I have a GSA assigned to me along with WEX gas card. Whenever I'm on duty it goes where I go. All soldiers hobby. Even female soldiers hobby. #TrueStory
Some of the providers I've reviewed have seen me in uniform. Of course I let them know ahead of time what my outfit is going to be when I arrive, as not to surprise or freak 'em out.
Our new duty uniforms, the OCP'S, pretty much look like what all SWAT uniforms look like across the country. Cops bit our style and I don't like this swat-cop looking duty uniform one bit. #ThanksArmy
So Pawgs- "Newbie" provider with no photos, now you've been educated. You're welcome. 
God Bless The United States of Rus... OOPS I mean America.
Originally Posted by USAsoldier
First off, my pics are posted
Have been since day 1.
2rd..I have done my best to be civil. You on the other hand are itching to out me. Which btw... you may want to check with your mod ties before doing so.
If you or your crew continue to make false accusations or insinuations I will see what the admins can do to silence you since your lips seem to be flapping in the wind.
It's not a laughing matter...maybe you need to hear it from the admins.
As far as Shinepooo and his body shaming remarks calling me fat well...
Only hit dogs hollar!
Guess I really got to you.
Just because I dont agree with the bullshit you post doesn't give u the right to insult me.
On that note...
U should go take a long hard look at yourself before speaking to others the way u do...