Review: No LMCC for Me!

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Good for you.

My post was in reply to the giraffe's comment, which seemed to me an end around on the OP. His session was poor because you "tell it like it is," and so by extension, he must be a person who can't handle a woman who "tells it like it is."

It seemed to me a weak argument, or more accurately, a non-argument. It was a cheap shot.

That was my one post in this thread. I was perfectly happy letting this shitstorm run its course without my contribution. But, okay, you want to debate the point further? Sure, I've got time.
This. Thread. Must. Die.

This. Thread. Must. Die.

Originally Posted by CoverMe
Naw! It's just getting good.
dolfan's Avatar
Well a week in and the thread won't end...and here I am perpetuating the continuance. Even bad advertisement is good advertisement. I've always been interested in booking with LMCC, but never took the plunge. Some of this drama is high school crap, and from reading LMCC's reviews definitely not indicative the majority consensus. I think I'm ready for a Wits and Tits massage.

HedonisticFool's Avatar
Some of this drama is high school crap... Originally Posted by dolfan
ive stayed updated with this review/thread/hoopla, and my opinion has not changed...fuking amateurs! OY and LMCC both came off looking like a couple of high school virgins, so damn nervous, and waiting for someone to make the first move...LMFAO! of course, that’s just my take, based on the volunteered details from both sides.

OY...i can’t imagine what u were waiting for. why not just naked and get down to business? ur claim is bad chemistry, but i call bullshit on that piss poor excuse. our meetings/sessions with the providers are arrangements, not a blind date. if u were waiting for the clearance to get naked, and the clock was a ticking, ur the one paying, so why not just take control of the situation? regardless, imo, i feel that bolting with all ur cash in hand was a DICK MOVE.

LMCC...ur tell it like it is, wits & tits modo must have been given the day off or was on a lunch break. i get it...u can get nervous, but why not tell stinky dick to get a move on with the session? ijs, it just doesn’t add up...


My dick didn't stink (she never even saw it!) Originally Posted by OldYeller
im sure the above statement from the original post has a back story...lmfao

best wishes,

The usefulness in this thread is in matching up some of the posts with my preconceptions regarding members. There have been some surprises I didn't expect.
Xesaddict's Avatar
I have said it earlier in this thread that I really don’t care what happened between OY and LMCC. What bothers me is that after OY posted a no review of their session, and before a mod moved the review to this forum, LMCC responded to the review AFTER having obviously read the ROS portion of the review; something she should not have been able to do without either a mandle or assistance from some WK. Then, one of our esteemed mods gave his best Sgt. Schultz, “I see nothing”, imitation and let her infraction go. This goes back to what I have said before that the mods on this website are only interested in protecting the site’s cash cows, the providers. That, and copping a few freebies whenever they can, while claiming they don’t.

For those of you too young to know of Sgt. Schultz, try finding and watching a few episodes of the sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes”.
Samcro84's Avatar
^^ I bet you also believe the moon landing was fake and Elvis is still alive working in conscience store somewhere in US.
Xesaddict's Avatar
^^ I bet you also believe the moon landing was fake and Elvis is still alive working in conscience store somewhere in US. Originally Posted by Samcro84
You lost your bet, Sam. Also, what is a conscience store? I was not aware a conscience could be purchased. Strange new world you live in.
I was not aware a conscience could be purchased. Originally Posted by Xesaddict
Easy peazy. We do it every day. Best Regards, Your Pals at the NRA.
Samcro84's Avatar
You lost your bet, Sam. Also, what is a conscience store? I was not aware a conscience could be purchased. Strange new world you live in. Originally Posted by Xesaddict
Guy like you would jump on error in thumb typing and autocorrect. Meant convenience store.
Precious_b's Avatar
No one has pointed out the specific ROS violation.
Just a he/she pov review of the pseudo session.
And as I stated, he said/she said are usually wildly different.
OY/LMCC are quite the opposite of the norm.
dolfan's Avatar
^^ I bet you also believe the moon landing was fake and Elvis is still alive working in conscience store somewhere in US. Originally Posted by Samcro84
You're wrong. Elvis retired from the post office in Omaha, NE. Also, you had to know there were the Grammar Nazi's on here and the response was predictable.
No dog in this fight but the longer it runs, the better it works for LMCC. I don't think this was Rover's intent.
Xesaddict's Avatar
No one has pointed out the specific ROS violation.
Just a he/she pov review of the pseudo session.
And as I stated, he said/she said are usually wildly different.
OY/LMCC are quite the opposite of the norm. Originally Posted by Precious_b

In her response LMCC stated she was not late it was OY who was 5 minutes late. She had to have read the ROS to make a reference that specific. Also, her rebuttal pretty much parallels OY’s narrative in detail if not in perspective. That is specific enough for me.