That was funny. Stop getting y'all so panties all bunched up. Loosen up phuckers. It ain't that serious. I'm the biggest cunt here. Civil enough. Chill dafuq out whores and whormongers I'm talking to all of you PEOPLE!!
I'm gonna chime in here and state I Iove and appreciate all women of all colors. It's a challenge to be a confident and outspoken female in today's world. I also have to say I appreciate and admire women like ~P and Lena D for highlighting what our brown loves bring to the table. Charm, whit, intelligence, and a willigness to speak the truth even when they have to work x3 as hard to be appreciated and valued. This isn't a comment on what color is better than the other. It's an appreciation of what they bring to the table, be it hobby or the world at large. Can't we take time to appreciate the vibrant color and meaning they put into this incredible tapestry?