was in her shoes I would have burned you along time ago....that is if any of that is true. If she hasn't reacted and it is true you were a part of her outing, then she is a much bigger person than you are.

I don't know anything about any outings so I'm just kicking in my 2 cents from the outside looking in. From the history here, if she recently received your information and didn't do anything, why did you out her along with Luxury Daphne, Brooke Wild and Reese? You would have had no personal reason to do so. If you had already visited her co-op then she wouldn't have needed your info, that is if she was taking plates (which I think is BS along with the blackmailing). I visited a latina agency who openly said they ran my plates and do so on Public Data. I waited at a gas station to clear through. The screening I went through is pretty thorough, I don't think Sofia needs to do any of that.

You have your own board and yet you still come here to kick up dirt and out people without any solid proof of your reasons why. You make allegations against a co-op that I happily frequent without any problems as do other people on this board.

If she has all of your information and she has not outed you, you might as well hand over your man card to her. She has now proven to be a better man than you. From what I have read she takes full responsibility for her actions and doesn't hide behind anyone's cheap garter belts or dildo's like you.

Do not pretend to be Mr. Innocent here in the National Forum. If she does have all of your info....wouldn't you want to stop harassing her? It makes me wonder if these allegations are true. You continue to throw mud, even after she was outed. I think your trying to kill her business for your own personal profit, whatever it may be. I for one will continue to visit her co-op. The talent there is above average and I have had no issues.
This comes from someone that has only reviewed Sofia's girls.....roflmfao


Btw name calling is a rule breaker, right....Raph?
Mr Clever's Avatar
This may also show that Sofia - yes Sofia - is the most insightful and best-informed among us. She always said it was Wayward who creates those blogs outing people. Kosair thinks it is Mr_Clever. Tysteel and I think it was Hambone. Others think it is Hambone and Mr_Clever. But Wayward has just exposed himself. Originally Posted by Raphael
We'll I'm sure glad you fininally realized it wasn't me. Thank God!

Let's see it in context there Raphealla, no I didn't write that blog for the second time in this thread or ever photograph you. Now would you really like to talk about Mr Clever? That guy has a reason to be pissed! Originally Posted by Wayward
Thank you!

Now....this might be the funniest damn thread EVER! Thanks Raphie.....I never laughed so fucking hard in my life. You totally crack me up.
Wakeup's Avatar
I understand why the owners/mods act as they do in situations like this. If I was receiving 78 emails from the one person over the course of two days from them RTM'ing posts, I'd get a little annoyed as well. I somehow doubt the owners expected people to "declare victory" afterward...let alone perpetuate the same drama ex post facto...

All this does is bring to light the one thing that's been obvious all along. Now matter how much people crusade to "rid the board of drama", those same people don't really care about any such thing...all they care about is trying to beat others at the Great Game...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Father Wayward pretending to be Mr. Innocent?

Some people should not use a pen when they try to connect dots.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I mean really everyone claims this sofia chick is all crazy and blackmails people but I have never seen that. I have visited her co-op before and have not run into any of that. I know people who have visited her co-op and no issues.
................. why did you out her along with Luxury Daphne, Brooke Wild and Reese? You would have had no personal reason to do so. .......... The screening I went through is pretty thorough, I don't think Sofia needs to do any of that.

You have your own board and yet you still come here to kick up dirt and out people without any solid proof of your reasons why............

............ I have read she takes full responsibility for her actions and doesn't hide behind anyone's cheap garter belts or dildo's like you........

Do not pretend to be Mr. Innocent here in the National Forum. If she does have all of your info....wouldn't you want to stop harassing her? It makes me wonder if these allegations are true. You continue to throw mud, even after she was outed. I think your trying to kill her business for your own personal profit, whatever it may be. I for one will continue to visit her co-op. The talent there is above average and I have had no issues. Originally Posted by JAD3

I don't know anything about any outings so I'm just kicking in my 2 cents from the outside looking in. Originally Posted by JAD3
For someone who claims to not know much...... you know a hellava lot! Damn!

Well I will tell you one thing........ this latest homage to me has a much firmer grasp on things than I do apparently....... someone is MUCH better on the search button, and has A LOT more intel than little 'ol me!

While I appreciate your honoring me and my name......... I am not sure that any part of your post was helping the thread and the direction it was going........ You should have been around 2 nights ago when the mukraking was taking place......... which begs the question of whether you are here to help, or here to pick a fight and further the mud-slinging? In my opinion, I am thincking the later........ As much as I love your name (minus the number at the end) I can't say that I endorse the tactic it looks like you wish to employick a fight, hope someone slings mud, bang the RTM button in hopes to get someone a vacation......

Tisk, tisk, tisk....... and we were all getting along so well today too......

Back to your regularly scheduled discussion........

JaD(numero Uno!)
Raphael's Avatar
What's the point closing threads in Houston if they allow the Houstonians to pursue their drama here?

(+ thread highjack)
JAD3's Avatar
  • JAD3
  • 01-10-2011, 11:24 PM
For someone who claims to not know much...... you know a hellava lot! Damn!

Well I will tell you one thing........ this latest homage to me has a much firmer grasp on things than I do apparently....... someone is MUCH better on the search button, and has A LOT more intel than little 'ol me!

While I appreciate your honoring me and my name......... I am not sure that any part of your post was helping the thread and the direction it was going........ You should have been around 2 nights ago when the mukraking was taking place......... which begs the question of whether you are here to help, or here to pick a fight and further the mud-slinging? In my opinion, I am thincking the later........ As much as I love your name (minus the number at the end) I can't say that I endorse the tactic it looks like you wish to employick a fight, hope someone slings mud, bang the RTM button in hopes to get someone a vacation......

Tisk, tisk, tisk....... and we were all getting along so well today too......

Back to your regularly scheduled discussion........

JaD(numero Uno!) Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I just noticed this thread because of Waywards recent post in the Houston Coed bumping it back up. The MODS decided to allow this thread to continue. I am just posting my 2 cents, I am not mudslinging just posting my personal thoughts. I don't post as much as some people but I do read and have kept up with the drama. It is entertaining most of the time. I started reading this and there was mud all over the place! I am not employing any tactics just my thoughts on a matter appears to have gone way too far....if in fact what people say is true. I posted only what I know to be true.

I am a big fan of The Dude as well! This Dude Abides.