Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

LexusLover's Avatar
Are you a collector? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No, but it sure sounds like you are! Of dirty ones anyway.
I B Hankering's Avatar
A huge LOL. IB is, by far, the dumbest person I've ever encountered on an on-line forum. He is actually quite amusing when you simply disregard what he is saying. No one, I repeat NO ONE, right or left, Conservative or Liberal, Republican or Democrat, has openly supported his statements. That says a lot. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And you would be a liar, speedy. You sit on your princess tuffet and pretend those YOU elect do not infringe on the rights of others, speedy.

Then you agree germs are your superior in intelligence . I doubt you will find anyone who would disagree with that analogy.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
A colony of slime mold possesses more intelligence than you, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp.
And you would be a liar, speedy. You sit on your princess tuffet and pretend those YOU elect do not infringe on the rights of others, speedy.

A colony of slime mold possesses more intelligence than you, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
hankering ..0
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And you would be a liar, speedy. You sit on your princess tuffet and pretend those YOU elect do not infringe on the rights of others, speedy.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Again I'll ask you the pertinent questions. Unlike Iiffy you might even answer directly.

What has Obama done while he's been in office that have negatively affected YOU? Do YOU have less freedom of religion? Do YOU have less freedom of speech? Have any new gun control laws been enacted that have negatively affected YOU?
No, but it sure sounds like you are! Of dirty ones anyway. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have no sox? Just one of those barefoot hillbillies? Well if you don't wear sox you have no dirty ones lexie.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

It's funny how *your interpretation* doesn't jive with the last two hundred years of interpretation; whereas, mine does, speedy.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Let's review the FACTS. Is there a state in the union that does NOT have gun control laws? Why do 85% of people polled in the Gallup Poll believe that gun control laws in the U.S. are either correct or want more? If you or anyone else believes that gun control laws do not exist in the U.S. and are not supported by the overwhelming majority of the people, it simply confirms what an idiot you are. When 85% of the people agree with MY interpretation of gun control in the U.S., I think my interpretation has been validated.

Unless you can find ANY source of information that supports your interpretation of gun owner's rights under the 2nd Amendment IN THE REAL WORLD, NOT JUST IN YOUR MIND, you continue to show your lunacy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Let's review the FACTS. Is there a state in the union that does NOT have gun control laws? Why do 85% of people polled in the Gallup Poll believe that gun control laws in the U.S. are either correct or want more? If you or anyone else believes that gun control laws do not exist in the U.S. and are not supported by the overwhelming majority of the people, it simply confirms what an idiot you are. When 85% of the people agree with MY interpretation of gun control in the U.S., I think my interpretation has been validated.

Unless you can find ANY source of information that supports your interpretation of gun owner's rights under the 2nd Amendment IN THE REAL WORLD, NOT JUST IN YOUR MIND, you continue to show your lunacy.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Here's the real fact, speedy: there ARE thousands of laws on the books; yet, you and your ilk are still not satisfied with the end results. Hence, you and your ilk are pushing for more and more legislation, speedy. Those are the real facts, speedy. You and your fuckin' ilk wont stop until you have completely obliterated the Second Amendment, speedy. Feinstein, Odumbo and Hildabeast have said as much, speedy, and those are the jackasses YOU vote for, speedy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let's review the FACTS. Is there a state in the union that does NOT have gun control laws? Why do 85% of people polled in the Gallup Poll believe that gun control laws in the U.S. are either correct or want more? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I suspect that probably the same number of people, if polled, would believe that TRAFFIC control laws in the U.S. are either correct or want more.

And of those probably half regularly cut red lights and roll through stop signs.

In this country (and others) regs are for "the other guy"!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What does a discussion of gun laws have to do with the OP? Idiots (on both sides)!!! Start your own posts and get your focus back on what counts. Let me give you something to think about.

Even the White House kind of agrees that there could be up to 90,000 Muslims in this country waiting to do acts of terror (we don't know for certain with our open border). We have a multitude of soft targets just like the French newspaper or the kosher deli. What would we do as a country if there were a number of attacks on schools? Let me connect some dots (are you paying attention Homeland Security?). The defense social media data base got hacked the other day. It listed the names and addresses of top generals in our military. It would be a strategic stroke of brilliance to assassinate these generals just before some major military operation that they would be called upon to direct. How about another involving social media. You (assuming you're a terrorist) could put together a list of children going to one particular school. A list of military dependents (sons and daughters of our troops). Your little terror cell rolls up to the school and forces the office staff to call the children on your list to the office. The do the math.

Sporting events, school events, weddings, funerals, gatherings of any sort are all possible targets but we go along fat, dumb, and happy with a White House that can't even articulate the words "muslim terrorist". Doesn't really give me that warm fuzzy feeling.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here's the real fact, speedy: there ARE thousands of laws on the books; yet, you and your ilk are still not satisfied with the end results. Hence, you and your ilk are pushing for more and more legislation, speedy. Those are the real facts, speedy. You and your fuckin' ilk wont stop until you have completely obliterated the Second Amendment, speedy. Feinstein, Odumbo and Hildabeast have said as much, speedy, and those are the jackasses YOU vote for, speedy. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Find ANYWHERE where I have pushed for more gun control legislation.

I did not vote for Feinstein. No idea who Hildabeast is. I voted for Obama and during his administration there has been no additional gun control legislation passed at the federal level. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I suspect that probably the same number of people, if polled, would believe that TRAFFIC control laws in the U.S. are either correct or want more.

And of those probably half regularly cut red lights and roll through stop signs.

In this country (and others) regs are for "the other guy"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I, for one, follow laws and regulations whether I believe in them or not. Most people do.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-14-2015, 10:51 AM
Find ANYWHERE where I have pushed for more gun control legislation.

I did not vote for Feinstein. No idea who Hildabeast is. I voted for Obama and during his administration there has been no additional gun control legislation passed at the federal level. THOSE ARE THE FACTS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
IB doesn't NEED no stinking FACTS!

IB doesn't WANT no stinking FACTS!

He much prefers to just lie when he needs to.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Find ANYWHERE where I have pushed for more gun control legislation.

I did not vote for Feinstein. No idea who Hildabeast is. I voted for Obama and during his administration there has been no additional gun control legislation passed at the federal level. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Your statement in the post below matter-of-factly says that if those preconditions do not exist, then you are for MORE legislation to implement more gun laws to infringe on the rights of U.S. citizens, speedy. And your dissembling ass DID vote for Odumbo: gun control advocates, and your dissembling ass does vote for the likes of Hildabeast and Feinstein: gun control advocates, speedy.

I support concealed carry, but only when the person has a license to do so. Very simple reasoning -- I want to make sure that any person carrying a concealed handgun has at least a basic skill in handling the handgun and has a basic understanding of under what conditions that handgun should be used." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

IB doesn't NEED no stinking FACTS!

IB doesn't WANT no stinking FACTS!

He much prefers to just lie when he needs to.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Actually, Old-THUMPER, what's not needed is stupid, stinking remarks from a stupid, stinking drunkard such as yourself, Old-THUMPER.
Find ANYWHERE where I have pushed for more gun control legislation.

No idea who Hildabeast is. . Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hildabeast=Hillary Clinton
rioseco's Avatar
Let's review the FACTS. Is there a state in the union that does NOT have gun control laws? Why do 85% of people polled in the Gallup Poll believe that gun control laws in the U.S. are either correct or want more? If you or anyone else believes that gun control laws do not exist in the U.S. and are not supported by the overwhelming majority of the people, it simply confirms what an idiot you are. When 85% of the people agree with MY interpretation of gun control in the U.S., I think my interpretation has been validated.

Unless you can find ANY source of information that supports your interpretation of gun owner's rights under the 2nd Amendment IN THE REAL WORLD, NOT JUST IN YOUR MIND, you continue to show your lunacy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Where in the 2nd Amendment does it say that it is up to your interpretation to limit or restrict firearms ownership ?
Or for that matter, the said 85% that you claim ?

The 2nd Amendment says nothing to throttle,limit or restrict ownership and use of any arms, period !
It says nothing to empower federal,state or local governments to restrict arms either.
It does say, "the rights of the people to bear arms shall NOT be infringed upon.

It does not say the right will be regulated by "SpeedRacer" or any other well intentioned person,group or entity.
If you can prove otherwise, please do show us here.