What is up with all of the broke providers?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
There are many men and women who must have the name brands.

But pussy is not the same as a purse that can be carried in public as a "status" symbol.

If I can't afford to rent for $300/hr, I can find a reasonable substitute for $150 and have in fact found many such opportunities. And as noted below, in many cases even less.

Here's a small real world example. I needed a new cover for my lawn tractor. Went to Sears and bought one for $60. Then had to go to Home Depot. Saw them on clearance for $12. Bought 2 and took the Sears cover back and am ahead. (Yes I know you can "un-rent" pussy that is why I research that much more).

It is why men look through the ads on here looking for the "specials" in the ads.

I'm not cheap, but I do spend money wisely when it comes to my non hobby life so why would I not shop wisely on here or another board or even CL and backpage?

I wanted to get laid the other day. Started looking at ads. Then I got an email from a escort's yahoo group. I've seen the girl several times. Full blown GFE. $80 for a half hour. Nice special. I went and got laid.

No one told her to lower her rates.

And I still have plenty of coin in my hobby budget to get laid again this weekend if I want. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I must say I agree with you on that point. Last week I contacted a provider about service(s) she had listed but not include the fee. When I asked her the fee it qwas 5 times what the going rate of providers who specialize in that area. I politely told her that I will pass because there were seasoned providers who specialized in that area who were charging % X's less. She sent me a sarcastic message back stating that she can't wait to she goes back up north because people in Texas are cheap. I had to remind her that I make 120k a year- this provider has been to my home and she knows that I have a very nice home, a nice car so I am far from cheap, but because I make X amount of money doesn't mean I am going to waste it. As you stated I am a business man also- I will look for good quality service. for example, if I seen X girl in the past and she charged me let's say $150 and I have seen X girl who charged me $300 and i got the same satisfaction from the $150 girl that I got from the $300 provider more than likely I will see the $150 girl it has nothing to do with me being cheap. When I purchase my next car I am not going to just throw money at any dealer because I can I am going to purchase the vechile from the dealer that offers me the best bargain. I do the same when hobbying- although I admit I will NEVER see a girl who charges fifty bucks because 9 out of times you are going to get crappy service or it's going to be an upsell, but by the same token I am not spending $500 on a female unless it's my choice but more than likely not when I can get the same service from a providewr with a good rep and good reviews. It's all business and a provider should not get upset if a hobbyist chooses to go for a cheaper bargain and if a provider is stern on her prices hobbyist should not try to low ball her.
Also, to the person who mention about the high end stores not doing sales- yes you can't compare that to the escort business, but if you check the financial reports in business world the high end stores are being hurt the most during the recession and even Rich people are cutting back on their expensive and did you hear what chain is about to hire 4000 employees in the next month and open up around 60 stores??? You guessed it Dollar General- yes they have been making a killing during the recession so there's food for thought.
Randall Creed's Avatar
The hobby is a luxury. If you cannot afford a luxury, then do what everyone else does - including me - and do without. We do not owe anyone charity pussy. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
That is true. You don't OWE charity pussy. However, there does seem to be more 'help me' threads than there are 'can I get a freebie' threads. Lol!

And luxury items DO succumb to the whim of the market, at least in some instances. If the population of the rich went down by say, 80%, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, and whomever that relies on the rich for business would feel it. Granted, it would take a freakish situation for that to happen, but it could.

Pussy in the Dallas market is NOT a luxury in terms of opportunity. Now, there are DIFFERENCES in quality of service, yes, but the item itself can be had without skimping out on the mortgage. In Dallas there are over 400 listed ladies on just P411 alone. There's easily another couple 100 in the 'catacombs' of the metro. Any woman with a stripper or cheerleader body is just a provider waiting to happen. Right now, at least two things control that: satisfaction level of income and concern of legal issues. And of those in the catacombs, not all of them are bad providers, they're just UNKNOWN. And it's some fine MF'ers out there!! Young, sweet, tender, delicious bodies. Again, just unknown. If they all of a sudden found a site like this, and provided quality service....The questionable providers, the ones who rely more on scam and scheme than service quality, would be serious trouble.

Now, I get the gist of what you're saying when it comes to luxury (I think). I'm sure you're meaning in terms of quality from well known ladies. I'm just saying with a little motivation, the service level in the more affordable ladies would go up, and a hobbyist could still save on the difference.

DeeAnn's posts are just hitting the BULLSEYE in this topic. Funniest part of that is the ladies are the ones who are disagreeing with her.

When I purchase my next car I am not going to just throw money at any dealer because I can I am going to purchase the vechile from the dealer that offers me the best bargain. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I Agree. I tend to be more picky when i BUY, versus RENT as long as it runs good and don't give me no problems. getting from point A to point B is the main objective. lol

Alright DeAnn Luv

I understand the whole smart business man buy cheaper theory...kinda, but i understand..

I read the reviews, and i don't see too many gentlemen paying 50 dollars for a session. I see average paying rates. Average meaning starting at 100.

Im not knocking what you do, not at all, if you have to drop your rates to do what you got to do i.e pay a bill, do it, every provider has her "way".

As for the OP, i have the thread again and again. I have not met you, so for me the shoe does not fit, however i do understand your thread.

sweetheart, I never said I have too, if you wanna attack personally, we can.. personally I have not had to work in over 2 years..I have had my fat ass parked at my beach house in florida 365 days out of the year.. It wasn't until earlier this year that I even toured and that was to shreveport and only because I had a few request..and it was close to where I was at the time..

I have been at this 6 years..in 6 years i never once had to come to a whore board and beg for help or even ask for help..

my rates have always been and will always be $150/1hr and $100/half hr and I always did and probably still would have one of the most extensive menus available at that rate or above.

With that rate is afforded me the chance to never find myself short of cash, I was never to proud to run an $80 special just to drop up quick cash of I had to many no shows on a tour.. it happens.. but never once did I come to a review board and ask for help because I couldn't keep my shit together and earn money selling pussy.. not once.

also those rates, didn't force me to take a second job, didn't force me to move constantly, didn't force me to lose my car or any other thing.. those rates allowed me to save, start businesses, and now sit on my ass and do nothing..absolutely freakin nothing..all day, everyday, except avoid hurricanes. not braggin, but this didn't have to be about me..you attack and point out things "i have to do" in order to pay bills..

its not about "what I have to do" it was about what I was WILLING to do..no one in life HAS to do anything..you have to be willing to do some things to get ahead.. some are unfortunately more than WILLING to come on a board and beg people for help and/or come to the very place built to make them money and ask for random hand outs and bitch about how they can't keep their lives in order and suddenly now their personal problems are now the members of this community..some are WILLING to do what i suggest and lower rates, others are willing to apparently take up a second job to support being a whore

pussy is pussy.. every girl has one that is selling it on these boards.. if some girls isn't priced right and she is broke all the damn time, it ain't hard to figure out your pussy your selling I.E your "product" isn't worth what you think it is to the people paying for it..i.e the customer..i.e the client.. its really not a hard concept to grasp or understand..

a girl can sugar coat it, can claim whatever..if the customers to whom you make yourself available to aren't willing to pay the price you set for your product "pussy", then it ain't worth that..plain and simple, if a girl has to say "i have another job" then that is the same as admitting you can't sell yourself effectively enough to support yourself and the lifestyle you seek, thus proving that HER PUSSY isn't not worth the price she has listed.. or "her services" would be more polite.

if you have to have a second job to support being a hooker, it kinda defeats the point of being a hooker

why would I wanna work 40 hrs at mcD's @ $7 an hour to earn maybe $250 for the week after taxes...when i can see 2 GUYS at my LOWERED rate of $150, work 2 whole freakin hours and have $300.. BUT lowering my rate is out of the question because I'm to good to do that..so i will go bust my ass 8 hrs a day for minimum wage and see 1 guy a week at my $250 rate just to prove a point?

thats when pride is overriding intelligence..its completely stupid to say it makes sense to NOT lower your rate cuz you think your worth "x" amount only to prove that point by busting your ass 40hrs a week to mayber earn what you would make in 2 guys if you just lower your rate $50..

i can see 2 guys at $200 and make $400 because thats all that will see me at $200. or I can undercut, offer the same great service as i did at 200 and more guys see me that week because of my lower rate.. say 4 guys see me instead of 2 because now i am more affordable or my VALUE increases in their eyes.. 4 guys at 150 600.. i average that over 4 weeks i make alot more money..

the client can't be wrong..if guys aren't seeing a certain girl at her current rate.. then the person selling the "service" has missed the price point.. and needs to adjust accordingly or find a different job.. or to some..just get a second job, where then you don't have time to take the calls and check the emails to sell your "service" cuz your too busy working at walmart

BOTTOM LINE: no one should EVER..NOT EVER know who is experience difficulties in their personal lives and/or personal finances..since that is not what this board is about..this board is a place for exchanging info in order to hobby safer, it providers a place free of charge for girls to offer their services, it provides a place to come hang out and talk with like minded individuals..
its an escape from reality for just a short period of the day, a place where guys can pick and chose what girls fit their fancy that day, spend money and pad the pocket book of some willing girl..its a place for girls to be work, advertise, make money and over all market themselves in an effective manor in hopes of making money and a career as it is and not bust their ass 40hrs a week. its a place for the girls to chat, stay safe and exchange info..

NOT A PLACE TO BRING PERSONAL PROBLEMS! no one cares about any girls SO, finances, how much your in love, your kids, your babies daddies, what you ate last nite.. save that for bcd talk if the client so chooses to engage in it.. the guys here are NOT ATM'S at your disposal to punch anytime you need money
Personally attack, no........I am definitely a lover........trust me.

Attacking fellow providers is not my style and wont ever be.
sweetheart, I never said I have too, if you wanna attack personally, we can.. personally I have not had to work in over 2 years..I have had my fat ass parked at my beach house in florida 365 days out of the year.. It wasn't until earlier this year that I even toured and that was to shreveport and only because I had a few request..and it was close to where I was at the time..

I have been at this 6 years..in 6 years i never once had to come to a whore board and beg for help or even ask for help..

my rates have always been and will always be $150/1hr and $100/half hr and I always did and probably still would have one of the most extensive menus available at that rate or above.

With that rate is afforded me the chance to never find myself short of cash, I was never to proud to run an $80 special just to drop up quick cash of I had to many no shows on a tour.. it happens.. but never once did I come to a review board and ask for help because I couldn't keep my shit together and earn money selling pussy.. not once.

also those rates, didn't force me to take a second job, didn't force me to move constantly, didn't force me to lose my car or any other thing.. those rates allowed me to save, start businesses, and now sit on my ass and do nothing..absolutely freakin nothing..all day, everyday, except avoid hurricanes. not braggin, but this didn't have to be about me..you attack and point out things "i have to do" in order to pay bills..

its not about "what I have to do" it was about what I was WILLING to do..no one in life HAS to do anything..you have to be willing to do some things to get ahead..

pussy is pussy.. every girl has one that is selling it on these boards.. if some girls isn't priced right and she is broke all the damn time, it ain't hard to figure out your pussy your selling I.E your "product" isn't worth what you think it is to the people paying for it..i.e the customer..i.e the client.. its really not a hard concept to grasp or understand..

a girl can sugar coat it, can claim whatever..if the customers to whom you make yourself available to aren't willing to pay the price you set for your product "pussy", then it ain't worth that..plain and simple, if a girl has to say "i have another job" then that is the same as admitting you can't sell yourself effectively enough to support yourself and the lifestyle you seek, thus proving that HER PUSSY isn't not worth the price she has listed.. or "her services" would be more polite.

if you have to have a second job to support being a hooker, it kinda defeats the point of being a hooker

why would I wanna work 40 hrs at mcD's @ $7 an hour to earn maybe $250 for the week after taxes...when i can see 2 GUYS at my LOWERED rate of $150, work 2 whole freakin hours and have $300.. BUT lowering my rate is out of the question because I'm to good to do that..so i will go bust my ass 8 hrs a day for minimum wage and see 1 guy a week at my $250 rate just to prove a point?

thats when pride is overriding intelligence..its completely stupid to say it makes sense to NOT lower your rate cuz you think your worth "x" amount only to prove that point by busting your ass 40hrs a week to mayber earn what you would make in 2 guys if you just lower your rate $50..

i can see 2 guys at $200 and make $400 because thats all that will see me at $200. or I can undercut, offer the same great service as i did at 200 and more guys see me that week because of my lower rate.. say 4 guys see me instead of 2 because now i am more affordable or my VALUE increases in their eyes.. 4 guys at 150 600.. i average that over 4 weeks i make alot more money..

the client can't be wrong..if guys aren't seeing a certain girl at her current rate.. then the person selling the "service" has missed the price point.. and needs to adjust accordingly or find a different job.. or to some..just get a second job, where then you don't have time to take the calls and check the emails to sell your "service" cuz your too busy working at walmart Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Alot of Clients try to say these same things and get crusified for it. DeAnna Luv, you put it all in perspective for all providers that are struggling. Hope they listen to you but, i know many will add to your comments and say: It's is too hard to get your rate back up after the ecomony recovers and guys will just wait until you run your special again. Maybe they don't understand and we need you around here to explain it to them again. lol And as always, your posts are some good reading for those who like to hear it like it is and no sugar coating.

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
GDI!!! If I was a provider, I'd be working 4 hours a day at 200 a pop, 5 days a week and I'd be one happy ass bitch making 4k per week. Hell, even if I got burned out and could only take 2 per day 5 days a week, that's still 2k per week.

But since I'm a guy stuck with the average 40 hour work week, I can only dream of making that kind of cash, right now. But soon, with the luck of the Irish...
A woman, like in my case, who earns a significant income part-time and is paying taxes (I owe close to $40,000 in taxes this year from my "companionship" income), had better know how to manage her money. On the days I work, I average approx $750/day with one client and work 20 days a month. I put 60% of my earning into savings, always.

DecemeberLove is so correct in that being arrested for companionship is a slap on the wrist.....being charged with tax evasion could put a lady in the federal slammer for ten years!!!! I'd choose the slap on the wrist and a good attorney any day over trying to outsmart the feds at the IRS. There is a HDH thread on a woman asking the difference between a gift/donation. I wanted to laugh out loud over hearing the nonsense, unintelligence and state of being naive when in comes to paying taxes. You see, a smart business woman and a professional already knows the answer! Pay taxes on every deposit you make, ladies! It's not rocket science.

I know some ladies will be real defensive about this. I mean most dont pay taxes, get paid almost $200 per hour, and someone always needs $... How many hobbiests come on the board and ask for stuff? I do understand some of this is because of "poor lifestyle choices". But if I do the math, if you only had 1 session per day at just 150, that is 750 per week, 3000 tax free per month, 36k per year tax free. I remember making 36k when i was 22 yrs old and paid taxes and had $ left over. So besides "poor lifestyle choices" where else could the $ be going? Now I know you all dont have healthcare, but last year even being ill, it would have been cheaper to not have insurance and just pay the bills outright. But I am maiking this statement, "36k is enough for a single mom and 2 kids to live off of" , i have a friend who does it. Rent, car payment (and if you have a car payment and broke, you should not have a car payment), food, kids..... what the hell else is there?

So ok, call me judgemental, and asshole, unsympathetic, whatever. Let me be clear about 1 thing. I have nothing but respect for women (espessially providers) who provide a much needed service and bring home the bacon and take care of business. Originally Posted by URAPNES
travelling_man's Avatar
I read the reviews, and i don't see too many gentlemen paying 50 dollars for a session. I see average paying rates. Average meaning starting at 100. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
You're right - you don't read that. Because if a girl extends a special like that (and yes there are a lot of girls that extend specials for less than $100) it is with the understanding that they won't tell the world about it or they won't get that rate again. I've had girl send me an email asking to come and see them again at xxx rate which is WELL under their normal rate. If it's a girl that I like I have NEVER refused such an offer no matter if I had planned to see her soon or not. I appreciate the generosity and accept her offer right away because if I don't she might not offer it to me again. I sure as hell don't write a review about that session because it was not something that she normally offers.

So the bottom line - no you won't read about it. Yes it happens - quite often.
I can't begin to count the number of times I have arrived at the incall location, only to get no answer when I called, or it went to voicemail and I had to leave. Or the provider isn't there yet, she is stuck in traffic miles away and won't be there for another hour. if providers were more prompt, maybe they would get more repeat business.

This is the main reason I seldom see the young providers, or any on backpage, who aren't the one pictured.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I can't begin to count the number of times I have arrived at the incall location, only to get no answer when I called, or it went to voicemail and I had to leave. Or the provider isn't there yet, she is stuck in traffic miles away and won't be there for another hour. if providers were more prompt, maybe they would get more repeat business.

This is the main reason I seldom see the young providers, or any on backpage, who aren't the one pictured.

Cardinalman Originally Posted by cardinalman
Hey you, cant wait too see you on Wednesday. Trust me I am never late. I'm always the one calling the guys, hey where are yall?
close this one. bumped a very very old thread and wasn't even related to the original post.
The providers are not broke, they say that so you will feel sorry for them and set and appointment. Besides, ALOT of them will not respond via email or phone when you contact them, it tells me that either they do not want to "work" or they have so many clients, that they could not give a crap about another.

So which it ladies? Are you broke or not? Or, better yet, do you need the "business" or do you have so much business that you do not wish to have anymore? I have seen both sides of the discussion so many times that it makes me sick!