Christianity is what's wrong with American politics.

bojulay's Avatar
We live in a republic governed by a constitution. Democracy by itself can lead to
great evil. What if the majority of a people are radical muslim, then sharia law can become their constitution. Scary. We happen to have the best constitution out there, and attacks will always come against it wheather by false interpretation,
or some group trying to establish some erroneous amendment. ( The false idea of an evolutionary constitution ) Or just the plain old ignoring of it.

In all fairness the fair tax could lead to a huge black market for
goods and services. I see a potential for millions of under the table
deals. Who is going to regulate that. Close one door open another.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-08-2011, 05:35 PM
Doove, the Constitution isn't so much a document that WE must follow, it is a document that the GOVERNMENT must follow. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Entirely irrelevant. The point is that you, more than anyone in here, all too often don't even bother to try to argue something on its own merits. Instead, you simply throw out that it's what your interpretation of the constitution says as if that's all that matters. Only when you don't like what the Constitution allows do you want the argument to be about the individual merits of what's under consideration.

When "as per the Constitution" is your only argument in half your discussions, then i can only wonder, why is that not your argument when referring to the income tax?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There are no inconsistencies with our
Founding documents. The means by
which certain Amendments were 'passed'
leave a lot to be desired. Have you read
the Amendment establishing the IRS?
It is one of the most overreaching laws
established in this Republic. Congress
can raise taxes irregardless of regional
populations, percentage of tax is decided
by Congress- in short the govt says it
may take what it wants, when it wants,
as often as it wants, from whomever
it wants.
And I'm to believe my fellow citizens
gave the govt the right to grift by
a plurality of the electorate?

Nope nothing doing.

Our Founding Fathers were not mere
17th century people. The govt they
conceived had not existed since
ancient Athens. The govt would be
a servant of the people, the people
were their own master.
Whereas so called 'modern' govt forms
are in fact retreads of tyrannies of old.
Progressives aren't espousing anything
that pharoah's, kings, and kahns haven't
pushed on the people before.
Progressives espouse what in practice
can only be described as a mix of the
worst aspects of plutocracy and

Our Founding Fathers were highly
distrustful and opposed to strong
cent govt. Hence the 10th Amendment.
They were aware that it would be
possible for their creation to get
corrupted over time. In the
Declaration of Independence the
Framers left instructions on what
to do when the govt became dismissive
of the voice of the people.
It's what the 2nd Amendment is all about.
The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting,
unless you count hunting traitors and
civic enemies of the State.
Take up arms, rise up, forcibly throw them out.

That's why libs and progressives dislike guns.
When the time comes they know what end
of those guns they will likely see.
A few of you have guns; not enough to
even make it fair. Everyone I know is
capable of equipping at least 6 of their
neighbors with longarms and ammo
if they weren't armed already.

Ballots first
Bullets next Originally Posted by anaximander
last time that happened, the South lost the war.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doove, the income tax is wrong. The amendment should be repealed. We've done it before with prohibition. I would also repeal the 17th Amendment. Neither of those amendments reflect the vision of our Founders as a free republic. The Constitution itself is flawed, but it is the best that humans have come up with in centuries. And it is NOT irrelevant that the Constitution puts restraints on government. That is the POINT of the Constitution. I want government to stay within the Constitution and out of my business.

Make a rational argument and you will get a different response. Normally you are so far left field I can't make sense of what you try to say.

But thanks for the entertainment.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-09-2011, 04:21 AM
Doove, the income tax is wrong. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So is letting poor people rot. "But the constitution, the constitution..." you say.

You really don't see how you're a hypocrite in this, do you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, I do not. Please enlighten me. Thank you.

Truth=Old Guy

Patent Lie=Cute

You are what we call a Midnight Oasis, it's late and Miss America ain't coming in.
  • Laz
  • 11-09-2011, 06:52 AM
So is letting poor people rot. "But the constitution, the constitution..." you say.

You really don't see how you're a hypocrite in this, do you? Originally Posted by Doove
You assume that the states will not provide for those in need within their state. We are not saying screw the poor we are saying that the problem should be solved at the state level like the Constitution requires. Those closest to the problem are the best at determining a solution. It is also much easier to change the government at the state level than it is at the federal level.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You assume that the states will not provide for those in need within their state. We are not saying screw the poor we are saying that the problem should be solved at the state level like the Constitution requires. Those closest to the problem are the best at determining a solution. It is also much easier to change the government at the state level than it is at the federal level. Originally Posted by Laz
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So is letting poor people rot. "But the constitution, the constitution..." you say.

You really don't see how you're a hypocrite in this, do you? Originally Posted by Doove
why does every thing have to start and end at Washington D.C..?
I'm a hypocrite because I don't like the 16th Amendment. ?? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, you're a hypocrite because you disagree with Doove. In his mind, that apparently constitutes prima facie evidence of hypocrisy!
Look at what Doove said in post #123:

...And i won't even get into the hypocrisy from Captainmidnight in all this. Originally Posted by Doove
What?!? This is just ridiculous.

What "hypocrisy" from me "in all this?" This is my first post in the entire thread!

Doove cannot point to any instance where I exhibited hypocrisy, here or anywhere else in the forum, without twisting, weaving, and projecting. He needs to get over his continuing obsession with this.

It's actually quite humorous to read some of this crap! From now on, I'm simply going to try to be entertained by clowns like this.
anaximander's Avatar
last time that happened, the South lost the war. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not true. I suggest you reread Civil War history and what
led up to it. But to play with your game, the North
is not the industrial giant now that it was then.
The Southern states are in a much better
position now than then.

In case you didn't know or were unaware,
Texas was never conquered by Union forces.
The very last battle was fought here.
And the Union forces lost.
Texas capitulated because you can't have
a Confederacy of one.

Remember the numbers
Union casualties: 300,000
Conf. casualties: 150,000
And that was with advantage to the North.

Now? ehh not pretty.
Truly dread mon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Truth=Old Guy

Patent Lie=Cute Originally Posted by catnipdipper

Hey, two out of three ain't bad.

Oh, and you missed out. Some clown on here called me an arrogant asshat. That's better than anything you have called me. You've met your match, my friend.

You can worship wherever you damn well please. Just keep it out of my face. Originally Posted by Doove
Agreed. I'll support anyone's right to worship who and how they want…………but,

…………the Big Guy says this:

Why do you want to worship in "public places"?

5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 6:5 - 6 (KJV) Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I think that Christianity or any religion needs to be left at one’s threshold. I know it is hard to disassociate from one’s religious beliefs, but truly, I am not concerned with others’ beliefs; I am only interested in mine. That is not to say I want others to believe as I do, because I believe everyone has the right to worship any deity they choose. I just don’t want to be subject to anyone else’s beliefs. Personally, I feel the radical fundamentalist Christian movement has don’t nothing but hurt the Christian cause and the people that the fundamentalist Christians wish to subjugate to their Puritanical beliefs. Basically it has become a policy if “It would make me feel better about myself is you’d just do, act and think as I would like you to.” I have no time for it, and all it serves is to make the rest of us angry, amused or both. In my case, both.
anaximander's Avatar
Agreed. I'll support anyone's right to worship who and how they want…………but,

…………the Big Guy says this:

I think that Christianity or any religion needs to be left at one’s threshold. I know it is hard to disassociate from one’s religious beliefs, but truly, I am not concerned with others’ beliefs; I am only interested in mine. That is not to say I want others to believe as I do, because I believe everyone has the right to worship any deity they choose. I just don’t want to be subject to anyone else’s beliefs. Personally, I feel the radical fundamentalist Christian movement has don’t nothing but hurt the Christian cause and the people that the fundamentalist Christians wish to subjugate to their Puritanical beliefs. Basically it has become a policy if “It would make me feel better about myself is you’d just do, act and think as I would like you to.” I have no time for it, and all it serves is to make the rest of us angry, amused or both. In my case, both. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
How about practice what you preach. Not so much you
per se, rather the side you espouse.
School for example should be about educating
instead we get indoctrinating.
Our kids are out of the top 5 nations in
science and math. But they know about condoms
and that same sex relationships are normal.
Our kids feel better about themselves than
kids in other nations- great self-esteem
based on nothing of substance.

I am unaware of any public prayer rallies
wherein any trouble was caused.
It's not believers raping girls in tent villages,
wrecking parks with trash and human waste,
causing businesses to lose money,
having all night drug parties in the tent villas,
defecating on police cars,
or running around naked with children present.
So I am a bit confused as to what christians
have done other than reject the gay mafia's
attempt to culturally legitimize their degenerate
lifestyle and oppose any earth worship in the
form of ecoillogical junk being proseletyzed
to their children.

Well okay we have managed to reverse
majority opinion against RvW.
We'll have to change hearts,
before we change the law.
Know this: RvW will be repealed/rescinded
in my lifetime. I am surer of this than
the Sun rising every morning.

You ain't seen nothing yet.