European Union Backing Off Tariffs

MT Pockets's Avatar
"Every crime committed by an illegal alien is a preventable crime that should not have happened because they should not have been there.” Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homan, served under 6 presidents. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Isn't he the guy that fucked it all up and then resigned?
34 years through thick and thin. Trump comes along and he is gone! Wow! You need to pick better examples LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
While you may have above a 4th grade level at English your math is needing some work. A 6% increase is not doubling it. But those pesky facts just ruin everything LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Pelosi and Reid never legislated W's budget. They sat on their teeny little hands until Odumbo was elected. They then colluded with Odumbo to "enhance the spending"; thus, they made it their own: lock, stock and barrel.

My math skills are just fine, but you, on the other hand, seem to have contracted Sheila Jackson Lee's farcical understanding of how a calendar works.

Isn't he the guy that fucked it all up and then resigned?
34 years through thick and thin. Trump comes along and he is gone! Wow! You need to pick better examples LOL!
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
No. The guy that fucked things up was Odumbo who prevented ICE from doing their job; thus, encouraged other illegals to illegally cross the borders.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Pelosi and Reid never legislated W's budget. They sat on their teeny little hands until Odumbo was elected. They then colluded with Odumbo to "enhance the spending"; thus, they made it their own: lock, stock and barrel.

My math skills are just fine, but you, on the other hand, seem to have contracted Sheila Jackson Lee's farcical understanding of how a calendar works.

If you are so good at math how did they double it?
It would have to be 6.2 trillion.
So either you are a liar or you suck at math. Possibly all the above LOL!

No. The guy that fucked things up was Odumbo who prevented ICE from doing their job; thus, encouraged other illegals to illegally cross the borders. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I recall you saying Obama separated them also. Now you say he prevented ICE from doing it? Do you ever tell the truth? Sounds like you forgot what you said before LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I recall you saying Obama separated them also. Now you say he prevented ICE from doing it? Do you ever tell the truth? Sounds like you forgot what you said before LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets

Odumbo did both, Shirley Jackson Lee. Odumbo did both. Watch Homin's entire interview.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Odumbo did both, Shirley Jackson Lee. Odumbo did both. Watch Homin's entire interview.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So is this the Conservative version of Schrodinger's cat? He did it and didn't do it? He let them and he stopped them? How and the fuck can he do both? We both know he did it under special circumstances only. Your team throws a cast net and keeps everything they catch. Since we both also know they tricked folks trying to get a visa and captured them also. I would say if they were fishermen they would be masterbaiters
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IBH, you've painted yourself into a corner again!

MT Pockets's Avatar
IBH, you've painted yourself into a corner again!

HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If I had a nickle for every time I pulled the "Thirsty Baboon" on him I could hobby a couple of times for free. LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
An intelligent and educated person having difficulty with the English language and the facts would know that they can pause and re-play a standard video in order to gain a fuller understanding of what is imparted by the video.

Watch it again.

Homan says Odumbo fucked it up with his wishy-washy ways. Homan goes on to add that Odumbo was fucking it up so bad that those fuck-ups encouraged an even greater wave of illegals to cross the border illegally. And yes -- indeed -- families were separated on Odumbo's watch. Homan and Jeh Johnson, Odumbo's DHS secretary, both admit and concede that fact: an indisputable fact that even mentally incapacitated simpletons should be able to see and understand.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why didn't Twitler speak out against family separations then?

He sure didn't have any problem speaking out about Obama's birth certificate.

To try and make these issues one in the same is a classic ploy.

Tell me again how Lincoln was a Republican...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why didn't Twitler speak out against family separations then?

He sure didn't have any problem speaking out about Obama's birth certificate.

To try and make these issues one in the same is a classic ploy.

Tell me again how Lincoln was a Republican... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
where was your outrage when Obama was doing it? you didn't even know it was being done as standard procedure because the press fawned over the "community organizer's" every move.

you realize don't you that press photos showing detained children used to vilify Trump were from Obama's presidency yeah? or would you like to claim they were fake?

you want to know where the racial divide emerged? any criticism of Obama was instantly labeled racist because he is half black and therefore untouchable.

Trump isn't the enabler of the "blacklash", Obama was.
MT Pockets's Avatar
An intelligent and educated person having difficulty with the English language and the facts would know that they can pause and re-play a standard video in order to gain a fuller understanding of what is imparted by the video.

Watch it again.

Homan says Odumbo fucked it up with his wishy-washy ways. Homan goes on to add that Odumbo was fucking it up so bad that those fuck-ups encouraged an even greater wave of illegals to cross the border illegally. And yes -- indeed -- families were separated on Odumbo's watch. Homan and Jeh Johnson, Odumbo's DHS secretary, both admit and concede that fact: an indisputable fact that even mentally incapacitated simpletons should be able to see and understand.

] Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I beg to differ, An intelligent person would know that it is not a binary issue. Under Obama they used discretion when separating families.
Under Sessions, I mean Trump they spitefully do it along with tricking folks with a promise of a Visa.

Then we get back to the Deficit and budget issue. Obama did not double the budget. And the deficit is a combination of Budget and economy. You know the economy that failed under Bush. Not blaming Bush it was greed on both sides that caused it. Had Bush been in for another term I imagine he would have done pretty much the same things Obama did. And you know that Phil Gramm was the catalyst to the recession.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
where was your outrage when Obama was doing it? you didn't even know it was being done as standard procedure because the press fawned over the "community organizer's" every move.

you realize don't you that press photos showing detained children used to vilify Trump were from Obama's presidency yeah? or would you like to claim they were fake?

you want to know where the racial divide emerged? any criticism of Obama was instantly labeled racist because he is half black and therefore untouchable.

Trump isn't the enabler of the "blacklash", Obama was. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Please reread my post. I asked where Twitler’s outrage was when the Obama administration was separating families.

He was outraged by so many things Obama did, don’t you find it odd that he never spoke out against this, and then upped the game?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Please reread my post. I asked where Twitler’s outrage was when the Obama administration was separating families.

He was outraged by so many things Obama did, don’t you find it odd that he never spoke out against this, and then upped the game? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I doubt he even knew while Obama was in office. did you? i didn't because it was kept on the "down low" which seems to be a recurring theme for Obama, yeah?

upped the game? do you mean enforce the law? what would your solution to illegal immigration be? open borders? take in all of the world's refugees? yeah let's swell this country to 1 billion and go all in with a socialist state. let's see how that works out for everyone.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I doubt he even knew while Obama was in office. did you? i didn't because it was kept on the "down low" which seems to be a recurring theme for Obama, yeah?

upped the game? do you mean enforce the law? what would your solution to illegal immigration be? open borders? take in all of the world's refugees? yeah let's swell this country to 1 billion and go all in with a socialist state. let's see how that works out for everyone. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We know Trump is a know-nothing ,but the GOP had a microscope on Obama. If he had been doing what you say they would have been all over it. Anything to drive a wedge between the Latinos and the Dems is the in line with MO the GOP loves to go with.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obama couldn’t fart without widespread outrage, even here as I recall.

Trump, being as smart with the best words as he claims to be, might have “heard things from people” on Fox, which he watches half the day.

So I guess that’s not really a valid point.