This might be a big mistake...

6. Dred Scott Decision
In 1857, Dred Scott lost his case proving that he should be free because he had been held as a slave while living in a free state. The Court ruled that his petition could not be seen because he did not hold any property. But it went further, to state that even though he had been taken by his 'owner' into a free state, he was still a slave because slaves were to be considered property of their owners. This decision furthered the cause of abolitionists as they increased their efforts to fight against slavery. Originally Posted by luxury daphne
My ATF line in a Supreme Court decision is in the dissent rendered in this case.
This woman had elected to pay (not too much, probably $20/month) more than the base advertising fee in order to include this image. So clearly, the flag was of tremendous importance to her and how she wanted to present herself. I would imagine it worked like a charm in terms of steering clients of color to other providers. Originally Posted by AveryMoore
I was just looking through New York's VIP section and look what I found.
I have no clue what her thoughts are. From my point of view she is trying to market herself as being very southern in New York. Yes, I know there are better ways of going about it. I chalk it up to being young and not knowing any better.

Since she is VIP she is able to post as many as eight photos without being charged extra.
I was just looking through New York's VIP section and look what I found.
I have no clue what her thoughts are. From my point of view she is trying to market herself as being very southern in New York. Yes, I know there are better ways of going about it. I chalk it up to being young and not knowing any better.

Since she is VIP she is able to post as many as eight photos without being charged extra. Originally Posted by Ansley
See, its her given right, but doesn't that one pic trash up her whole ad?
See, its her given right, but doesn't that one pic trash up her whole ad? Originally Posted by luxury daphne
I feel that way too. She's young and might not know any better.
I was just looking through New York's VIP section and look what I found.
I have no clue what her thoughts are. From my point of view she is trying to market herself as being very southern in New York. Yes, I know there are better ways of going about it. I chalk it up to being young and not knowing any better.

Since she is VIP she is able to post as many as eight photos without being charged extra. Originally Posted by Ansley
I don't know who writes her stuff, but it is either nonsensical or inane. And having the name "Kansas" doesn't yell "Southern Belle" to me. (It shouts Midwestern corn or pig farms, LOL.) She could have picked any name, but she picked "Kansas"? "Tara" or "Scarlett" would have been better choices, and they're cliches.
John Bull's Avatar
I don't know who writes her stuff, but it is either nonsensical or inane. And having the name "Kansas" doesn't yell "Southern Belle" to me. (It shouts Midwestern corn or pig farms, LOL.) She could have picked any name, but she picked "Kansas"? "Tara" or "Scarlett" would have been better choices, and they're cliches. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Kansas was a battlefield state over whether or not to join the Union as a slave or a non-slave state. She would seem to be from the southern leaning part of Kansas.
Dang! With tits like that, who cares what her politics are.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I feel that way too. She's young and might not know any better. Originally Posted by Ansley
I can't imagine anyone being that oblivious.
I can't imagine anyone being that oblivious. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well see TTH you don't imagine, which makes you appear to be very closed minded.

For the most part people learn from their surroundings and what they have been exposed to in life. Believe it or not there are still rural areas of the south that are cut off from mainstream America. If she moved from one of those areas there is a chance that she hasn't learned how to be politically correct every time she turns around. She's young give her time.
Now Ansley, don't be questioning TTH. He is one sophisticated dude. After all, he votes Democratic and likes France. What more could you ask?
Now Ansley, don't be questioning TTH. He is one sophisticated dude. After all, he votes Democratic and likes France. What more could you ask?
Originally Posted by pjorourke
From him? Nothing.
She's young give her time. Originally Posted by Ansley
Not too much encouragement Ans. Next thing you know, her prices will be competing with Carys.

[In which case, she'll have an international flavor, and maybe then will be attractive to TTH. LOL]
I think the OP should ask the gentleman that supplied the "Rebel Flag Provider" as a reference, what he thinks of her choosing that as one of her pictures.
I have not had much contact with people who display the Rebel Flag. Wasn't the Rebel Flag on the Dukes of Hazard car? Someone mentioned in an earlier post that it could simply be a southern pride thing. I tend to agree.
I I chalk it up to being young and not knowing any better.

. Originally Posted by Ansley
I think you are right.when I was in my teens I had my Goth stage .I dressed all in black, kept my skin stark white, and would go around quoting text from the Satanic bible to anyone who would listen.Of course some people thought I was an actual devil worshiper who sacrificed baby's, and small animals in my spare time. I naturally got off on the fact that I could scare, and shock some people with just a look, and a few words. I was actually not much of a threat to anyone but myself. I was just tired of being bullied, and that was my way of intimidating people.That is youth for you ,It is so hard to see that there is a whole other world out there when your experience has up to that point been so limited..

Anyway she is a very pretty girl .I bet that was what her client was looking at when he decided to contact her. If I was male I would have never even made it to the flag on picture four
From him? Nothing. Originally Posted by Ansley