Romney tops Obama

budman33's Avatar
Some would disagree. One was a lawyer for the IRS, that puts the other slightly ahead.
  • Booth
  • 06-15-2011, 07:20 AM
Some would disagree. One was a lawyer for the IRS, that puts the other slightly ahead. Originally Posted by budman33
I have no idea what that means.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
As it relates to Palin and Bachmann, "Mommie issues" has absolutely nothing to do with it.

"Incompetency issues," whether it be from a male or female candidate, has everything to do with it!

Bachmann and Palin are both incompetent! Originally Posted by bigtex

If they are that Incompetent then why is everyone giving them a ton of attention?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They're both batshit crazy and would put our country at risk.
  • Booth
  • 06-15-2011, 07:44 AM
If they are that Incompetent then why is everyone giving them a ton of attention? Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Because they're so entertaining.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If they are that Incompetent then why is everyone giving them a ton of attention? Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Again, what ARE you talking about?

Who is EVERYONE, and do you think they are competent to be POTUS because EVERYONE is giving them a ton of attention? What if they got a shitload of attention instead of a ton? Or just a tad? How about a smidgen or a pinch?

Of everyone who's announced his/her intention to seek the Republican nomination, Bachmann might be the scariest of the bunch. Until Winkypoo gets in!
  • Booth
  • 06-15-2011, 10:47 AM
If they are that Incompetent then why is everyone giving them a ton of attention? Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
For precisely that reason.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
The more attention you give them the more popular you make them. Bad press is good press. No press is bad press.

Fox News gave Obama a lot of attention during the 08 campaign. I think it could have been intentional.
  • Booth
  • 06-15-2011, 11:28 AM
The more attention you give them the more popular you make them. Bad press is good press. No press is bad press.

That applies to the entertainment world but I don't think it applies to politics. Otherwise all the bad press Weiner is receiving would somehow be good.

Fox News gave Obama a lot of attention during the 08 campaign. I think it could have been intentional. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
You think they intentionally covered the news? I suppose it's possible but it's not what they're known for.
Because they're so entertaining. Originally Posted by Booth

Same reason I watch Republican primaries. There's little more entertaining to me than listening to people like Herman Cain declare in front of the whole wide world that he would eliminate 20% of our revenue by cutting corporate and capital gains tax with absolutely no means to pay for it while we're already up to 1.4 trillion over-budget this year.

I also got a good chuckle out of Bachmann in the first twenty minutes calling the CBO the "Commercial Budget Office".

You got to admit, it's pretty freakin hilarious!