Up yours USMC!

Y'all are fucking idiots arguing about this shit.
Think back a little, if you are old enough or mature enough, to when Reagan took office.
America was in decline. Remember the Charlie Daniels' song "In America"?
Stagflation was the buzz word. We had just botched an attempt to free the Iranian hostages, our military personnel getting spit on as they returned from Vietnam was still fresh in our minds and Carter had just taken us to a low point on the global weakness scale.
We needed Patriotism and I think Reagan's saluting was a way that the President could instill a little bit of that and give the troops some pride. Was it political? Yeah as much as anything a President does is political.
When Reagan consulted the Commandant of the Marine Corps he was told he could salute any one he wanted.
I think where Reagan went wrong was in advising GHWB to do the same thing. If it had ended with Reagan it wouldn't be an issue. Now it has become an unnecessary obligation that both GWB and Obama probably would have better off ignoring rather than doing it half heartedly. Originally Posted by boardman
Well said!
Incredible. You won't even own up to your own posts. You parse and garble your own words. Did you take lessons from Bill Clinton? “That depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is.” You are the one spewing out crap. You complain about name-calling? Being a weasel is far worse. I am not the “far right”. I don't care whether you are left or right - if you don't have any intellectual integrity you are wasting everyone's time here. Originally Posted by lustylad
You don't even make any sense. You interpret what someone writes however it suits you and then want to argue over it. Tell you what since I was trying to show Reagan a little respect but you are determine to twist it around then fine he was a pretender, he was just a puppet of the GOP just like he was when an actor. That type of governing was the beginning of how your kind came to be. A bunch of liars and manipulators that think that hate and violence is the way. It seems like that was the turning point of civility by your team so lets just pin it on him. He was liar and fake. He also threw everyone under the bus, just look at how many people were charged and indicted because of him.
I was trying to be polite and not bash him because I know how your team worships him. Now I have knocked down the bee hive so lets hear it!
Just remember I tried to be polite but you wanted to play rough so have fun. I don't get mad and I could care less what you or your pseudo entourage thinks of me

Have a nice day!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sling, you can't squeeze the sweat from Reagan's jock strap. So take your best shot. We'll laugh (at you, not with you), pat you on the head and move on.
Sling, you can't squeeze the sweat from Reagan's jock strap. So take your best shot. We'll laugh (at you, not with you), pat you on the head and move on. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who cares! I don't have a problem with Reagan, I have a problem with those hear what they want.
"The President probably got caught in a compromising position"

Names ??
lustylad's Avatar
...That type of governing was the beginning of how your kind came to be. A bunch of liars and manipulators that think that hate and violence is the way. It seems like that was the turning point of civility by your team so lets just pin it on him. He was liar and fake. He also threw everyone under the bus... Originally Posted by slingblade

My kind? My team? What the fuck are you talking about? The only team I follow is the one that favors facts, logic and fairness.

If you want to rant against Reagan, go ahead. But now you are engaging in the very same name-calling you claim to detest. Calling someone a liar doesn't persuade anyone. Exposing a lie does. Unfortunately for you and WTF, you both came up empty-handed in showing me where Reagan lied about his WWII service. Now you want to blame him for all the incivility in today's politics? Good luck with that. Got any examples of Reagan being uncivil? Maybe once in the Oval Office he failed to offer Tip O'Neill a jellybean?

My kind? My team? What the fuck are you talking about? The only team I follow is the one that favors facts, logic and fairness.

If you want to rant against Reagan, go ahead. But now you are engaging in the very same name-calling you claim to detest. Calling someone a liar doesn't persuade anyone. Exposing a lie does. Unfortunately for you and WTF, you both came up empty-handed in showing me where Reagan lied about his WWII service. Now you want to blame him for all the incivility in today's politics? Good luck with that. Got any examples of Reagan being uncivil? Maybe once in the Oval Office he failed to offer Tip O'Neill a jellybean?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Once again I have to hear this bullshit about Reagan. I only posted that because that is what you wish I said to start with.
I was being a smart ass when I posted it and didn't even comprehend it.
I don't give a shit what you think of what I think and I don't give a shit what you think of what you think I think. This conversation is so off topic I am ashamed of being part of it. If you have something to pertaining to the OP fine , if not don't waste your breath.
lustylad's Avatar
Once again I have to hear this bullshit about Reagan. Originally Posted by slingblade
First you go on a rant against Reagan, then you complain about having "to hear all this bullshit about Reagan"? Are you schizophrenic? Or do you have trouble remembering what you said/did 5 minutes ago?

This conversation is so off topic I am ashamed of being part of it. If you have something to pertaining to the OP fine, if not don't waste your breath. Originally Posted by slingblade
Let's go back and re-read this thread from the beginning. You're the one who dragged Reagan into the discussion way back in post #2:

Reagan was the one that started the trend of returning the salute even though it is against protocol to do so... Reagan was admonished by his own military aide for doing so. Then Reagan asked General Barrow for permission basically so he could break protocol to serve his agenda. Originally Posted by slingblade
If you want to bitch about someone hijacking this thread, then bitch at yourself!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
First you go on a rant against Reagan, then you complain about having "to hear all this bullshit about Reagan"? Are you schizophrenic? Or do you have trouble remembering what you said/did 5 minutes ago?

Let's go back and re-read this thread from the beginning. You're the one who dragged Reagan into the discussion way back in post #2:

If you want to bitch about someone hijacking this thread, then bitch at yourself!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Junior, you're still a benchwarmer on the JV.
First you go on a rant against Reagan, then you complain about having "to hear all this bullshit about Reagan"? Are you schizophrenic? Or do you have trouble remembering what you said/did 5 minutes ago?

Let's go back and re-read this thread from the beginning. You're the one who dragged Reagan into the discussion way back in post #2:

If you want to bitch about someone hijacking this thread, then bitch at yourself!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I brought up Reagan because he pertained to the Salute deal. You want to argue about all this other BS to hide the fact he started the saluting to start with. Just admit you have a double standard . If not you would have complained about Bush.
lustylad's Avatar
I brought up Reagan because he pertained to the Salute deal. You want to argue about all this other BS to hide the fact he started the saluting to start with. Just admit you have a double standard . If not you would have complained about Bush. Originally Posted by slingblade
I'm not hiding anything. I took your word for it that Reagan started the practice. Where did I try to hide that fact? Stop making this stuff up. I never criticized Obama for his "latte salute". Nor did I comment on Bush's "dog salute". How can I have a double standard when I haven't opined either way for either President? Again, stop making this stuff up.

You're the one who hijacked the discussion by saying the only reason Reagan started the salute was because he liked to play pretend soldier and his (unnamed) handlers thought it would help to "keep the military vote". Then you falsely and unfairly accused Reagan of lying about his WWII service. That's all bullshit and that's when I jumped in. And I didn't speak up because I give a rat's ass about Reagan. I did it because you're full of shit and someone had to call you on it!
lustylad's Avatar
Junior, you're still a benchwarmer on the JV. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

No assup, that's you. Didn't you hear? The POTUS sneered at you when you joined ISIS.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like I said...

Some folks say that he said he was there. I do not know for sure that he did or not, but he certainly implied it in my opinion. Originally Posted by slingblade
I'm not hiding anything. I took your word for it that Reagan started the practice. Where did I try to hide that fact? Stop making this stuff up. I never criticized Obama for his "latte salute". Nor did I comment on Bush's "dog salute". How can I have a double standard when I haven't opined either way for either President? Again, stop making this stuff up.

You're the one who hijacked the discussion by saying the only reason Reagan started the salute was because he liked to play pretend soldier and his (unnamed) handlers thought it would help to "keep the military vote". Then you falsely and unfairly accused Reagan of lying about his WWII service. That's all bullshit and that's when I jumped in. And I didn't speak up because I give a rat's ass about Reagan. I did it because you're full of shit and someone had to call you on it! Originally Posted by lustylad
You jumped the wrong Dem I wasn't the one that posted it. I said in my opinion he implied it. On more than one occasion he spoke as if he had been there. I flat out said "I do not know for sure that he did or not"

You pass right over the guy that posted it and try to lay it on me. I only commented on it. I was starting to think I need to proof read my post a little better but now it is clear that you are just one of those people that think that belligerence is a quality. I just went back and read the whole thread and you need help. I am not full of shit on anything I said you do give a shit about Reagan or you would not ran your pie hole to start with. If not then you decided to fuck with newest Dem on the block. I think you are pathetic. you "jumped in" because you thought you saw an angle but it just hasn't panned out for you has it. There is no where that I falsely accused him. He did not serve overseas that is a fact I didn't even know until this thread.
Better luck next time!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-30-2014, 09:14 PM
You jumped the wrong Dem I wasn't the one that posted it. I said in my opinion he implied it. On more than one occasion he spoke as if he had been there. I flat out said "I do not know for sure that he did or not"

You pass right over the guy that posted it and try to lay it on me.! Originally Posted by slingblade
I read where Reagan implied it and posted the link. Poor lustylady then tried to disprove it, I posted where Reagan implied it again.

I was not there, so I do not know for sure but I'm sure lustylady wasn't there either.

I do know that I have read nowhere where Reagan tried to get a waiver and serve overseas. There are no accounts of him doing what Jimmy Stewart did and asking out of his cushy wartime 'job'.