Would you agree then, that they should pay more for their insurance, just cause they DO have pre-existing conditions? much like if i have 2 auto accidents on my driving record, MY car insurance is higher than others would be??
Originally Posted by garhkal
I agree that the people with pre-existing conditions should pay more. Prior to the ACA being passed people with pre-exiting could not purchase health insurance at all from the health insurance companies in the individual market.
It would be difficult for health insurance companies to price the premium the way the Auto insurance companies do. The health insurance companies do not have access to the policy holders medical history when the policy holder is enrolling at HealthCare.Gov.
The health insurance underwriter looks at claim history from the previous year, to determine premium price. This must be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance for the state or states the insurance company decides to do business in.
With Health insurance the premium price is based on the amount of risk in the risk pool.