Trump Card

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Jessie gave a lengthy interview with Piers Morgan the other day. He says he's been living in Mexico the last few months. He's promoting his latest book and he's suing the TSA.

He's also thinking of killing off Jessie Ventura.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No joke on my part. Him and Ron Paul outta team up. He is a straight up Libertarian. Originally Posted by WTF
Ventura won't run in 2012. He's so paranoid and into conspiracy theories that he'll probably be too busy building a bunker somewhere in hopes of surviving the end of the universe foretold by the Mayans. Oh, and I think he already has a running mate in paranoia: Rosie O’Donnel.

@ MA I watched that interview. Morgan was truly perplexed by many of Ventura's nutty beliefs.
discreetgent's Avatar
Saturday night was the White House Correspondents dinner; as is the custom the President spoke and unlike most speeches it is always one that is on the comedic side which often jabs at various people, including himself. Usually the main entertainment is a comedian who also takes jabs at much of the audience.

This year Trump was at the event and some of the jabs Obama took were at him, ditto for the comedian. Trump lashes out at both of them. Aside from his politics, shouldn't a potential President have a thicker skin? Presidential politics - both campaign and in office - can be brutal; not sure a thin skin along with the propensity to speak and act impulsively is an asset.
Speaking of Trump and Obama. As I am watching the Celebrity Apprentice, there is a message that Obama is about to make a statement to the nation. Could be serious.
discreetgent's Avatar
Yeah Osama bin Laden was killed.
Rudyard K's Avatar
not sure a thin skin along with the propensity to speak and act impulsively is an asset. Originally Posted by discreetgent
But perhaps standing up for yourself, and a propensity to speak and act decisively is an asset.

See DG, its all how one spins it. If one doesn't speak up then there is only the other speaker's spin.
discreetgent's Avatar
You missed the word "impulsively", RK. Speaking and acting decisively but not doing so impulsively are not contradictory.
Rudyard K's Avatar
You missed the word "impulsively", RK. Speaking and acting decisively but not doing so impulsively are not contradictory. Originally Posted by discreetgent
And acting impulsively (if done from a base of experience) can be an asset.

I note you whittled your comment down to just the second part too. Pretty soon, there won't be anything left.
discreetgent's Avatar
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-02-2011, 05:35 PM
And acting impulsively (if done from a base of experience) can be an asset. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Then why did you change the word to "decisively"?

I note you whittled your comment down to just the second part too. Pretty soon, there won't be anything left for me to misquote.
discreetgent's Avatar
Hey, I think Trump would be a great nominee .... for anyone who wants to see Obama re-elected
EJunkie's Avatar
Hey, I think Trump would be a great nominee .... for anyone who wants to see Obama re-elected Originally Posted by discreetgent

Exactly what Steve Earle said last Friday in Toronto!
Rudyard K's Avatar
Doove's criticism has amounted to little more than repeating "he sucks" over and over again? Originally Posted by Doove
So, is that the solution to thoughful expression of one's own ideas? It's amazing what passes for snappy up in Buffalo. Maybe you all need to put a coat on.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-02-2011, 09:04 PM
Fixed! Originally Posted by Rudyard K
You waited 3 weeks for a chance to use that line, didn't ya?

So, is that the solution to thoughful expression of one's own ideas? It's amazing what passes for snappy up in Buffalo. Maybe you all need to put a coat on.
I have no idea what you're referring to. I'll assume that if i did, your attempt at a Buffalo joke would have been funny. But we'll never know.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-03-2011, 07:39 AM
Speaking of Trump, what does the group think of his prospects for Prez in 2012?

IMO, the really funny part would be listening to the Lefties whine about his "lack of experience". Originally Posted by pjorourke

Actually it might be funny to hear what Trump and his nutty ass followers that cried for two years about a birth certificate , have to say about the death of Osama. Will they want a proper Death certificate?