Michele Bachmann Says If You Are Unemployed, You Should Starve

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-16-2011, 01:14 PM
Damn Doofus! Did a search of this entire thread and the only place where someone said that was in your pathetic little post! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You must have missed post #128.

Doofus, Walmart's prices increased to compensate for the increased cost (labor) of doing business. This compensation - which occurs across the whole market (not just Walmart) - offsets any advantage gained by mandating a minimum wage increase for low wage earners. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Emphasis mine.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, but I can take a Dale Carnegie course, but you will still be brainless.

I have never been surprised that the wealthy can make plausible arguments for why they should be rich and everyone else should be poor. Most surprising is the readiness of the poor to accept the argument. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
I B Hankering's Avatar
You must have missed post #128.

Emphasis mine. Originally Posted by Doove
Doofus, you are projecting as you always do. You have made no point.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-16-2011, 03:19 PM
Doofus, you are projecting as you always do. You have made no point. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You've posted 3 times in this thread since i made the point, and you've claimed i've distorted and projected.....yet you haven't said one word towards correcting me or adding additional context to contradict my claim of what your point means if taken to it's logical conclusion.

Your 3 posts make it obvious that you're pretty sensitive about it, so i would think you'd like to set the record straight.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You've posted 3 times in this thread since i made the point, and you've claimed i've distorted and projected.....yet you haven't said one word towards correcting me or adding additional context to contradict my claim of what your point means if taken to it's logical conclusion. Originally Posted by Doove
Actually, you're being quite illogical.

Your 3 posts make it obvious that you're pretty sensitive about it, so i would think you'd like to set the record straight. Originally Posted by Doove
Read post #134 again.
anaximander's Avatar
Doofus, you are projecting as you always do. You have made no point. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No shit.
This goof has yet to substantiate one of his
claims when challenged. I say 'he' hesitantly
because 'he' debates like a woman.
Never a counter of substance.
Just a repeat of what was exclaimed as if
that passes for a intelligent rebuke.

Asians can't get paid US union wages
because it would up end their societies.
Nike factory workers making as much
as doctors and machinists. That would
destroy their work ethic.

Minimum wage is just a starting wage.
Most businesses gradually increase pay
after 6-9 months. If you are still earning
min wag after 9 mos; you're a dolt.
The only reason you haven't been fired
is because there is no safe bet your
replacement would do any better.
At least you show up on time.

Most of what the democrats point to as
poor people are in reality just broke.
There is a salient difference.
Poor are the ignorant dolts that
have no clue to what life requires.
Broke are the people whose jobs were
chased out of this country.
Wages that limit the amount of employees
a business can afford to hire.
Redundant taxation that bleeds money
from those who can least afford it.
Printing so much money that the money
in your pocket loses purchasing power
If the govt can convince you it is someone
or something else(jews,capitalism) then
they can dodge responsibility for the
consequences of their philosophy and
political actions. And keep taking your
money with impunity.

This govt wants us poor so they can
'rescue' us and be the good guy.
However these guys are no different
than the rogue firefighter who sets fires
to make themselves look needed.
Only real difference being we punish
such firemen. The dems have low rent
lackeys that praise the fires they set.

Rich people don't get rich from poor people.
If that was the case south american rich
would regard Gates and Trump as
small potatoes. Las Vegas wasn't built
on the backs of the poor.

You can't eliminate poverty.
It is the result of a cascade of crappy
personal decisions made over an
extended period of time. Old habits
die hard. Actual poor have no effective
idea to be anything but poor.

The reason wealthy end up getting executed
in socialist regimes is that they don't know
how not to make money. You give a poor
slob a million dollars he will be poor again
in short order- lottery histories prove this.
You strip a richman of his money, in a short
time he will have amassed another fortune.
More often than not, larger than the one
stolen from him.
So the commies kill him to prevent themselves
from being seen as inept and clueless.

You can't keep a good man down.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-16-2011, 04:49 PM
You've posted 3 times in this thread since i made the point, and you've claimed i've distorted and projected.....yet you haven't said one word towards correcting me or adding additional context to contradict my claim of what your point means if taken to it's logical conclusion. Originally Posted by Doove
Actually, you're being quite illogical.

Read post #134 again. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
4 times.

No shit.
This goof has yet to substantiate one of his
claims when challenged. Originally Posted by anaximander
I paraphrased I B Hankering's point to suggest that, taken to it's logical conclusion, his theory suggests that minimum wage workers would be better off if they were making $2/hr. I'm not sure how i would substantiate that, beyond pointing to the quote of his i was paraphrasing. Twice.

He's denied denied denied and denied, but has yet to explain how i was wrong. It's very simple. I made a point. A pretty simple one to understand. I'm either right, or i'm wrong. If it's worth it for him to spend 4 posts issuing nothing but a denial, i would think it would be worth it to explain how i'm wrong. If he could. He doesn't seem able to.

Beyond that, i didn't read any further into your post, so consider my lack of any additional response as my indifference to what you really think.

And while i don't typically read your posts (i doubt many people do), i don't recall you posting any links....to......you know.....substantiate anything you say.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I paraphrased I B Hankering's point to suggest that, taken to it's logical conclusion, his theory suggests that minimum wage workers would be better off if they were making $2/hr. I'm not sure how i would substantiate that, beyond pointing to the quote of his i was paraphrasing. Twice. Originally Posted by Doove
Once again, there's nothing logical about your interpretation. And paraphrase? Seriously?
He's denied denied denied and denied, but has yet to explain how i was wrong. It's very simple. I made a point. A pretty simple one to understand. I'm either right, or i'm wrong. If it's worth it for him to spend 4 posts issuing nothing but a denial, i would think it would be worth it to explain how i'm wrong. If he could. He doesn't seem able to. Originally Posted by Doove
Okay, no denial. You’re just being stupid. Keep playin’. Maybe you’ll get it right. Then again, maybe not.
waverunner234's Avatar
Wave, you have no crediblity.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How did you know I'm a surfer?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It was a wag, Waverunner.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-17-2011, 04:06 AM
Once again, there's nothing logical about your interpretation. And paraphrase? Seriously?
Okay, no denial. You’re just being stupid. Keep playin’. Maybe you’ll get it right. Then again, maybe not. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're lack of a serious response in 5 tries pretty much confirms what i was saying.

Thanks for playing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doove, your ability to distort and misunderstand has few parallels on this plane. You truly are, uh, well, . . . Doove.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-17-2011, 02:10 PM
Doove, your ability to distort and misunderstand has few parallels on this plane. You truly are, uh, well, . . . Doove. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ok genius, maybe you can tell me how i was wrong.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've tried. It doesn't do any good. Others have tried as well, and failed. Sorry, pal, you're on your own.