So Looks Like BRET KAVANAUGH May Have Raped A Girl In High School

I B Hankering's Avatar
As much as I hate to say it, if this woman's account is factual, the Kavanaugh Nomination is in trouble.

The only saving grace might be the ages, as all were high school students.

It's a shame. But this is the world we live in. From now on, every man of influence or power will be subject to scrutiny of the things he did for his entire life of accountability.

If Kavanaugh does have to step aside, it's his own fault. He should have told President Trump about this. Did it slip his mind? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The other witness named in the letter says it didn't happen; hence, nothing to "slip his mind".

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Most Americans see this BS for what it is. A last second smear campaign that will do nothing but shore up support for Kavanaugh. Such a traumatic incident that she can't remember when or where it was. The one person she clams witnessed it has already called her a liar. Another fail, try again. And stop with the racist, homosexual, rape accusations you have no proof of SC. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
The one person who witnessed it? The unindicted co-conspirator? Do you see the folly of your reasoning? You're implying that the witness has indeed put himself, Kavanaugh, and this woman in the same room. That alone is enough to warrant a delay and investigation. Kav done fucked up is what he's done...and all you're doing is making the case for me. 2 perverts against her. Yeah like this scenario hasn't played out with other women all over the country. I say this is actually enough to cause the Republican senators to vote no. Kavanaugh is an attempted rapist he has it in his blood.
Karl Childers's Avatar

Any facts pertaining to whether a Rape Kit was performed or not? That might make a big difference between facts and fiction.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
NO it was not even discussed until at least 30 or 40 years had passed according to this morning's paper. Kinda skipped over it; more fake news.
Karl Childers's Avatar
The one person who witnessed it? The unindicted co-conspirator? Do you see the folly of your reasoning? You're implying that the witness has indeed put himself, Kavanaugh, and this woman in the same room. That alone is enough to warrant a delay and investigation. Kav done fucked up is what he's done...and all you're doing is making the case for me. 2 perverts against her. Yeah like this scenario hasn't played out with other women all over the country. I say this is actually enough to cause the Republican senators to vote no. Kavanaugh is an attempted rapist he has it in his blood. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
"Kavanaugh is an attempted rapist he has it in his blood."

Total nonsense, and you know it. You should be ashamed about your total lack of logic. You can now go back to the 4th or 5th grade where the children have a better understanding of reasoning: all of this is more fake news by the NYT and should never have been published. The FBI will not investigate this nonsense.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
"Kavanaugh is an attempted rapist he has it in his blood."

Total nonsense, and you know it. You should be ashamed about your total lack of logic. You can now go back to the 4th or 5th grade where the children have a better understanding of reasoning: all of this is more fake news by the NYT and should never have been published. The FBI will not investigate this nonsense. Originally Posted by Karl Childers
Newsflash. Even if the Statue of limitations hadn't expired this would be a state crime and out of their jurisdiction. The only reason it was passed along to them is part of his background screening that comes with such roles. Just thought I'd educate you on that. Furthermore I think you deserve to be pointed for insulting me. I'm a very important person and you're not allowed to talk to me in such a fashion.;-)
Karl Childers's Avatar
And now children: it is time for a bed-time story.

Once upon a time there was a fine looking lady who a guy thought he would like to know better. He took her to a nice dinner for the first date and everything seemed OK. They agreed to see each other again.

For the second date, the guy thought it was time for something simple, so he could get her to talk and understand her better. After about 30 to 45 minutes she had told him enough for him to know it was time to remove himself from this situation.

He went to the bathroom and sent himself a page with instructions from his boss to be somewhere at 4 AM.

An apology was made for the short date. Because he had to be up early - see the page on the phone?

He didn't call her back again, not ever. After about eight weeks the police called and told him to come in for an interview - she had charged him with rape, the night of the second date.

He called an attorney who went to the interview with the guy. He instructed the guy not say a single word, nothing at all. The attorney and the guy listened to the lady cop tell her story and lie about having a rape kit and test results with DNA. When the cop finished, the attorney said "we have no statement to make at this time". The attorney and the guy left.

That was the last they heard about the situation.

The moral of the story is that cops and women lie. Keep your mouth shut and walk away without looking back.

Remember this! Whiskey is good, beer is great, and some women are crazy!

This is a true story. Remember to think with your big head, not your little head. There are a lot of nice women out there who would love to provide for your needs without an attack on your safety.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Three people in a room. Two people deny what the third party says happened. Absent any evidence to the contrary, a two-to-one majority says the third party's account is at minimum a distortion of events or, at worst, an out right lie. Democracy wins, and the majority carries the day.

This after SEN Corey Booker lied about Kavanaugh's position on racial profiling and SEN Kamala Harris lied about Kavanaugh's statement regarding contraceptives.

Then you have the incident where a registered dim-retard walked onto a ballfield and began shooting Republican Congressmen.

So, what's a bit of slander from an anonymous source claiming something happened some 35 years ago when considered together with Booker and Harris' lies to slander a Supreme Court nominee and the gunman's intent to intimidate Congress via murder?
once again - what goes around comes around. Kinda of like Corey Booker. He reminds me of an abusive ex. I bet he likes to beat up women because he he sure looks like he does..***shudder*** I don't know this for a fact but I bet we can flush out someone from his High School days to verify that. Oh good bye to the Presidential run he thought he had...hahahahaha.
Karl Childers's Avatar
Newsflash. Even if the Statue of limitations hadn't expired this would be a state crime and out of their jurisdiction. The only reason it was passed along to them is part of his background screening that comes with such roles. Just thought I'd educate you on that. Furthermore I think you deserve to be pointed for insulting me. I'm a very important person and you're not allowed to talk to me in such a fashion.;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I am very sorry if you think you were insulted for a lack of logic. We seem to have been writing at the same time. (See my post right after yours)

I checked your information - after seeing your note about being insulted. You say are a guy! Wow, sorry: from the statements you made, and your picture, I figured you had to be a lady.
NO it was not even discussed until at least 30 or 40 years had passed according to this morning's paper. Kinda skipped over it; more fake news. Originally Posted by Karl Childers
Actually these allegations against Kavanagh will ultimately serve two benefits. Firstly those that know him and support him and realize this level of smut from the Democrats is nothing but a character assassination, will voice their disgust for this level of sleaze. Secondly the total lack of anything substantial to support the allegations against Kavanagh will be a big blow to the democrats credibility, voters may turn away from Democrat candidates in the midterm elections and ultimately vote Republican. Whom ever gave Feinstein that letter, after reading it she should have had the sense to realize it had no substance and would not offer any significance to thwart the efforts for Kavanagh to be nominated to the Supreme court. Instead she attempts to use it as a tool and no one is buying it. Kavanagh, stated publically by many of his peers in the wake of this trash, is described as a decent human being who treats men and women alike with dignity and respect and would make for an excellent choice on the Supreme Court and will always have our Constitution and Country's best interest in mind.

lustylad's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I am very sorry if you think you were insulted for a lack of logic. We seem to have been writing at the same time. (See my post right after yours)

I checked your information - after seeing your note about being insulted. You say are a guy! Wow, sorry: from the statements you made, and your picture, I figured you had to be a lady. Originally Posted by Karl Childers
How many points in total were you assessed for insulting me ?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I am very sorry if you think you were insulted for a lack of logic. We seem to have been writing at the same time. (See my post right after yours)

I checked your information - after seeing your note about being insulted. You say are a guy! Wow, sorry: from the statements you made, and your picture, I figured you had to be a lady. Originally Posted by Karl Childers
How many points in total were you assessed for insulting me ? Even above as you try to be clever?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Actually these allegations against Kavanagh will ultimately serve two benefits. Firstly those that know him and support him and realize this level of smut from the Democrats is nothing but a character assassination, will voice their disgust for this level of sleaze. Secondly the total lack of anything substantial to support the allegations against Kavanagh will be a big blow to the democrats credibility, voters may turn away from Democrat candidates in the midterm elections and ultimately vote Republican. Whom ever gave Feinstein that letter, after reading it she should have had the sense to realize it had no substance and would not offer any significance to thwart the efforts for Kavanagh to be nominated to the Supreme court. Instead she attempts to use it as a tool and no one is buying it. Kavanagh, stated publically by many of his peers in the wake of this trash, is described as a decent human being who treats men and women alike with dignity and respect and would make for an excellent choice on the Supreme Court and will always have our Constitution and Country's best interest in mind.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Naah Kav is going down. It would be like Trump to pick a fellow rapist / sexual assualter. It's a disgrace. Ask yourself this question. It's a rhetorical one. "When I was 18 how many girls did I attempt to rape by forcing myself on them and covering their mouth so no one could hear them scream? "

Think about that for a sec. Because it happened in 1982 does that make it more palatable. Powerful men all across this country are falling because of decades old aggressions and Kav unfortunately will have to pay the price mainly because he wants a lifetime appointment to tell other people how to live ...unfortunately when you have any blemish on your record while trying to tell others how to live then you must have lived a Jesus Christ type of life when it comes to how you've treated others.

I'm of the opinion you should never trust any guy that goes to all male institutions. Any woman with common sense should realize these are nothing but indoctrination camps. Where they're likely taught to hate woman and/or devalue them. Besides being a partisan hack and a semen shield for Trump Kav is not fit to serve for a lifetime appointment.

Every Murkowsky and Collins should listen to their constituents and vote no and if they dont vote no i would be very surprised.

This 4Q reveal is okay in my book. I'm very pleased that Diane Fienstein played this card at the last minute because Republicans have behaved this way with impunity for decades. Look at the Merrick Garland pick. Wouldn't even meet with him. Ram-roded Gorsuch through. Republican senators deal in bad faith daily so turn about is fair play.

Deal with it.

I checked your information - after seeing your note about being insulted. You say are a guy! Wow, sorry: from the statements you made, and your picture, I figured you had to be a lady. Originally Posted by Karl Childers
We don't know that for sure...good possibility.
You haven't been on here long, but he's the VICTIM of everything and everyone!!