Sugar Daddys

iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 09-24-2012, 06:27 AM
" but i also think that sd's are not supposed to want sex all the time if they dont want to give out money everytime, that was the big problem i had, i am not going to fuck you everytime i see you if you not giving me money everytime you see me, "

this is the exact reason a Provider will never be anything but a provider !
i need a sugar daddy!!
This is just me. I would NEVER knowingly have an arrangement with a provider. If they were, and I found out, they would be gone immediately. Why would anyone have a real SBSD relationship with a provider whom is fuckin multiple guys every day. The great cunard thrown up by the providers is that you dont know what the SB is always doing. True. But I always know what you are doing.

Providers don't like SB's cause it's bad for business.
bladtinzu's Avatar
That's just nasty. AND stupid AND inconsiderate, considering you don't know what your SB is doing behind your back. Have we not learned that BB is not the way to go in these times?

Some people just don't give a damn... Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
And it always is comical providers saying they NEVER BB.. I had one offer years ago and turned her down because I know better. She was all about never BB'ing in her whole life. Then after the session she started talking about her kids driving her insane. And she didn't understand the terminology of immaculate conception either.. She actually said they were from 3 different guys. One who was a former client...

And as said before providers just suck at even trying to be SB's.. You say we don't know what our SB's are doing behind our backs but fact is we KNOW what providers will do..
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 09-25-2012, 04:30 AM
Why in the world would anyone even put Provider & SB in the same sentence ??

What did they say about putting Lipstick on a Pig ??
most sugar daddys are married.. yeah putting lip stick on a pig? =)
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 09-25-2012, 09:40 AM
Not all of us though !!

Yes it is putting Lip stick on a PIG !!

so you are a SB not what your Profile says ??

Verified Provider
bladtinzu's Avatar
most sugar daddys are married.. yeah putting lip stick on a pig? =) Originally Posted by carmencums

And most providers are over the age of 30 which also cuts them out of the SB realm.. Who wants over 30 when they can have lower to mid 20's for way less...
John Bull's Avatar
Let's keep the lipstick off the pigs before someone gets hurt feelings and the mod has to close this down. Thanks!
stimulatethemind's Avatar
Let's keep the lipstick off the pigs before someone gets hurt feelings and the mod has to close this down. Thanks! Originally Posted by John Bull
Thanks, Mr. Bull. Don't know why some people have to resort to name calling and insults. Also don't understand why people can't understand that every situation is different and unique based upon the individuals who are involved. Blanket statements, such as "no provider can make a good sugarbaby", also fall beyond my comprehension. Providers are people, in other words, each individual and unique. Yes, there are providers who are greedy, lazy and cold. There are many more who are kind, caring and generous. They are daughters, sisters and mothers. They provide a valuable service and most do so with a great attitude. Yes, there are exceptions and I believe that most of them do not last long in the marketplace. In my short time here on ECCIE, I have noticed several ladies who are articulate, bright and have a wonderful sense of humor (Tiffany Jamison, Dallas Rain, Sweet & Little and Jaycee Rivers just to name a few) who I would love to get to know over a cocktail.

As stated in previous posts, my SB is a provider. She is very low volume, only seeing a few clients other than myself (all of whom are long standing regulars, who she just did not want to stop seeing, mostly for their benefit) and I have no problem with that. Just because we have a very nice arrangement does not mean that I own her. She controls her own life. In return for a monthly allowance, I get to see her on a very frequent basis and I am always her priority. She will move things around for me if I request her to do so (which I very rarely do). We share much more than BCD time, which I would estimate at perhaps 20% of our time together. I enjoy her company and conversation every bit as much as our fantastic "play time".

As for the "why would anyone want to see a 30 year old when they can have a mid 20"s lady" question, you must be looking for something completely different than I. I don't condemn your preferences, but merely use it as an illustration of everyone having different tastes. That's why they make vanilla and chocolate, my friend. For me, the more mature lady (note, I didn't say old, I said mature) has more life experiences and is, most likely, a more intellectual companion.

Anyway, sorry to write this novel, and this will be my final post in this thread. I just want to convey that every individual and every situation or arrangement is unique and depends completely on the people involved. Please stop making blanket statements as there are exceptions to everything.

P.S. Thanks to all the hard working, caring ladies out there who are making the lives of us guys better in so many ways on a daily basis. You know who you are!!!
And most providers are over the age of 30 which also cuts them out of the SB realm.. Who wants over 30 when they can have lower to mid 20's for way less... Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Serious? i always thought that this job attracts mostly 18-21 yrs olds. When you are at that age Your job prospects are pretty much working in food as a waitress or in retail for minimum wage. They are most likely still in college so the time constraints of only being able to work for 1 day a week would make being a provider an attractive choice. It's not until you are in your late 20's or early 30's where you can get a good paying job. This is why i always thought this industry attracts 18-21 yr olds. Older women in their 30's can pretty much get a good job with better pay while 18-21 yr olds pretty much have no choice but to work in a bad minimum wage job because they don't have any experience.

i started being a provider when i was 18! iam 25 now.

my only regret was i wished i could've started at 17!!! lol.. but i knew it was not legal so i waited till i was of legal age. I am so glad i didn't wait till iam 30 to start being a provider.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Serious? i always thought that this job attracts mostly 18-21 yrs olds. When you are at that age Your job prospects are pretty much working in food as a waitress or in retail for minimum wage. They are most likely still in college so the time constraints of only being able to work for 1 day a week would make being a provider an attractive choice. It's not until you are in your late 20's or early 30's where you can get a good paying job. This is why i always thought this industry attracts 18-21 yr olds. Older women in their 30's can pretty much get a good job with better pay while 18-21 yr olds pretty much have no choice but to work in a bad minimum wage job because they don't have any experience.

i started being a provider when i was 18! iam 25 now.

my only regret was i wished i could've started at 17!!! lol.. but i knew it was not legal so i waited till i was of legal age. I am so glad i didn't wait till iam 30 to start being a provider. Originally Posted by SydneySin

Where your at maybe.. Not around here. Average age is near 40 it seems....
ForumPoster's Avatar
Exactly. Mostly that is the case. Funny on the side. I was on one of these SD homepages, with Nina Sastri of course as my name, when they deleted my photos claiming I was using photos of an escort.
I wrote back "I AM an escort and that one" and they told me "escorts not allowed, because they don`t support prostitution"

I was like "WTF??"

Can anyone explain to me what the hell is the difference between selling yourself for money and selling yourself for money ?

Besides: IMHO sugardaddy relationship can very well develop out of a client-escort encounter. That is at least what I experience most of the time.

I can`t imagine with my very best imaginative creativity that looking for a "SD" on a homepage must be anything else than a horribly cheap experience.

I saw offers gents make. It`s horrible. I laugh at that. I`d have to keep 50 SDs a month for that kind of money, so I can right away be an escort , have less clients and more money ) (lol) Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina, we gonna keep having these threads until one of two things happen.

The self proclaimed Sugar Daddies of ECCIE will admit that all they are really looking for is cheap no strings attached pussy. Their ideal woman is barely legal coed, generally OK with idea of taking money in exchange for sex but prefers to delude themselves that they are not hookers.


All of the providers suddenly declare "OMG what I've been doing is idiotic, I will go out there and fuck as many men claiming to be prospective sugar daddies for free hoping that one of them will take care of me".

Since chances of either one of these events taking place is less than zero, we will continue reviving these threads full of "hookers are in it just for the money" and "my SB loves me" posts.


I have been with escorts and SB's. There is a difference. That difference will never be understood by an escort/hooker/prostitute. It is what it is.
bladtinzu's Avatar
The self proclaimed Sugar Daddies of ECCIE will admit that all they are really looking for is cheap no strings attached pussy. Their ideal woman is barely legal coed, generally OK with idea of taking money in exchange for sex but prefers to delude themselves that they are not hookers. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Actually with none of mine money is never exchanged hands. Just gifts with the name Prada, Coach, Jimmy Choo or what ever the new "must have" thing is that month. So might want to back that train up a bit. And yes there is a lot of sex... And yes they are ages 22, 21, and 24 so young yes... Barely legal.. No..

All of the providers suddenly declare "OMG what I've been doing is idiotic, I will go out there and fuck as many men claiming to be prospective sugar daddies for free hoping that one of them will take care of me". Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Well most already have done the same with various "Baby daddy's" so... The difference is??

Since chances of either one of these events taking place is less than zero, we will continue reviving these threads full of "hookers are in it just for the money" and "my SB loves me" posts.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
And providers will never get it that the rainbow they are chasing by even attempting to be a SB has not the pot of gold at the end.. Just a full outhouse with the strong taint of composting shit...