dearhunter's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer, as you can see BigTex has only one violation dating all the way back to 8/31/11

Jewish Lawyer has until 10:08pm 5 days from now to say what he wants to say in this forum.
Jewish Lawyer, as you can see BigTex has only one violation dating all the way back to 8/31/11

Jewish Lawyer has until 10:08pm 5 days from now to say what he wants to say in this forum. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Thanks DH, you have handled the situation very professionally.

I would say the same, had I been bluffing and ended up the loser.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Thanks DH, you have handled the situation very professionally.

I would say the same, had I been bluffing and ended up the loser. Originally Posted by bigtex
Congratulations. However, you did deserve to be pointed. You must be juiced in with the arbiters of points.
Anyway, I'm a member of "The Conference Room" so I won't miss this cesspool.
Congratulations. However, you did deserve to be pointed. You must be juiced in with the arbiters of points. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Fortunately for us all, that does not fall under your purview.

My unsolicited advice, give it a rest.

While the givin's gooood!

Anyway, I'm a member of "The Conference Room" so I won't miss this cesspool. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
And we won't miss you!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Fortunately for us all, that does not fall under your purview.

My unsolicited advice, give it a rest.

While the givin's gooood!

And we won't miss you! Originally Posted by bigtex
My unsolicited advice, go fuck yourself, faggot!!
Anyway, I think I might have confused you and IvaBiggen. I never could tell which of you two faggots was posting.
Eva, did you get pointed?
I'll go another 5 years, same bet with you.
My unsolicited advice, go fuck yourself, faggot!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That's the spirit. Keep up the good work!

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock and so on and so forth!
southtown4488's Avatar
what the hell happened to the original topic???? hahaha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How much shit can IBHomo fling in five days?

We'll find out.
My unsolicited advice, go fuck yourself, faggot!!
Anyway, I think I might have confused you and IvaBiggen. I never could tell which of you two faggots was posting.
Eva, did you get pointed?
I'll go another 5 years, same bet with you. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Adios Jewish loser. I am sure stump broke hankering will miss your backup. Or backside...LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Be certain that in the next five days, prior to his exile, JL will attempt to violate every rule, understanding and the privacy of others.

His mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash ... Again ... And now he has to pay the price.

The man's a hothead, as demonstrated by his recent campaign of RTM'ing, in an effort to get other members of the forum banned.

Do you really think he's going quietly into that good night?

I understand he's already preparing half a dozen fake handles to activate over the coming weeks.

He'll get caught and get a site wide ban.

Are you willing to help this hotheaded lunatic keep his word?

Be on the lookout for the telltale signs. You'll see. He ain't going where because he thinks he can outsmart all of us, the mods and the ownership.

he's going to get his ass kicked by someone's bare fists.

Adios MOFO!!!
I was thinking my way through this unfortunate situation yesterday evening. It should have never happened. But it did!

JL was obviously vindictive and that nasty trait eventually helped lead to his downfall.

Using this thread as an example, he would sometimes allow his mouth to overload his ass. Which is another bad trait that eventually helped lead to his downfall.

But he is not the only one in this forum afflicted with the mouth overloading the ass syndrome. That is the very reason that I regularly call them out (you know who you are) with wager proposals that they are normally smart enough not to accept.

Obviously, not JL and not this time!

Given a choice between him getting a self imposed exile from this forum and the $500, I would have preferred the money.

But self imposed exile was JL's choice, not mine!

As far as I am concerned this entire, unfortunate situation will soon be behind us and we will soon have the opportunity to move on without him.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing!

But I'm quite certain there will soon be another who will step up to the plate in JL's absence.

Hopefully that person will not be as vindictive!

I am ready to move on to the next chapter!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I was thinking my way through this unfortunate situation yesterday evening. It should have never happened. But it did!

JL was obviously vindictive and that nasty trait eventually helped lead to his downfall.

Using this thread as an example, he would sometimes allow his mouth to overload his ass. Which is another bad trait that eventually helped lead to his downfall.

But he is not the only one in this forum afflicted with the mouth overloading the ass syndrome. That is the very reason that I regularly call them out (you know who you are) with wager proposals that they are normally smart enough not to accept.

Obviously, not JL and not this time!

Given a choice between him getting a self imposed exile from this forum and the $500, I would have preferred the money.

But self imposed exile was JL's choice, not mine!

As far as I am concerned this entire, unfortunate situation will soon be behind us and we will soon have the opportunity to move on without him.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing!

But I'm quite certain there will soon be another who will step up to the plate in JL's absence.

Hopefully that person will not be as vindictive!

I am ready to move on to the next chapter! Originally Posted by bigtex
What you fail to understand is that this forum is a waste of time, and that you (BigTex/IvaBiggen, obviously you two are the same person using two different handles) and Assup are fucking idiots. I'm better off not commenting in this stupid forum. I think everyone here knows that deep down. We are all just blowing off steam to about 10 or so people. It is pointless.

P.S. Fuck you, faggot!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Be certain that in the next five days, prior to his exile, JL will attempt to violate every rule, understanding and the privacy of others.

His mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash ... Again ... And now he has to pay the price.

The man's a hothead, as demonstrated by his recent campaign of RTM'ing, in an effort to get other members of the forum banned.

Do you really think he's going quietly into that good night?

I understand he's already preparing half a dozen fake handles to activate over the coming weeks.

He'll get caught and get a site wide ban. [You only wish, you washed up old queen]

Are you willing to help this hotheaded lunatic keep his word?

Be on the lookout for the telltale signs. You'll see. He ain't going where because he thinks he can outsmart all of us, the mods and the ownership.

he's going to get his ass kicked by someone's bare fists.

Adios MOFO!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How am I supposed to violate the privacy of others? I don't know anything about anybody on this forum.
I'm not allowed to post here, but so what? I'm a member of "The Conference Room". It should have a higher level of dialogue in it.
As for multiple handles, IvaBiggen/BigTex have been getting away with it forever. I'm sure IvaBiggen is the one who got pointed and I thought I was responding to him when I made the bet with BigTex. Can anyone tell those two pompous faggots apart?
IvaBiggen - have you been pointed in the last two months?
(BigTex/IvaBiggen, obviously you two are the same person using two different handles). Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
As for multiple handles, IvaBiggen/BigTex have been getting away with it forever. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Wanna bet?

I've got $500 that says that I'va and I are not "the same person using two different handles."

Dearhunter, are you still around?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Wanna bet?

I've got $500 that says that I'va and I are not "the same person using two different handles."

Dearhunter, are you still around? Originally Posted by bigtex
Fuck you, faggot!!