the riots and violence

boardman's Avatar
Or what happened in CHOP early this morning......

Guess the “block party” is over...... Originally Posted by Russ38

You beat me to it.
boardman's Avatar
If everybody is packing heat under the concealed carry rules......why aren't there more gun battles in the streets ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

boardman's Avatar
Republicans supported the takeover of a federal building by the domestic terrorist group, Bundy ranchers.

Republicans called that deadly takeover, and shooting at law enforcement "patriotism." *face palm*

*A Seattle block party is anarchy.
*A deadly takeover by Republican fanatics is patriotic.
Got it, cool. Originally Posted by USAsoldier

The Bundy bunch has faced years of prosecution and it's still not over. Since you are comparing the two I take it you support the same fate for the CHOP group.
I for one am sick and tired of all the bullshit and with 2020 all together. I for one am sick and tired of all the bullshit and with 2020 all together. I don’t think I’ve ever been called a white privileged racist bitch so many times in my entire life all because I have an opinion and state some facts that some don’t like or agree with ! I refused to get on my knees and apologize for being white and I’m very embarrassed for my race that some people are actually doing this. I refused to get on my knees and apologize for being white and I’m very embarrassed for my race that some people are actually doing thisI do however find it humorous that Pelosi and her band of hoodlums or the colors of the African tribe who basically kidnapped and abducted certain Africans and hired are contracted with Europeans to ship them to America where the majority died and the ones that didn’t we’re sold into slavery so basically they were just like slave traders which is fitting being that the Democrats and correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the Democrats not want to get rid of slavery ? I’m tired of the insults being thrown at me because I’m white and my ancestors all the horrible things he did like I can’t tell you How many times I’ve heard “Do you think you can do it ever you want with your white privilege just cause your ancestors brought black people from Africa here And sold them as slaves and sold them as slaves“. No they didn’t white people are too lazy for all that someone else brought him here after your black people snatch them up and ship them across the The ocean and if you put something for sale in front of a white person chances are they’re going to buy it if it makes your life easier not being racist just stating facts. I really am not racist unless you consider the fact that I hate all ignorant people equally of all colors but this whole situation is making me lean towards being racist because of all these racist people coming at me. I really am not racist unless you consider the fact that I hate all ignorant people equally of all colors but this whole situation is making me lean towards being racist because of all these racist people coming at me.

And God forbid You bring up George Floyd’s victim the pregnant lady he held a gun to her belly asked her if He wanted him to kill her unborn baby, While him and his four thug friends demanded drugs and money beat her up robbed her left. while him and his fourth thug friends demanded drugs and money beat her up robbed her left. Because he didn’t deserve to die like he did but he was in fact resisting arrest when it takes two officers to pull you out of the car initially that’s resisting he was in fact committing a crime and trying to use counterfeit money but the people here will tell you he lost his job he was trying to turn his life around he’s just doing what he hast to do well a lot of people lost their jobs but they’re not manufacturing fake money. Because he didn’t deserve to die like he did but he was in fact resisting arrest when it takes two officers to pull you out of the car initially that’s resisting he was in fact committing a crime and trying to use counterfeit money but the people here will tell you he lost his job he was trying to turn his life around he’s just doing what he hast to do well a lot of people lost their jobs but they’re not manufacturing fake moneyAnd you could tell by this video he did not want to go across the street to the cop car you cannot hear him but his facial expressions and gestures tell the story. And you could tell by this video he did not want to go across the street to the cop car you cannot hear him but his facial expressions and gestures tell the storyAnd all these camera angles but yet no one can show us what happened in that four minutes where the car was blocking what was going on are you see is for officers moving around quite a bit I’m gonna go ahead and go on a limb and say he was probably fighting back otherwise I don’t think these four officers one black one Asian and two white would have been on his back ! if he was changing or starting a new life and turning his life around and helping kids and being a good citizen why was he A on fentanyl and meth B using counterfeit money and C resisting arrest? And I’m sorry but a mural downtown of him with angel wings is kind of far-fetched if you ask me he’s getting a damn hero’s welcome like he went off and saved us all During a war .

And then you have Mr. Brooks who passed out drunk in Wendy’s drive-through line was very cooperative as well as the officers a lot of respect as he failed the field sobriety test and blew something Like a .108, and then as soon as he gets a handcuff on him he fights both of his officers bring him to the ground steals a taser runs away turns back points the Tayser at the officer and get shot and somehow the officer gets charged with 11 Felonise one being felony murder like it was premeditated? And of course everyone jumped on that bandwagon and says they’re racist murdering Evil cops. They didn’t have to shoot him in the back he had a non-lethal weapon they should use their non-lethal weapon will have Mr. Brooks not taking the cops non-lethal weapon he might have gotten shot with it instead of the actual gun. They didn’t have to shoot him in the back he had a non-lethal weapon they should use their non-lethal weapon will head Mr. Brooks not taking the cops non-lethal weapon he might have gotten shot with it instead of the actual gun. But let’s not forget the fact that he was on parole being released early because of Covid for beating his three children he was talking so sweetly about to the officers earlier. But let’s not forget the fact that he was on parole being released early because of Covid for beating his three children he was talking so sweetly about to the officers earlier Knowing he was not going home to these children he abused if the mother has any time come in since she would’ve gotten a restraining order knowing he was not going home to these children he abused if the mother has any time come in since she would’ve gotten a restraining order. Maybe he was running because he didn’t wanna go back to prison And complete his sentence for the child abuse and add more time on from his second DWI but of course they’re saying he should have been allowed to walk home or be driven home to sleep it off and they should’ve returned his car to the rental company this is laughable to me and complete his sentence for the child abuse and add more time on from his second DWI but of course they’re saying he should have been allowed to walk home or be driven home to sleep it off and they should’ve returned his car to the rental company this is laughable to me I don’t care what color you are do you have that kind of record you have more than one do you lie and you blow that high and you fail every test you are not getting driven home by the cops they are going to do their job which is to arrest you because it’s the law and they should be mad at Wendy’s and burn it down and say he they should’ve called the cops. I don’t care what color you are do you have that kind of record you have more than one do you lie and you blow that high and you fail every test you are not getting driven home by the cops they are going to do their job which is to arrest you because it’s the law and they should be mad at Wendy’s and burn it down and say he they should’ve called the copsMaybe he shouldn’t of drove that drunk and endanger the lives of innocent people on the roads or passed out in the drive-through he should’ve put in a spot and slept if that’s what he needed. Maybe he shouldn’t of drove that drunk and endanger the lives of innocent people on the roads or passed out in the drive-through he should’ve put in a spot and slept if that’s what he needed On one hand I really don’t want the grand jury to indict these two cops who are doing their job but then if they do dismiss it be prepared for more riots and looting where it’s OK to kill someone burn down their home their business take away their livelihood as long as you’re doing it in the name of somebody who is a multiple felon and a criminal who had he just complied would still be alive and somehow it’s all legit protesting with millions of people no mask and no social distancing but God for bid you have a Trump rally Alyson will be back on stay at home. Don’t gather in large groups our county judge is an idiot or mayor is a freaking idiot our governor thank God open no bars no they were just bring back sports I would be very happy
Well then it looks like I made up for a good month or two or more of not saying anything on Eccie LOL y’all have a good day and be safe ! social distancing sucks by the way. We were not meant to be isolated. And just a thought before I go , wearing a mask outside with the Houston heat and humidity is like wearing a little petridish on your face where it is the perfect amount of heat and moisture to grow your own little bacteria farm. LOL. You might as well go ahead and leave some food out to start getting moldy so you can make some penicillin to Treat your new virus or bacterial infection you’re creating. If you’re lucky then even after you
O'Mike's Avatar
One observation from the Pasadena Gun Show yesterday. Lot of folks buying self defense type weapons. Lot of them are, lets say, normally considered locked in voters for the party who currently campaigns and likes to restrict their access to said firearms. Maybe they will vote for the folks who support honest Americans and their 2nd amendment rights come November. Lot of panic out there fueled by the media.
(While it was busy, not a busy as the two previous weekends.)

Another observation regarding this subject.

Now, while the black man can be denied a vote, while the Legislatures of the South can take from him the right to keep and bear arms, as they can—they would not allow a n%$#o to walk with a cane where I came from, they would not allow five of them to assemble together—the work of the Abolitionists is not finished. Notwithstanding the provision in the Constitution of the United States that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged, the black man has never had the right either to keep or bear arms; and the Legislatures of the States will still have the power to forbid it, under this [Thirteenth] Amendment. They can carry on a system of unfriendly legislation, and will they not do it? Have they not got the prejudice there to do it with? (Frederick Douglass, In What New Skin Will the Old Snake Come Forth? Address delivered in New York City, May 10, 1865, pp. 83-84 [In Frederick Douglass Papers, series 1, vol. 4).

Fortunately for America, this was addressed in 1866, with the Second Freedmen’s Bureau bill, The Army was tasked with enforcing “full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and estate including the constitutional right to bear arms.”

This worked until Democrat leadership in a significant number of our major urban areas decided to turn back the clock and try and disarm their constituents from the late 1960s forward.

For those interested, Conroe is having a gun show next weekend. Not in Harris County so no worries about mandatory mask wearing. As in Pasadena this weekend, it's up to you as an adult to make your own choice in that matter. A lot of people were, a lot of people were not.

VitaMan's Avatar
Many Asian countries can not stand black people, due to their experiences with them.
Had Floyd just obeyed the law and the police officers...he would be drinking a Miller Lite right now. Same for Brooks
Russ38's Avatar
Had Floyd just obeyed the law and the police officers...he would be drinking a Olde English right now. Same for Brooks Originally Posted by tbone2u
Ftfy.... Originally Posted by Russ38
And actually they would probably not be drinking a Miller light or any alcoholic beverage being that Brooks was on parole and would’ve had his second DUI case added to his sentence, And Floyd was a multiple felon facing a federal forgery charge. Yes they were very much so be alive. The new slogan should be if you comply you don’t die. Many of these, shootings would’ve been avoided had people just complied
Russ38's Avatar
At the end of the day.....There are bad apples in every tree but all of this so called “mass racism” is manufactured and being used to push an doesn’t exist and only creates tension and division between everyone....The majority of voters on both sides recognize this....
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-21-2020, 05:36 PM
The Bundy bunch has faced years of prosecution and it's still not over. Since you are comparing the two I take it you support the same fate for the CHOP group. Originally Posted by boardman
Research people. Dang it's really hard for some of these tards.
USAsoldier's Avatar
You hear that Rhogena Nicholas and Dennis Tuttle, if you comply you don't die.
It's a good think you have a neck soldier boy.
USAsoldier's Avatar
It's a good think you have a neck soldier boy. Originally Posted by tbone2u
TBoneSteak, were you one the 500 people who attended the stable genius Trump rally in Tulsa OK this past Saturday? No. Ok...