The many hateful trans threads this Easter weekend

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Trans day was on 3/31. If easter lands on someone's birthday, should we cancel it?.... Originally Posted by Salty_dick
So what? It doesn't change the fact that Easter fell on 3/31 this year. Embrace a few thousand, shun a few 100 million. You make the call.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what? It doesn't change the fact that Easter fell on 3/31 this year. Embrace a few thousand, shun a few 100 million. You make the call. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So in your opinion, ANY pre designated “day” should be cancelled if Easter happens to fall on it?

Or just “days” that make you uncomfortable?

Could you be more specific about your intolerant hatred for minorities?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Could you be more specific about your intolerant hatred for minorities? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nope, because I don't hate minorities. But then, I don't see "minority" as being a job qualification either. Well.. except maybe for the infinitely math challenge mehbe.
The true idiots are those that recognize Evangelicals. They are just honoring a group of people with a delusion that they really don't give a fuck about at all. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Fixed that for you, although I don't get the feeling that self-awareness will be creeping in here.
Kinda personal there, eh bud? Idiots? That’s rich coming from a diehard MAGA zealot.

I care not why you feel so threatened by people who aren’t just like you, but you sure seem to spill it all over this forum. Whether you like it or not, LGBTQ+ people are major threads in the fabric of our nation in 2024 and have every right to live in peace and security in this, the land of the free and the home of the brave. In my opinion America truly needs these groups to remind us who we are and who we’re supposed to be.

Yinz should take it easy with the insults and accusations there, Levi. You’re going to hurt yourself.

Live and let live. Your book says that, doesn’t it? Freedom and such? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
First of all I am not a "MAGA" Zealot. Secondly I am not threatened by Transgenders. I think you feel threatened by those that know better to even entertain such nonsense.
Fixed that for you, although I don't get the feeling that self-awareness will be creeping in here. Originally Posted by Salty_dick
Hahahaha..........You're just making a typical ass of yourself.
Hahahaha..........You're just making a typical ass of yourself. Originally Posted by Levianon17
hahahaha. I'm making the same points you are. I'll leave it to your expertise on how it feels to make an ass of yourself.
hahahaha. I'm making the same points you are. I'll leave it to your expertise on how it feels to make an ass of yourself. Originally Posted by Salty_dick
The only point you have is the one that shapes your head, lol. Now run along and stop disrupting this forum.
The only point you have is the one that shapes your head, lol. Now run along and stop disrupting this forum. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Nah. I think I'll hang out for the feeble minded jesus posts you like to make. I'm sure god can't wait for you to show up at the white/non-trans gate. lol

Nah. I think I'll hang out for the feeble minded jesus posts you like to make. I'm sure god can't wait for you to show up at the white/non-trans gate. lol

Originally Posted by Salty_dick
Why don't you go hang out with your hero Lou Cypher, lol.