Wow, SweetTreat... I answered you before I saw this. Really? Why don't you imagine how I feel, when I was just minding my own business these guys started hating and bashing on me for no reason, and if you can't understand how it feels to have your reputation everything about you insulted. Lies made up about you and I'm just supposed to sit back and take it. I wasn't ever raised to be a floor mat. So what? I've been picked on and picked at from the getgo on this site... can you blame me for being absolutely fed up and sick of it? I do not deserve the things these people say about me. Nobody does. It's wrong but they won't leave me alone I've tried to ignore it and I've tried asking nicely it doesn't work.There's an original thought from you..."I'm a victim and it's everyone else that's wrong it's not me".
So, you used to be somebody I actually admired but now you are just like the rest in my book. Thanks, friend. If I want advice in the future I'll ask for it and it won't be from you.
Ciao. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Cry me a river Kitty, if people here knew half the truth about you there'd be 30 others jumping on you publicly. Boo hoo, you've said several times you welcome the publicity so quit your bitching and get busy offering some late night bareback to anyone dumb enough to stick their dick within 50 feet of you. There has to be a sucker or two that isn't aware of what you're about after all these years.
Didn't someone fall in love with you and you retired for him? Hard to see anyone loving you Kitty, you have nothing to offer a man but an old, beat up pussy and a shit load of drama and when it ends he's the enemy. Sounds mean as fuck but everyone knows it's the truth.