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VP Harris "do not come to the border, if you do you will be turned back"!

See anybody being turned back?

Yes, there was quite a mess at the border at one point in the Trump administration and then came agreements with Mexico. It was called the remain in Mexico policy and it worked quite well.

As for separating families at the border, WTF do you think is happening now? They have chosen to be separated from their children by sending them unaccompanied and the conditions for children RIGHT NOW are worse than they have ever been.


'Heartbreaking' conditions in US migrant child camp

By Hilary Andersson
BBC News, El Paso, Texas

Published2 days ago

At a US border detention centre in the Texan desert, migrant children have been living in alarming conditions - where disease is rampant, food can be dangerous and there are reports of sexual abuse, an investigation by the BBC has found through interviews with staff and children.

Findings from the BBC's investigation include allegations of sexual abuse, Covid and lice outbreaks, a child waiting hours for medical attention, a lack of clean clothes and hungry children being served undercooked meat.

The BBC has spoken to camp employees about these conditions and seen photos and video smuggled out by staff.

Staff told the BBC the food was mostly edible, but a 15-year-old who has now been released said he was fed uncooked meat. "Sometimes the chicken had blood, the meat very red. We couldn't stand our hunger and we ate it, but we got sick from it."

A number of tents have also been set up just to accommodate the large numbers of sick children - the children have nicknamed it 'Covid city'.

"Hundreds of children have tested positive for Covid," said one employee who asked to remain anonymous because staff are banned from speaking about the camp.

In addition to Covid, outbreaks of the flu and strep throat have also been reported since the camp opened in late March.

And some children in need of urgent medical attention have been neglected.

In a secret recording of a staff meeting in May given to the BBC, an employee told of a child who was coughing up blood and needed urgent medical care.

"They said 'we are going to send him to lunch'," the employee reported another staff member as saying. "It was a three and a half hour wait to see anybody."

The 15-year-old who spoke to the BBC was released last month after 38 days in detention. He said he caught Covid-19 soon after arriving in the camp, and became severely ill. After he recovered, he was sent back to live in a crowded tent and became ill again.

"When we went to ask for medicine they gave us dirty looks, and they always laughed among themselves," said the boy, who preferred to remain anonymous, of some camp workers.

"Lice has been rampant," an employee told the BBC. "And one of the major shortages has been lice kits." Staff said a tent of around 800 girls was locked down last month because of lice.

Photos and video smuggled out of the facility by staff and given to the BBC, show rows of flimsy bunks, set inches from each other, extending in long lines through the vast tents.

"I think the crowding is the number one reason that illnesses have spread," said an employee.

Wild sandstorms sweep through the Chihuahuan desert where the camp is set.

"The whole tent starts shaking, some of the tents open up and sand rushes in. You literally have to shield your whole body from sand," said a female employee who also spoke on the condition of anonymity.

"By the end of the day, we are all just covered in dust from head to toe," she added. Staff told the BBC that showers are on offer, but many children don't want to take them because they have no clean clothes to change into.

There is a shortage of underwear, other clothing items and shoes in the camp, according to employees.

"It is heartbreaking to hear their stories and to see them very plainly suffering and to hear the same kinds of complaints over and over again about things that could be corrected so easily," said a staff member.

"After a child has been here for a few days, they say, 'you've got to get me out of here as soon as possible, I just can't stand it anymore,'" he added. "They feel like they are in a prison."

What do the authorities say?

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which employs private contractors to help run the camp, says it is committed to transparency, but the BBC was denied access to the camp.

HHS did not respond to the specific allegations of neglect in Fort Bliss uncovered by the BBC, but says in a public statement that it is "providing required standards of care for children such as clean and comfortable sleeping quarters, meals, toiletries, laundry, educational and recreational activities, and access to medical services".

What are the reports of sexual abuse?

There are reports of staff sexually abusing children at the Fort Bliss camp. At a camp training session, secretly recorded by a staff member and shared with the BBC, an employee voiced concern.

"We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately," she said.

Another employee told the BBC that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had spoken to staff about a rape.

"DHS mentioned there was a rape - they are giving the girls pregnancy tests," she said. "And I heard the other night that another contractor was caught in a boys' tent, you know, doing things with him."

What state are the children in?

Many of the children in Fort Bliss become severely depressed, according to staff, who say there are multiple cases of children self-harming.

"I thought that I was not going to get out of there, that I was not going to see my family again," the 15-year-old who spoke to the BBC said, welling up with emotion.

"Sometimes, and at night, we would cry. During the worst time I was nearly at the point of committing suicide," he said.


Migrant children testify to ‘horrible’ conditions inside U.S. shelters in court case

By Ted Hesson and Kristina Cooke Reuters

What we see happening now is as bad if not worse that what we saw in 2019 proving that our government, no matter who is running it, is not equipped to handle migrations like this. This has to stop. Close the border, period. Problem is, our media will not honestly report what is happening now like it did in 2019. Why is that? Why haven't we seen AOC and Rashida Tlaib at the border demanding better living conditions like they did when Trump was President?

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
And this entire post is nothing more than you pointing fingers at someone else for Trump's mess. Kids getting put in cages, living in inhumane conditions is a direct result of Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, that is a fact that you are going to have to deal and one that Trump is going to own.
HedonistForever's Avatar

In case you haven't done your research,

That has never been the case and you should know that. I research everything before I comment.

the border was a complete mess well before the 2020 elections, it was a mess before 2020. Over crowded holding facilities, inhumane treatment, kids being separated from their parents, women and children being tear gassed. those were all a direct result of trumps border policies. that is what the far right media is not telling you.

Yes, I'm well aware of the hysterics in the MSM with the "children in cages" that just so happen to have been pictures taken during the Obama administration so yeah, there has been a perpetual problem at the border but the simple fact of the matter is, it was getting better with the co-operation of Mexico and the "remain in Mexico policy". Now with Biden announcing that "they should all surge the border" in one of his debates, that is exactly what they have done. VP Harris goes to Honduras and says "do not come to the border, you will be turned back" but that was a lie, nobody is being turned back, they are being turned loose in America. In case you haven't noticed, the border is getting worse with numbers never seen before and conditions as bad, in my opinion, worse than in 2019 with no hope at all of getting better but like I said, please share with us and VP Harris, how things could get better. I'm anxious to hear your thoughts on the matter.

You mean the deal that Republicans demanded and Democrats caved on?

And right here you are making shit up. it was a bipartisan deal which means both sides came to an agreement. the deal made yesterday was a biden victory. you don't have to admit it but it was. what happened when trump tried the same? his own party went against it.

Seems we have an update on the "Biden victory". Biden says he won't sign the deal he just agreed to if Republicans won't support "the rest of the goodies" that Republicans forced out of the Infrastructure bill. So I'm wondering if there will be any bill at all.

nope. trump and de vos did their best to defund public education and ignore the needs of schools. so if there's an issue with schools closing then it is a direct result of trumps neglect.

You are arguing yesterdays news. Today's news is that school boards all over the country are facing angry parents and re-calls over indoctrination and teaching of CRT. Have you not heard about any of this? This will push the issue of school choice even further to the forefront.

"When it comes to education policy, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration have no new ideas.

Like I said, old news. What is being taught will be the topic of discussion from now till 2022 and that is an argument Democrats will not win.

soul crushing?? nope. like I said before I agree that right now as it stands the republicans are in position to take the house back. however that is not a given, even the republicans know that which is why they are doing their best to pass voter suppression laws. it all depends on the turn out, the higher the turn out the less chances they have. and even if they do take the house back we're not going anywhere. Originally Posted by Little Monster

Oh but I think you are going some where, out of leadership of the House which would effectively end the Biden administration for all practical purposes. But you are right that is not a given, just a very likely prospect.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And this entire post is nothing more than you pointing fingers at someone else for Trump's mess. Kids getting put in cages, living in inhumane conditions is a direct result of Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, that is a fact that you are going to have to deal and one that Trump is going to own. Originally Posted by Little Monster

I accept that Trump had a mess because Democrats wouldn't let him do what he wanted to do which was entirely shut down the border. I am pointing to the fact that the Biden administration after accelerating the problem, has no better solution and guess what, there are now more "kids in cages" than there were under Trump or haven't you noticed? They are living in inhumane conditions and I was just informed that AOC and the rest of the squad are complaining though I haven't seen them do it in a news conference or at the border like they did against Trump, I wonder why?


Biden’s ‘kids in cages’ prove his hypocrisy on immigration

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris savaged President Donald Trump for keeping “kids in cages.” But now they’re doing the same thing — and undoing the Trump policies that had mitigated the underlying problem.
That is, the Biden administration is housing migrant teens in some of the very same facilities they decried. It’s not really “kids in cages” — or even “kids in containers,” as critics have said of the pod-like structures in Carrizo Springs, Texas, holding up to 700 teens the White House says came to the country unaccompanied. But it’s also not a solution.

Biden-Harris are also reopening an overflow facility in Homestead, Fla., which Harris sought to protest in 2019. The year before, she called Trump’s treatment of migrants a “crime against humanity.”
Of course, many of these facilities opened under President Barack Obama, famously leading Trump to ask Biden in a debate, “Who built the cages, Joe?” But the media blamed it all on Trump, who pursued similar policies to Obama’s before finding a better way, namely working with Mexican and Central American governments to stem the tide of illegal immigration — agreements Biden has unilaterally junked.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and others on the left who think that the Department of Homeland Security “shouldn’t exist” essentially want open borders. Biden claims he doesn’t agree, but then why is he repeating the mistakes of the past?

Obama first sparked the mass waves of illegal immigrants pouring over the border, because his promised amnesty for Dreamers led Central Americans to think they’d be legalized, too. Now the new president is pushing for a path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants even as he put a 100-day moratorium on deportations.
(A Texas judge just indefinitely blocked that deportation ban, which has some liberals complaining about activist Trump-appointed judges. That’s pretty rich considering the left’s heavy use of courts to block Trump’s policies.)

Biden is also ending Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program for Central American asylum seekers, which took pressure off the border. Which leaves two choices: Just let ’em in, or hold ’em in a temporary facility while you process their immigration claims. A problem entirely of Biden’s making.

So while we feel Trump was wrongly vilified for these facilities, Biden deserves every knock of hypocrisy leveled against him.

Trump did have to own it and failed to get re-elected. Now it is Biden's turn to own it and guess what, he is failing and he has a lot longer to fail than Trump did and we won't be arguing about what Trump did in 2019, we will be arguing about what Biden did from 2020 to 2022 and my prediction is, it will be even worse than it is now. You better hurry up with your recommendations to Harris on how to fix this because she obviously has no idea how to do it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Don't we all... Originally Posted by Little Monster

No, some of us live in a world where we can admit to inconvenient truths like the problems Trump faced with his immigration problems. His policy to separate children from parents was more direct but what we have now, is even more children separated from their parents, voluntarily and the handling of those children is just as bad now if not worse because the numbers keep increasing.

But then some people, no matter how much evidence they are confronted with, simply can not, will not admit that in this particular case, Biden has the very same if not worse problems and isn't handling them any better and I would submit worse because the numbers are worse and he eliminated solutions simply because Trump had put them in place but they were working.

You don't seem capable of admitting that but let me give you a chance. You must have seen the news about the inhumane conditions the children are being kept in right now, right?

Or will you deny this too?
rexdutchman's Avatar
People are being "conditioned " to believe its all good now pudden and hoe got u covered ,