The walls are closing in on Hillary, Obama, DNC, Deep State

She’s looking good nowadays!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, that's Hillary Clinton but her health has been failing her for years. What you see on the Television is really Shirley Jones, (the mother on the Partridge Family). Hillary can't win an election she's practically dead and Shirley Jones is just a ploy to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable asset to the Democratic Party.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... keep Hillary Clinton as a viable asset to the Democratic Party. Originally Posted by Levianon17
.. in her own mind only ... not even in Bill's. She hasn't been an "asset" even to Bill since he won his first POTUS election and her only "contribution" was to keep her mouth shut about his escapades while the Gov of Arkansas.*

*They made a deal: Don't file for divorce or open your mouth and he will give her a role in the administration. He did: And she fucked that up right off the bat. That's her character. She's never been much and lacks talent. A Caucasian Harris!
bambino's Avatar
John Solomon: Declassified Docs Show FBI Directed Efforts to Spy on Team Trump

"It's the tasking orders. It's the FBI sitting with an informant telling him this is how we want you to spy on the Trump campaign.

Here's a scenario. Here's our goal. If you don't get something from Carter Page, move on to Mike Flynn.

If you don't get something from Mike Flynn, move on to George Papadopoulos...

Is this a spy document? Absolutely. It's the roadmap for surveillance."

LexusLover's Avatar
Smells of Hoover Days ....

...LBJ got FBI files to review in the early morning before meetings with politicians and business "leaders" so he would have tidbits to mention to them to soften them up to his "way of thinking"! Hoover made sure he got them.
bambino's Avatar
Yeah, that's Hillary Clinton but her health has been failing her for years. What you see on the Television is really Shirley Jones, (the mother on the Partridge Family). Hillary can't win an election she's practically dead and Shirley Jones is just a ploy to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable asset to the Democratic Party. Originally Posted by Levianon17
unlike conservatives, who do have a tether to the truth and to shame and a fealty to the constitution and were once grounded as youths in the idealism of america

dimocrats have no such touchstone

that's what makes them dimocrats

nothing is beyond a dimocrat and nothing should surprise us

their religion is power, their priesthood the offices of state, their book of instruction is the sum of what is needed to win
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  • 02-16-2022, 06:36 AM
unlike conservatives, who do have a tether to the truth and to shame and a fealty to the constitution and were once grounded as youths in the idealism of america
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Please share what ever it is you're smoking
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  • 02-16-2022, 06:38 AM
Vanity Fair. citing the New York Times.

the worst of the worst.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I look at what is said, not who said it.

Is it factual or not.

Continue shooting the messenger and see how far that gets you
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, that's Hillary Clinton but her health has been failing her for years. What you see on the Television is really Shirley Jones, (the mother on the Partridge Family). Hillary can't win an election she's practically dead and Shirley Jones is just a ploy to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable asset to the Democratic Party. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You silly man.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Though I am loving the Demonicrats groping in the dark to find some bench depth for 2024. To me, it also seems to imply they are giving up the ghost on the midterms - seeing whereas they are already up to 30 members that plan to retire and not seek reelection in 2022.

So I see her name being floated like a barrel of salty tears, in a sea of desperation to find practically anything that can replace the geriatric inept fool they are stuck with. All that and their current backup is Heals-Up Harris. So yeah, they will attempt anybody, even something with a sketchy/dodgy history as a serial liar.

They might have better luck with an actual corpse on the ticket. Heck, maybe the only way they can get a moderate candidate at all.

LexusLover's Avatar

They might have better luck with an actual corpse on the ticket. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It worked in 2020. Two of them in fact.
bambino's Avatar
Though I am loving the Demonicrats groping in the dark to find some bench depth for 2024. To me, it also seems to imply they are giving up the ghost on the midterms - seeing whereas they are already up to 30 members that plan to retire and not seek reelection in 2022.

So I see her name being floated like a barrel of salty tears, in a sea of desperation to find practically anything that can replace the geriatric inept fool they are stuck with. All that and their current backup is Heals-Up Harris. So yeah, they will attempt anybody, even something with a sketchy/dodgy history as a serial liar.

They might have better luck with an actual corpse on the ticket. Heck, maybe the only way they can get a moderate candidate at all.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Corpses do vote for them. So it makes sense.
LexusLover's Avatar
The dead who stick together get buried together! 2022 & 2024!!!!

Funny how the actual arrests for "corpses voting" has been trumptards who cast ballots for dead family members isn't it?