Here we go again...gun control.

Did you even notice the fat fuck with the suit and tie?

God damn! Your a fuckin' teacher? Oh. From Missouri. The "show me" because I'm stupid state.

The first still picture speaks a thousand words. Don't worry, this just tells me you are very conservative. Just stay right where you are. Don't go off the deep end. If you understood the oath you took, that question would never have entered your puny brain.

Fuckin' dumbass!

Wiki, sure. That'll help. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
And? Who was he? Maybe if you pick up a copy of James Michener's Kent State and read it like I did back in high school.
Then pick up one of Ian Kershaw's books on totalitarian regimes in the mid 20th century. Then you can rationalize the real meaning of fascism and learn some history.

Fascism is about government using business to do what government can't do. That doesn't mean that government can't do a lot with secret police, regulations, and oppression but if you can't shut down gun/ammunition companies because of the 2nd amendment, then you take away legal protections to allow trail lawyers (who support the democrat party) to file billion dollar lawsuits like they did Remington. Private business, kowtowing to the government overlords, will do what government is not allowed to do which would be to ban the production of guns and ammunition.
Why did you want to see my dd214? How would that prove or disprove your test scores?
Your line about doing so well they wanted you to take the test again is total bullshit.
Plus you aren't telling the whole story. If the Navy needs 30 nuke boys at a certain time, how many people would they have in the pipeline?
30? Obviously not. Probably closer to 60. Because they can choose the top 30 of the 60 (hypothetical but just because a person passes the class doesn't mean he gets a slot). It means he is smart enough to learn an OJT job without a formal course.
You aren't a real logical guy and are nowhere near anal enough for a job with such tight parameters for performance, safety, and attention to detail. Your explanation of your scores, your bullshit about retaking the test after you say they just wanted to see the 17 year old perform, and your attitudes about numbers in general tells me you either know you misrepresent numbers or you don't realize you do. Either way you are subpar.
You remember lexusliar's low hanging fruit hug when you miss added those electoral numbers and the number of votes for each candidate? Don't you?

You're sloppy, ignorant, and you don't check your work.

Now you want us to believe you were precise while in the military but now you don't have to be so you lie. You claim you can't lie because you aren't a democrat.
This after Trump and his 30000 lies. You're full of shit.

Now you deflect your shortcomings by asking to see my 214. Because I can add and you can't. I believe what I can see. I see what you are. I don't believe what you claim and I haven't seen.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You must have a very disappointing life. You realize that you're criticizing a naive 17 year old kid when you attack what happened 50 plus years ago. You want to be precise. That's being precise. You're attacking me when I was 17. Does that make you feel a like some sort of man? Also, being precise, I didn't claim that I COULDN'T lie but said that I DON'T lie. Big difference. I choose not to lie like you choose to lie. It seems that you're hanging by a thread right now. I'm thinking that you being so...let's call it erratic, I should call law enforcement under the Red Flag law. Don't want you going back to the high school you went to for some payback.
In our country, access to weapons is too easy; I think it is necessary to develop laws that would make weapons less accessible. I am a fan of guns; in my collection, a lot of handguns, as well as large-caliber rifles. But I keep and in a safe, the key to which is always with me. Besides, I shoot only in special places where it is allowed. Recently, shooting in crowded places has become more frequent, so I carry a gun for self-defense. I hope I don't use it on the street.
Why penalize someone for their age? If they have the wherewithal, the maturity, and the skill why is 21 a magic age?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Isn’t that also your anti abortion argument?

Comment like that needed the require time stamp check.

And … yep … you’re in the “zone.” Cup of coffee and the delete button could have saved you the embarrassment of posting that comment, JD.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
age 21 is considered the age of an adult and more mature with some life experience. this was the age for most things prior to the passage of the amendment lowering the age from 21 to 18 for voting.
It has everything to do as far as righties are concerned. No gun control for us....but we have to control the women.

Pathetic doesn't even do justice to this thread. The thread should be titled "I have no ideas so I will bait the hook." Originally Posted by VitaMan
Don't hijack the thread. I think you've been told that before.
About 15 years ago they passed a law in Kansas City, MO that you had to be 21 years old before you could rent a motel room.
You can't buy a drink before you're 21 years old.
You can't buy cigarettes before you're 21 years old.

According to the left (with help from the right), between 18 and 21, you're a second-class citizen. This is a major change from a time when a man or woman would strike out on their own to make their own way into the world. In those days you did not have government pitting itself against you, just fortune.