Sugar daddy dating & info ??

korea1's Avatar
I used to have 2 sd in the past and it always ends bad like they fall in love,leave their family,want to have a baby and get married,I just ended up hurting them so I stopped.
korea1's Avatar
I never had to do bbfs either so that was never an issue but getting less cash not sure,all bills paid(in call and my personal living space and utilities) a couple grand to spend and shopping sprees every time I see them) Just don't get to attached. Real feelings can develop and it can be stressful at times.
korea1's Avatar
They can get jeoulous of your reviews too, I love my hobby and am a true nympho I don't like sd relationships I like to be independent and learned my lesson!
rogerdodger's Avatar
Who in the sam hell has the energy to fuck 100 guys in a month? Christ you must think so little of all of us :/ Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
while this is not exactly on topic ... one of my 'values' concerning SBs over providers involves both frequency of multiple sexual partners AND a more relaxed, not strictly time-inhibited visit - ie. XXX/hour rate ...

so, i understand the economic difference. any provider chiming in on this discussion who would care to inform me about the number of actual sexual partners you see in a month - i admit curiousity has gotten the best of me. PM me if you like.

i know that in most of by SB encounters that reached the BCD stage, it was at most 2 ... an SO and me. how do i know ... because i shy away from 'professional SBs' ... just like you ladies who can pick out the 'players' in the hobbiest pool, some of us can pick out the 'players' in the SB pool.

and thanks to the ladies who have responded.
ShysterJon's Avatar
The first SB I had who was a provider told me about a year into our relationship that her pimp had her at the Grand turning eight tricks a day. So it's not beyond the realm of comprehension to think that a provider might see 100 guys a month. Sorry to burst anybody's 'Pretty Woman,' romanticized bubble viewpoint of the hobby.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Reason 135 why Providers arent allowed to go to the SD/SB forum.

You know there hasnt been a warning issued or a ban or even a little tif in that forum?

This thread is full of them.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
The first SB I had who was a provider told me about a year into our relationship that her pimp had her at the Grand turning eight tricks a day. So it's not beyond the realm of comprehension to think that a provider might see 100 guys a month. Sorry to burst anybody's 'Pretty Woman,' romanticized bubble viewpoint of the hobby. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
That's not what I was trying to say at all - it's absolutely realistic for a lower priced, high volume provider to see 100+ guys a month. But I don't think the ladies in this thread are those types of providers. I hear other ladies #s of clients each month and my jaw drops sometimes. When I say "low volume" its not a marketing tool, it's "I can only enjoy so much, and I refuse to do something I don't enjoy". I enjoy what I do very much, and I think if I was seeing hell, even 50 guys a month I'd be really miserable, and I'd have probably quit by now.

Gotyour6 thanks for your elaboration, I felt like it was a sweeping generalisation and I appreciate you setting me straight
Utanks's Avatar
You have to have Premium Access to log on to the Sugar Daddy-Sugar Baby Forum. I think Jack Flash moderates it.
no that'd be me who moderates it...
Doc_rob's Avatar
Lexxxi - your old friend Doc here. The SD/SB thing does not work if there is a SO involved. Maybe what you are looking for is a real relationship. Just my guess. You are sooooo very cute and OMG those lips are to die for. (smile)
  • edcba
  • 04-27-2012, 09:27 PM
That wont happen. Maybe you can ask the mods to create a sugarbaby forum or maybe just start a thread and keep it going.

Put your prices down that you would want per month etc.

The problem with SB/SD relationships is that with me. I do more with my SB. I take them shopping, shooting, out to plays etc..

Most think that it is I pay you so much money per month and get to see you so many times. That to me is a hooker on retainer. I have one of those called my lawyer. He fucks me all the time.

I have sugar babies that I take out to lunch, I bought a car for a girl last week because hers was totaled. Wasn’t a brand new one but $5000 is still a lot to drop.

You may want to set it up as a one price per month thing.

The reason why I don’t want a provider as a sb is because I enjoy being with my SB as a friend and not a 1 hour fuck for 4 times a week
Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Very well said.
shorty's Avatar
Even if a lady averages 20-30 tricks in a month, that's still 240-360 guys a year. I highly doubt a SD wants a provider that's turning that many tricks to be his SB.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Awe My sweet Hunny Doc im not looking for that bc i am Now seeing someone so now im back to just providing. wahh but i was looking for someone to just see one on one and someone to give me x amt to cover bills and allow me free time to do other things such as school and give me time to figure out how to start my non profit organization and catering company.. i also wanted to do so that i could have less traffic in my condo. Thanks for ur input though i really appreciate it sweetheart ..

sweet lexxxi dd's
bladtinzu's Avatar
Who in the sam hell has the energy to fuck 100 guys in a month? Christ you must think so little of all of us :/ Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Well averaging 100 plus escorts a year (not even trying to factor in the free sex from civies and the SB sex) I could honestly give a rats ass how many clients an escort see's a month. It isn't like we are dating or in some sort of relationship. It is just business and nothing personal. And it sure isn't like a SB relationship where she is exclusive to me at my beck and call. If she isn't she is gone.. If she mutters the "L" word she is gone. I don't have time for that bullshit in my life. Like drama.. Hell if I wanted drama I'd date a stripper again. That is instant drama..
bladtinzu's Avatar
Even if a lady averages 20-30 tricks in a month, that's still 240-360 guys a year. I highly doubt a SD wants a provider that's turning that many tricks to be his SB. Originally Posted by shorty

Dude what sane SD would want an escort as a SB in the first place? It is like going up to the president of the United States and bitch slapping him. You know it is wrong and you know you will get tazed or an epic ass beating from the secret service guys so why do it knowing in the end you will always come out on the wrong end of the equasion..
bladtinzu's Avatar
I used to have 2 sd in the past and it always ends bad like they fall in love,leave their family,want to have a baby and get married,I just ended up hurting them so I stopped. Originally Posted by korea1

Where did you manage to find weak guys like that?? The prime example of why not to allow any form of emotion to come into play in this type of relationship..