Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Mein Kampf (My Struggle or My Battle/Fight) is exactly what it appears to be, a National Socialism manifesto. no, it's not worth spit but reading it for context on Hitler doesn't make one a NAZI. i've never read it. i may get around to it or not.

Hitler made a nice chunk of change on the sales. didn't pay the taxes either then had the debt waived after he became chancellor. estimates vary but Hitler by the time he committed suicide in 1945 could have made as much as 10 million in total on sales. what is known is that by 1933 alone he'd made 1.2 million Reichsmarks, about 5 million euros in 2017 money.

interestingly, after becoming chancellor Hitler tried to distance himself from the book.


Arabic edition of Mein Kampf

Although Hitler originally wrote Mein Kampf mostly for the followers of National Socialism, it grew in popularity after he rose to power. (Two other books written by party members, Gottfried Feder's Breaking The Interest Slavery and Alfred Rosenberg's The Myth of the Twentieth Century, have since lapsed into comparative literary obscurity.)[22] Hitler had made about 1.2 million Reichsmarks from the income of the book by 1933 (equivalent to €5,139,482 in 2017), when the average annual income of a teacher was about 4,800 Marks (equivalent to €20,558 in 2017).[22][23] He accumulated a tax debt of 405,500 Reichsmark (very roughly in 2015 1.1 million GBP, 1.4 million EUR, 1.5 million USD) from the sale of about 240,000 copies before he became chancellor in 1933 (at which time his debt was waived).[22][23]

Hitler began to distance himself from the book after becoming chancellor of Germany in 1933. He dismissed it as "fantasies behind bars" that were little more than a series of articles for the Völkischer Beobachter, and later told Hans Frank that "If I had had any idea in 1924 that I would have become Reich chancellor, I never would have written the book."[24] Nevertheless, Mein Kampf was a bestseller in Germany during the 1930s.[25] During Hitler's years in power, the book was in high demand in libraries and often reviewed and quoted in other publications. It was given free to every newlywed couple and every soldier fighting at the front.[22] By 1939 it had sold 5.2 million copies in eleven languages.[26] By the end of the war, about 10 million copies of the book had been sold or distributed in Germany.[citation needed]

the rights to Mein Kampf are now in the public domain meaning anyone can publish it now. it would be interesting to see if anyone actually tries. bhahaaa

the book is not outright banned in Germany, neither is owning it. there are of course some restrictions.

Current availability

At the time of his suicide, Hitler's official place of residence was in Munich, which led to his entire estate, including all rights to Mein Kampf, changing to the ownership of the state of Bavaria. The government of Bavaria, in agreement with the federal government of Germany, refused to allow any copying or printing of the book in Germany. It also opposed copying and printing in other countries, but with less success. As per German copyright law, the entire text entered the public domain on 1 January 2016, upon the expiration of the calendar year 70 years after the author's death.[51]

Owning and buying the book in Germany is not an offence. Trading in old copies is lawful as well, unless it is done in such a fashion as to "promote hatred or war." In particular, the unmodified edition is not covered by §86 StGB that forbids dissemination of means of propaganda of unconstitutional organizations, since it is a "pre-constitutional work" and as such cannot be opposed to the free and democratic basic order, according to a 1979 decision of the Federal Court of Justice of Germany.[52] Most German libraries carry heavily commented and excerpted versions of Mein Kampf. In 2008, Stephan Kramer, secretary-general of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, not only recommended lifting the ban, but volunteered the help of his organization in editing and annotating the text, saying that it is time for the book to be made available to all online.[53]

A variety of restrictions or special circumstances apply in other countries.

how many here know that Hitler is not Adolf Hitler's real family name? it isn't. his father Alois Hitler Sr. was a bastard and as was common back in the day was forbidden from using his father's name, whoever that actually was. there is plenty of debate on who was his father. regardless, without being formally recognized he used his mother's maiden name.

Alois Schicklgruber


he eventually petitioned the Austrian Government to recognize his stepfather's name as his own, Hiedler. in some fluke of record keeping it was misspelled as "Hitler".

Alois Hitler Sr. (born Alois Schicklgruber; 7 June 1837 – 3 January 1903) was an Austrian civil servant in the customs service, and the father of Adolf Hitler, dictator of Nazi Germany.

Alois Schicklgruber was born out of wedlock. His mother was Maria Schicklgruber, however his biological father remains a mystery. That uncertain parentage has led to claims that Alois's third wife, Klara (Adolf's mother), may have also been either Alois's first cousin once removed or his half-niece. Alois's unknown father also meant that Adolf Hitler himself could not prove the identity of his paternal grandfather was, and thus could not prove his own "Aryan descent" according to Nazi race laws. In 1876, Alois convinced the Austrian government to acknowledge his deceased stepfather Johann Georg Hiedler as his biological father. Alois then legally changed his last name to that of his stepfather's. However during this process, the Austrian authorities misspelled his name as "Hitler" for unknown reasons. This meant that Klara was legally recognized as Alois's first cousin once removed.[1]

Adolf Hitler's parents met in 1876. While Alois was still married to his second wife, he began an affair with Klara, whom he hired as a household servant. Their relationship continued in secrecy until Alois's wife died and Klara became pregnant which prompted Alois to marry her in 1885. According to a close friend, Alois was "awfully rough" with his wife Klara and "hardly ever spoke a word to her at home". Alois treated his children with similar contempt and he often beat them.[2][3]

so if events had turned out differently Adolf Hitler would have been known as Adolf Schicklgruber.

BAAHHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
he was identified as jew. a self hating jew!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
he was identified as jew. a self hating jew! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Yep. it's one of the main reasons Hitler annexed Austria. it gave him access to all of his family records which i'm quite sure ended up in an incinerator shortly thereafter.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yep. it's one of the main reasons Hitler annexed Austria. it gave him access to all of his family records which i'm quite sure ended up in an incinerator shortly thereafter. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
is there evidence that happened?
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  • 03-07-2022, 04:23 AM
no i don't and it's amusing you keep attempting to paint anyone who doesn't like not the high gas prices but the fact that the US isn't a net exporter at the moment as anti- capitalist. when Biden gets us back to that point if he does then both the high price and your stock values will go down.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You are showing your lack of knowledge concerning the world oil market.

You equating America being a net exporter automatically meaning low oil prices is naive at best. Much like someone equating a Rooster responsible for sunrise.

If these high prices stay so for any length of time our drillers will come on line with more oil, if they can get the equipment/labor needed. That supply chain is backed up too. But that will take time.

You need to listen to CNBC instead of FOX...they have realist and guest that talk business instead of partisan politics. Just finished listening to one, great guest, wish I'd gotten his name.He knows the world wide oil business. This is a lack of capital investment and and Russian problem. Listening to that partisan nonsense is no way to invest....or go through life for that matter. You think I listen to Rachel Maddow for business opportunities?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-07-2022, 04:40 AM
syria was never Trumps to give away.

its well known that syria is a client state of russia. who's cock do think they were sucking on???? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

The withdrawal of US forces certainly took away the last bit of prophylaxis and protection that the Kurds had in Syria, and you see the reaction. The Turkish military was poised and immediately filled the vacuum," veteran Doug Wise, who served as the chief of the CIA Station in Iraq, told Insider.

"It's just a sad day in my view for the United States because, once again, we've turned our back on a loyal ally, an ally that not just shared our ideology and our goals, but actually bled for the United States on the battlefield," he continued
bambino's Avatar
According to WTF, it’s better to get oil from Iran and Venezuela than Texas and Alaska!!!!!! Makes ultimate sense!!!!!!
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  • 03-07-2022, 08:24 AM
According to WTF, it’s better to get oil from Iran and Venezuela than Texas and Alaska!!!!!! Makes ultimate sense!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Besides liking a finger(s) in your ass, your a God damn liar.

Please reread the title to this thread....I had asked no more idiors commenting on oil....unless they knew wtf they were talking about.

You need to Google the type of crude our Gulf Coast refineries process.

That is a start junior. Next would be to limit your access to Parlor.

But please just stfu talking about shit you seem to know very little about.

Start a thread about prostrate exams. The right amount of pressure needed to get you off. How many fingers you like. You know, things you're an expert on but hush about oil.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Besides liking a finger(s) in your ass, your a God damn liar.

Please reread the title to this thread....I had asked no more idiors commenting on oil....unless they knew wtf they were talking about.

You need to Google the type of crude our Gulf Coast refineries process.

That is a start junior. Next would be to limit your access to Parlor.

But please just stfu talking about shit you seem to know very little about.

Start a thread about prostrate exams. The right amount of pressure needed to get you off. How many fingers you like. You know, things you're an expert on but hush about oil. Originally Posted by WTF

seems like you know more about prostrate exams than oil ...

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Apologies to Waco for misfire. But to YSID, which scientists are queer, and more importantly, does it matter if their are queer and correct? Factual scientific feedback with citation to scientific sources welcomed. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I cited the publication, which you provided and the "titles of the articles". I mentioned a solid solution your earwax issue: .

I had already burned through my couple free reads on their site learning about the problems queer scientists face in "Coming Out at Work May Impact Productivity" and the 7:1 ratio of male to female psychopaths in "Is Psychopathy a Male Problem?" and of course many, many on climate change. I was a bit heartened by one "How Hot Will Climate Change Make the Earth By the Year 2100?". At least they are calling a longer play than the last couple times where we were emphatically warned we would all be dead within 9 years or 15 years, both of which have already passed. On the upside, they did mention that on the galactic scale, life on Earth is but a mere 1-2 seconds - so my pecker should last at least that long. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
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  • 03-07-2022, 12:07 PM
seems like you know more about prostrate exams than oil ...

bhahahhahhaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I know that I hate getting one whereas, bambino pays extra to our lovely ladies to stink up their fingers digging around in his bumbum!

Now quickly....tell me what % of oil we import from Canada vs Russia for refining using 2021 numbers.

Do you think we refine the majority of oil we drill here or ship it elsewhere to be refined?

Without sanctions, do you think the world exchanges oil to get the most efficient use of pricing?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I know that I hate getting one whereas, bambino pays extra to our lovely ladies to stink up their fingers digging around in his bumbum!

Now quickly....tell me what % of oil we import from Canada vs Russia for refining using 2021 numbers.

Do you think we refine the majority of oil we drill here or ship it elsewhere to be refined?

Without sanctions, do you think the world exchanges oil to get the most efficient use of pricing? Originally Posted by WTF

re post the question without being a snarko and i'll consider it
Isn't it typical how a discussion on this board, in this case energy independence, gets diverted to alternate topics such as Mueller report, Hitler books, name calling, etc., instead of rational discussion.

One or two have touched on my central question: Why rush to consume today a resource in limited global supply (50 yr supply +/- depending on unknown variables) when there are alternatives available (albeit even at higher current cost). As some have pointed out, oil is a global marketing therefore sales are not completely in our control. On the converse, oil supplies are also we want to be a country entirely dependent on the remaining reserves of other countries 50 years from now because ours are gone?

Many here like to expound on the wisdom of the founding fathers and rightly so. But their foresight is based on concern for establishing a basis to benefit not only their circumstance, but the circumstance of generations to follow.

Much current thought seems to ignore the effect of their words and actions on those who will survive us, as opposed to the insight of our forefathers (perhaps even fathers). Hence my admonition to think beyond the length of you prick.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Many here like to expound on the wisdom of the founding fathers and rightly so. But their foresight is based on concern for establishing a basis to benefit not only their circumstance, but the circumstance of generations to follow... Originally Posted by reddog1951
I'm not readily recalling any founding father who expound on the wisdom of taking things away from people so they can find alternative things to replace them, other than tyranny. They never said liberty should be taken away from people so that they could learn how to live with something else. In fact one founding father observed: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

You got some examples to share here that support your claims?

Here are a couple troubling ditties from ol' Abe Lincoln that speak ill of your intentions:
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." Notice how he didn't say get rid of all thorn bushes and learn to live with crappy flowers?

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Welp... shooting a bit behind ye olde duck for ya, to say the least.

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
" He was obviously a witch and should be burned at the stake. Eh Comrade?

Quit jiving us with your cosmik debris. F. Zappa
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  • 03-07-2022, 02:53 PM
re post the question without being a snarko and i'll consider it Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
To you....impossible.

I already know you do not understand how integrated world wild oil is....or was, Putin looks like he might fuck that up.

Otherwise you would not be saying the silly partisan nonsense you've been spouting. Although, to be fair, you are getting a few things correct. You're head and shoulders about the rest of the Trump loving section of the forum.
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  • 03-07-2022, 02:57 PM
I'm not readily recalling any founding father who expound on the wisdom of taking things away from people so they can find alternative things to replace them, other than tyranny. They never said liberty should be taken away from people so that they could learn how to live with something else.

B]Quit jiving us with your cosmik debris. [/B]F. Zappa Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Are you talking about the founding fathers who had no problem enslaving a whole race and stealing land from the natives?

Thos liberty and freedom lovers?