Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

The lady has a point. Originally Posted by Bettie_mae
To which lady are you referring? Last time I looked, I am male, but you are not the first to get confused by my avatar and nickname.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Remember, a true gentleman is found in his garden, and is often mistaken for the gardener!
Remember, a true gentleman is found in his garden, and is often mistaken for the gardener!
Remember, a true gentleman is found in his garden, and is often mistaken for the gardener!
Remember, a true gentleman is found in his garden, and is often mistaken for the gardener!
Remember, a true gentleman is found in his garden, and is often mistaken for the gardener!
Remember, a true gentleman is found in his garden, and is often mistaken for the gardener!
Remember, a true gentleman is found in his garden, and is often mistaken for the gardener!
I didn't mean to touch a nerve, sir, my apologies, I touched a nerve though so lets talk ...
(if you're going to dish it out...shrugging my shoulders... lol)

I think you were answering what makes a person look classy.

Your list is a good start. (I want to see some feedback from others I'll be perusing tonight) the tone running through the list was intimidating.

It was your statement about not participating with a providers most valuable safety tool request - verification, that irked me. It seemed you had no regard for their need for safety. That is no bueno. What has that got to do with class anyway?

I didn't find out where the resources were to introduce new providers to your neck of the woods. I just read a condescending post by one "gentleman" that made me feel inadequate.

How about welcoming providers to an upscale forum that isn't intimidating.

Offer to take a lady to a predate dinner to go over what to expect. If she's new to some cultural things like 8 course meals, fourteen forks, palate sherbert, napkin on the lap. Teach her. Don't condemn her. Good Lord not all of us had teachers or financial ability to learn this stuff.

Never judge someone from a different background. Try to be more helpful with your forum entry by being a little sweeter. Answer the question asked. I'm sure someone really wanted answers and you probably scared them off.

Let's get classy.

Money doesn't make you a fine person. It's nice. We have to eat. Take away our wealth and privileges: Who are we?

My list of a classy traits in dude or mama is:
Self love

Style; income; confidence; natural smile; adaptability; responsibility; the ability to read others and respond in turn; polliteness and charm are good ones as well. I believe you mentioned some of those?

What does classy mean to some of you other providers and gentlemen?


Ps I intentionally placed grammatical errors and misspellings for you, you're welcome
I'm having so much fun : D!!!
Wait a minute here, what about my post was illiterate?

I don't care what you say about my class status...but you NEVER, E V E R insult my fine writing, sir!!!

I didn't see the illiteracy insult before. I apologize for the late response.

What did that statement have to do with the discussion, anyway?

I'm picturing a scenario:
You walk in the door at home. You had a great day playing golf with Donald Trump at the country club. You're replaying that impossible hole in one that made old Don.....

Your wife pops the dream bubble over your head by shouting happy anniversary!!! She's holding that (insert whatever high class guys get on their anniversary) in her hands waiting for you to reciprocate!!!!

Uh oh, her expression tightens as she realizes you forgot.

Well, now she wants to talk about it. "You don't bring me flowers....you're never home..."

You are caught off guard feeling embarrassed, defensive and say:

You're fat!!!!

Same thing as calling me illiterate. Had nothing to do with our little debate.

You're turn......NOW

Any misspellings or grammatical errors are placed for your amusement. You're welcome!
If anybody thinks a round of golf with the trump is classy, they need waking up. As Boris Johnson said, I wish he could be banned from London, so there wasn't a chance of Londoners bumping into him by accident.

trump disrespects republicans, the american flag, the american constitution, the us military, the us security services, education, muslims, i could go on for ever.

He is a great example of money (his father's) and zero class.

Please don;t mention him. It feels like walking in something nasty a dog has left behind.
So the topic now is about playing golf with Trump in london?
Why would Trump cast his pearls before the swine that are londoners.
He should display his Family Jewels at buckingham palace. Give the queen a thrill.
Show the british gentlemen their inadequacies.
I'm sorry, I'm not acquainted with your manner of speaking.
Do your research on escorts.Maybe you will find what you are looking for classy lady.Good luck
I am VERY glad I went back and read this. As a newer provider the internet, specifically ECCIE, is my main source of advice. Thank you!
Well said