Have you ever disliked someone so bad on this forum that you've wished Law Enforcement action on them?

blowpop's Avatar
You know not all law officers are down with busting pers.

NSFW PIC warning.................


pyramider's Avatar
That you sucking the cop's cock?
That you sucking the cop's cock? Originally Posted by pyramider

licking taint
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 04-27-2015, 02:21 PM
isn't this kinda like Dorthy starting a thread "who is the provider with the most opinions on any subject"?
Anyone with brains knows that hurt toward a loved one counts just as much as hurting the subject directly. Originally Posted by wreckshop
That's the difference between you and I. I'm a man, and if I've got a problem with you I'm going to be in YOUR face with it. I'm not going to slap your wife to make you hurt. I'm not going to key your car, it'll be face to face. Nothing, NOTHING that happens on this site is that serious.

Bitch Ass Move.
That's the difference between you and I. I'm a man, and if I've got a problem with you I'm going to be in YOUR face with it. I'm not going to slap your wife to make you hurt. I'm not going to key your car, it'll be face to face. Nothing, NOTHING that happens on this site is that serious.
Bitch Ass Move. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
What's a "move" ? There's no action being taken. Just laughing and taking delight in a man's real world demise.

There's nothing about being a man or not. If some bad shit happens to his wife, when he's talking shit to me, I laugh because that's some calamity his way. It's like hearing his car got broken into by someone. The same way after you post your bullshit about me, you step outside your home, and you catch multiple hay-makers from some people wanting your wallet and car. Now, I'm not a car-jacker, car burglarer, or assaulter nor will ever hire anyone to do that stuff to someone else on my behalf or will ever do that shit in my life. But in both cases, I'd rejoice at yalls demise.

This is a message board. You honestly can't really do shit to anyone here except laugh at their real world demise. That's it. You can't call police on them because you don't know their real names or where they live.

So yes, I will say it again - back when wakeup was tormenting me, to hear news of his wife getting busted by cops in a sting would have brought joy to me. I won't call anyone on her I just don't do that shit.
Okay I guess my point is, in this sick fantasy of yours, why even get Valerie involved? What did she do other than fuck the guy you're angry with? Why not just direct your twisted lil mind towards metro running over WU as he crossed the street? (let it be known, that if anyone ever gets hit by a bus, I didn't do it). Why not take up your problem with the source of your problem, not the spouse. That's the Bitch Ass Move.
Use your statement a credibility?

I don't get what you're saying.

Point is, you need to take several seats. Wakeup is wakeup.

and calling me "monkey" that's racist.

I was the one who defended you when some poster tried calling you something similar. Originally Posted by wreckshop
It's not racist when you acting as one... So posting an iso looking for an illegal immigrant to make her feel as if she is going to become legal while sucking your baby dick isn't racist?
Worry the ones who come against me in this thread? If they haven't fucked over any sugar daddies then what's the big deal?

In life if you've fucked some people over, then you possibly may face the consequences. That's none of my business. Originally Posted by wreckshop
So now your kermit
I got banned twice - one for trying to open up discussion about teacher improprieties

2. - just a cool off period because me and DM were having a heated exchange.

So, what was it that you were talking about?

Oh yeah! the nearly half dozen attempts and shots called by wakeup to alert mods on something I post but nothing happening to me.

Now you, latin moxie, take several seats Originally Posted by wreckshop
Tell them the real truth of why you got banned smh you cant cry wolf when your really the wolf..
LadyMoxie's Avatar
I got banned twice - one for trying to open up discussion about teacher improprieties

2. - just a cool off period because me and DM were having a heated exchange.

So, what was it that you were talking about?

Oh yeah! the nearly half dozen attempts and shots called by wakeup to alert mods on something I post but nothing happening to me.

Now you, latin moxie, take several seats Originally Posted by wreckshop
I'm talking about your own demise, that's all! (-:
Silly WS!
I'm talking about your own demise, that's all! (-:
Silly WS!
Originally Posted by LatinaMoxie
Question to the mob:
How many of us are secretly wishing some mild disaster to fall in wreck's path? Secretly, as in, no answer necessary. I for one would find that ironically amusing.
Okay I guess my point is, in this sick fantasy of yours, why even get Valerie involved? What did she do other than fuck the guy you're angry with? Why not just direct your twisted lil mind towards metro running over WU as he crossed the street? (let it be known, that if anyone ever gets hit by a bus, I didn't do it). Why not take up your problem with the source of your problem, not the spouse. That's the Bitch Ass Move. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat

Wu = Valarie

they are connected. They are jointed as a union. husband and wife. a country's allies getting an L is a portion of a win.

That's like, if your mom or some elderly woman in your family were to be stricken by an unfortunate occurrence. Let's say that it changes your perspective. You no longer feel an importance in coming on this website and disrupting my flow of entertainment. You're humbled. My browsing and posting is now less deterred by you.
I'm talking about your own demise, that's all! (-:
Silly WS! Originally Posted by LatinaMoxie
You make no sense. It's never happened. so basically you were performing the action of talking out of your ass about shit you don't know about.

I've never been the dumbass to fall victim to his shit.

So why the fuck are you posting?

For no reason..

You latinmoxie, again, take several seats.