OK, first, a couple of comments on the TPunk photoshoots posted:
"Taxed Enough Already" - spells T-E-A - whoopie-ducking-foo, clever, clever, clever - in sort of a middle school way. I wonder how she'd like it if we went to the typical "pay-as-you-go" plan? You know, privately owned toll roads (say, Preston Road for example - or Camp Bowie), a private military (most of the logistics is BR/Haliburton as it is, thanks to former President Cheney), complete deregulation of an underregulated industry such as health insurance, and, the coupe-de-grabass: allowing financial "gurus" the latitude to go even further into the casino...
"Obama Doesn't Speak for Me" - thanks for playing into a redneck whitebread stereotype that blacks are some sort of mindless, monolithic group who have to be "led" and "herded" by their "betters." Sounds to me more like the role of the Cock Broz in the TP.
The above is in keeping with the Hard Right's real talent for coming up with what appears to be an actual thought that can be put on a bumper sticker. The only drawback to this is that the underlying premise can't exist in the light of day. Like eveything else filled with empty calories, it feels good at the time but has no nutritional value.
But, what is most hilarious and mind numbing about all of the TPunk noise is how they are against spending ONLY after 2008. The fact that Cheney's two wars were totally kept off of the books must really make them think that the debt incurred from them DOESN'T REALLY EXIST. Duh! The telling thing about all of the TPunkies overheated rhetoric and visual aids is that they ignore half (well, two thirds if you throw in Wall Street's role in the Not So Great Depression we're in) of what got us to this place.
AND (this is the best part) what, actually, has the TPunk-driven political "takeover" of Kongrass and many state legislatures managed to produce? Mmmmmm, lessee...OH! restrictions on PERSONAL FREEDOMS (the alleged core principle of TPunks everywhere) such as the right to vote, access by unmarried or poor women to health care - yeah, yeah, yeah, birth control and cancer screening - including the RIGHT to pay for tests they do not want that are not medically necessary, continued obstruction of the implementation of Dodd-Frank, and tax breaks for the rich. Boyhowdy, now that's a record to hang your hat on. But, since the highest profile of these actions focuses on minority and poor white women, who gives a sh*t, right? Maybe these ladies will get on BP or here and run some "specials" so they can pay for those things.
But, these are easy, feel good "accomplishments" which don't actually advance anything but a sense by the enactors of these laws (and their supporters) that these things significantly ease the financial "distress" they are so worried about. Yep, they are so worried about that issue that they seek to solve it by what they have done.
All one has to do is look at what has HAPPENED and compare it to what the TPunks SAY they are doing. Simple enough activity for even Glenna, T2Pomeranians, COsFb, Whirlyburdturd and the rest of the suede-o-thinkers to grasp - even without Beck's chalkboard.
Today's assignment: go re-read "1984," but for comprehension this time (you HAVE read it before, right?). "The Prince" may be a little more difficult.