new details on JFK assassination

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
early reports from the CBS News Alert were interesting to hear/read. had closed caption on.

according to the early reports which started at 10:00.

It said JFK was shot. then it goes to say that the motorcade stopped for a bit to let the agents off and were headed toward the grassy knoll/picket fence. shots were fired/exchanged. Identifies man & woman by the picket fence. reports that 1 secret service agent killed. 4

this repeats again in a later broadcast at 17:43. mentions the above report.

the reports are never mentioned again thereafter.

what are your thoughts about this?

I wasn't able to pull up the transcript of it.
Next up for you sleuths is 9/11....

Originally Posted by WTF
Planes have hit buildings in the past. know of any that just collapsed into their own foot print like the WTC?
bambino's Avatar
Here’s an interesting article. Dr Perry, who worked on Kennedy with McClleland. Perry gave a brief presser after Kennedy was pronounced dead. He described Kennedy’s wounds..Afterwards a CIA approached him and said “ never speak of Kennedy’s wounds again. Or else.” Perry never spoke about it again.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Here’s an interesting article. Dr Perry, who worked on Kennedy with McClleland. Perry gave a brief presser after Kennedy was pronounced dead. He described Kennedy’s wounds..Afterwards a CIA approached him and said “ never speak of Kennedy’s wounds again. Or else.” Perry never spoke about it again. Originally Posted by bambino

interesting read. a couple of things ..

this is rather chilling ..

"And like many, Dr. McClelland has struggled to fill in the blanks about the details of the assassination himself. He frequently references one book “of the 32,000 out there” on the event – JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, by James W. Douglass, which argues that military and intelligence agencies in the U.S. are responsible for President Kennedy’s assassination and the subsequent cover-up. According to Douglass, those organizations were upset by JFK’s evolving stance on the Cold War and, desperate to win, they plotted Kennedy’s death because he was “getting in the way” of their plans for a nuclear strike."

since Kennedy was killed and therefore "eliminated" what prevented this planned preemptive strike since we know that it didn't happen?

i haven't read Douglass's book, does anyone who has know if he makes any mention of why no strike ever happened? what changed?

as a side note it is known that at various times the leadership of the U.S.S.R. also seriously considered a preemptive first strike against the US but that didn't happen either.

also if Dr. McClelland is certain the head wound in the back was an exist wound, where was the entry wound? why doesn't he mention that? certainly they would have been able to see some entry from the front? the neck wound couldn't be it, it's way too low unless it really was a "magic bullet".

also, if you watched the video IB posted toward the end where the Aussie guy who is a ballistics expert, after he successfully re-created the "magic bullet" shot they took the findings to another medical expert who concluded it was two shots to create the total damage only to be shocked to watch the video proving one shot had done it all.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

this was taken in 2014. this is about the chain of custody of the zapruder film. the film is long 1.5 hours.

the film we see on youtube and interent is not the original film. it was altered.

the chain of custody of the zapruder film is interesting...

Zapurder family sells the film to Life Magazine for $150,000.

Life Magazine then turns the film over to Secret Service.

Secret Service then turns over the film to CIA Photography division over the weekend (23 - 24).

Buglisosi who was interviewed was the duty officer and Photo interpreter that weekend. He saw the film and made some 20x20 bulletin prints. Unbeknownst to him, another job was made by a different group after he went home on sunday. this 2nd group made copies of the original and altered it.

the altered film is then returned to Life Magazine on monday.

the film is returned to Zapruder family for $1 after a bootleg copy of the zapruder film was released in 1975 by ABC.

The zapruder family transferred the film to the national archives for safe keeping.

federal govt. keeps film after its declared essential as part of assassination record. Congress compensates zapruder family for $16 million.

the film Bugliosi and others saw was not the same film that is out today.

Host makes point that 2 things were altered, the motorcade stop and the "crude cover up" of the exit wound.

so, this means a number of frames were missing from the "altered" copy.
Anybody remember a young pup named "Geraldo" showing the Zapruder film late one Friday night for the first time on public TV? I do.
bambino's Avatar
interesting read. a couple of things ..

this is rather chilling ..

"And like many, Dr. McClelland has struggled to fill in the blanks about the details of the assassination himself. He frequently references one book “of the 32,000 out there” on the event – JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, by James W. Douglass, which argues that military and intelligence agencies in the U.S. are responsible for President Kennedy’s assassination and the subsequent cover-up. According to Douglass, those organizations were upset by JFK’s evolving stance on the Cold War and, desperate to win, they plotted Kennedy’s death because he was “getting in the way” of their plans for a nuclear strike."

since Kennedy was killed and therefore "eliminated" what prevented this planned preemptive strike since we know that it didn't happen?

i haven't read Douglass's book, does anyone who has know if he makes any mention of why no strike ever happened? what changed?

as a side note it is known that at various times the leadership of the U.S.S.R. also seriously considered a preemptive first strike against the US but that didn't happen either.

also if Dr. McClelland is certain the head wound in the back was an exist wound, where was the entry wound? why doesn't he mention that? certainly they would have been able to see some entry from the front? the neck wound couldn't be it, it's way too low unless it really was a "magic bullet".

also, if you watched the video IB posted toward the end where the Aussie guy who is a ballistics expert, after he successfully re-created the "magic bullet" shot they took the findings to another medical expert who concluded it was two shots to create the total damage only to be shocked to watch the video proving one shot had done it all. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Go to the 8 minute mark in the video in post 117..McClelland explains the entry of two bullets there. The second shot was the kill shot. Entered in the front and blew out the back. The CIA and Secret Service did not let Parklands forensic pathologist examine JFK. They took him back to his car and to AF1
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Planes have hit buildings in the past. know of any that just collapsed into their own foot print like the WTC? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Cripes, a twoofer. smh
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Cripes, a twoofer. smh Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

LexusLover's Avatar
Planes have hit buildings in the past. know of any that just collapsed into their own foot print like the WTC? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Can you share even links to 2-3 of these incidents?

You can take a pass on this one .... provide a couple more.

The initial steps in debunking the Russian Collusion is to identify the Russians!

The initial steps in debunking the plane didn't bring down the WTC's is .... the planes.
  • oeb11
  • 10-08-2019, 07:52 AM
LL- You post photo of a B-25 Mitchell - same type that hit the Empire State Bldg. in 1945.

Any conspiracy theorists on this????
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
please start your own 9/11 threads....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2019, 11:22 AM
Can you share even links to 2-3 of these incidents?

You can take a pass on this one .... provide a couple more.

The initial steps in debunking the Russian Collusion is to identify the Russians!

The initial steps in debunking the plane didn't bring down the WTC's is .... the planes. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Haven't come across one yet.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-08-2019, 04:35 PM