From the guy who did not even know that CGI was on the APPROVED vendor list in 2007. You call yourself computer programmer? STFU. COF is a washed up freshman economics teacher, a term like AWACS is beyond his comprehension level. I would expect more from you.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
Yes. And I have supported our vendor master process that allows multiple SAP systems to issue literally billions in contracts to and procured services from those approved vendors.
The issue is your use of the word "hired." Being on the list doesn't mean you've been "hired." It means you are allowed to bid on a contract. "Winning" the contract means you've (or your firm) has been hired. So CGI was approved to bid for contract work with the Federal govt during the Bush Administration. They were not "hired by Bush."
CGI bid on and won (part of) the Obamacare IT contract. Their failure to deliver and cost over runs are all on the Obama Administration.
We have dozens of purchasing agents, lawyers, managers, etc in our entire procurement process too. Just because you are the "low cost bidder" doesn't mean you will win the contract.