The Challenge is made: Gun Control

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ask yourself: "Why are Republicans intent on destroying the essence of our republic?" Racism!

Asked, and answered. Sir.

Voting Laws Roundup: May 2022

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

explain how in "Jim Crow 2.0" Georgia the early voting turnout set records?

Record Early Voting Turnout Continues

May 19th, 2022
(Atlanta) – As the third week of early voting for Georgia’s 2022 primary election continues, Georgia voters are turning out in record numbers across the state. Through Wednesday, May 19th, over 565,000 people have early voted in Georgia—a 189% increase from the same point in the early voting period in the 2018 primary election and a 153% increase in the same point in the early voting period in the 2020 primary election. Georgia has had record early voting turnout since the first day of early voting this year, surging to nearly three times the number on the first day of primary voting in 2018 and double that of 2020, and has continued on that path since.

from the left leaning The Atlantic .. so you know it must be true.

The Blue States That Make It Hardest to Vote

Democrats are criticizing Republicans for pushing restrictive voting laws. But states such as Joe Biden’s Delaware can make casting a ballot difficult.

Che's last official portrait ..

eccieuser9500's Avatar

Che's last official portrait ..

WAAHHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

From the Archive | The photo meant to end Che Guevara’s legend

There is a resemblance between the photograph and Rembrandt’s painting of The Anatomy Lesson of Professor Tulp. The immaculately dressed Bolivian colonel with a handkerchief to his nose has taken the professor’s place. The two figures on his left stare at the cadaver with the same intense but impersonal interest as the two nearest doctors on the professor’s left. It is true that there are more figures in the Rembrandt – as there were certainly more men, unphotographed, in the stable at Vallegrande. But the placing of the corpse in relation to the figures above it, and in the corpse the sense of global stillness – these are very similar.

Nor should this be surprising, for the function of the two pictures is similar: both are concerned with showing a corpse being formally and objectively examined. More than that, both are concerned with making an example of the dead: one for the advancement of medicine, the other as a political warning. Thousands of photographs are taken of the dead and the massacred. But the occasions are seldom formal ones of demonstration. Doctor Tulp is demonstrating the ligaments of the arm, and what he says applies to the normal arm of every man. The colonel with the handkerchief is demonstrating the final fate – as decreed by “divine providence” – of a notorious guerrilla leader, and what he says is meant to apply to every guerrillero on the continent.

The body is seen from the same height, but from the feet instead of from the side. The hands are in identical positions, the fingers curving in the same gesture. The drapery over the lower part of the body is creased and formed in the same manner as the blood-sodden, unbuttoned, olive-green trousers on Guevara. The head is raised at the same angle. The mouth is slack of expression in the same way. Christ’s eyes have been shut, for there are two mourners beside him. Guevara’s eyes are open, for there are no mourners: only the colonel with the handkerchief, a US intelligence agent, a number of Bolivian soldiers and the journalists. Once again, the similarity need not surprise. There are not so many ways of laying out the criminal dead.

Just sayin'.

Appreciate the vision.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
From the Archive | The photo meant to end Che Guevara’s legend

Just sayin'.

Appreciate the vision. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

your idol was quite a man .. makes one wonder why you'd idolize him

he was a violent hateful racist who despised blacks. hope you aren't black, jack.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So, let's have that conversation. You can put forward your ideas of how to stop or reduce the number of mass shootings in this country. It has to be realistic, pass constitutional muster, and effective. Saying "getting rid of all guns" is a non-starter as you can't, it's not realistic, and would violate the Constitution.
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You set up a straw man already. Nobody ever said get rid of all guns, nor said take guns away from those in possession. But the Qanon Right will say that others say it. So discourse is shut before it begins.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
You set up a straw man already. Nobody ever said get rid of all guns, nor said take guns away from those in possession. But the Qanon Right will say that others say it. So discourse is shut before it begins. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You're a lying member of the hard core Left, Tran.

Beto O’Rourke unambiguously endorses government mandated gun confiscation.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Beto O’Rourke unambiguously endorses government mandated gun confiscation. Originally Posted by texassapper
Seems he was for it, before he was against it and then for it again. I'm guessing it was because of the polls at the time, that caused him to do the 180 degree turn each time. Either that or he is in to spin dancing...
eccieuser9500's Avatar

your idol was quite a man .. makes one wonder why you'd idolize him

he was a violent hateful racist who despised blacks. hope you aren't black, jack. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

If that makes you feel better, project on with your bad self. (I'm gonna start using this, as opposed to your cheesy "if you say so."

texassapper's Avatar
Seems he was for it, before he was against it and then for it again. I'm guessing it was because of the polls at the time, that caused him to do the 180 degree turn each time. Either that or he is in to spin dancing... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No he's just such a stupid Communist Democrat that he actually blurted out the truth... then he back pedaled... now the calculus has changed with the Communist Democrats... they think its actually a winning talking point.

Everytime Tran pushes the bullshit that the Democratic Communists aren't talking about confiscation we all know that its not true. That's where the Democrats are headed and they won't stop until they get an Australian style dis-armament. And that's why the police could beat COVID protestors in the street without fear of return fire.

That's what the Democrat Communists want.

They will never get it here... US gun owners aren't buying that bullshit. They know what the Democrat Communists really want and will never let it happen.

That's how we know what will trigger the next Civil War... gun confiscation.

There are lies and damned lies. Those black-hearted lies spoken by people like Tran Duc are the reason that I have him on ignore. Thank you for reflecting his words which approves my decision.
ICU 812's Avatar
So lets raise the age to buy a gun to 21. That sounds reasonable. That has already been done in some states. I have thought it to be a good idea in the past and still do. And yet . . .

What are the possible ramifications? Are there anu unlooked for or unintended consequences to that? I think there are.

The right to own and carry firearm, the "keep and bear' part of the Second Amendment has been found to be the right of individual citizens. But raising the age at which it is legal to buy and own a firearm is a de-facto suspension of an enumerated right. There is no constitutional provision for suspending the rights of adult citizens based solely on their age

If a citizen can be deprived of any one of the rights and protections of the Constitution as amended, any other of the other enumerated rights could also be suspended. In the case of the proposed gun control driven suspension it is "only" three years. But could it be longer? There does not at this time seem to be any legal limit on how long a citizen can be delayed access to the rights and protections of the Bill of Rights.

And why only the Second Amendment? There is a significant push to limit the First Amendment rights of free speech. Why not prevent anyone under the age of 35 from publishing an Op-Ed piece or writing a book?

Lets all think this over and get a good look at what could happen if this is made a Federal law.
So I’m other words. No gun legislation, no matter how small, like raising the purchase age for assault style semiautomatic rifles is acceptable to the “2nd Amendment” crowd and republicans can’t support it. I guess we need to lift the ban on fully automatic weapons as well since no infringement of the “right to bear arms” should possibly exist.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So I’m other words. No gun legislation, no matter how small, like raising the purchase age for assault style semiautomatic rifles is acceptable to the “2nd Amendment” crowd and republicans can’t support it. I guess we need to lift the ban on fully automatic weapons as well since no infringement of the “right to bear arms” should possibly exist. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Logical conclusion. Funny people, they would rather spend lots of government money Reacting to gun crimes in progress, than try and stop crime before it happens. Like Waco, who argued for days that a Church Murderer had the ''right'' not to be asked to take off his coat, where he had a gun concealed, and had the ''liberty'' to enter a private Church and murder 2 people. Nope, just wait until the Shooter starts killing, THEN you can respond.
texassapper's Avatar
So I’m other words. No gun legislation, no matter how small, like raising the purchase age for assault style semiautomatic rifles is acceptable to the “2nd Amendment” crowd and republicans can’t support it. I guess we need to lift the ban on fully automatic weapons as well since no infringement of the “right to bear arms” should possibly exist. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
that's right Affirmative Actionman. No legislation at all since we know the left are liars and we know that you won't stop with "common sense" reform.