Funny and Stank BP ads

Check the last picture. Does this "chick" have five o'clock shadow?
You find something cutie think hey going to investigate a little then boom first picture and its a flop.
  • 18CSF
  • 05-04-2015, 05:38 PM
Brooke469 used to, hell maybe she still does. Originally Posted by drsmooth1
Brooke469 still does car dates
Photoshop much? Look at the photosho enhanced hourglass Originally Posted by anon103
She still won't give me the time of day... I called one too many times and got no play

Here's a good one- not only are the pictures fake (from all over the web) but you're asked to send a picture to "Steel Beam" the 'manager' *cough- pimp- cough*.

Kindly enough, he provided his picture. Can anyone be this gullible?

Also, why do all the backpage girls put those silly 'statement' pictures in? Do they really think anyone believes them?
She still won't give me the time of day... I called one too many times and got no play Originally Posted by JayMax03
Oh no, you didn't get yourself put on the much feared 'Backpage Blacklist' did you?
gimme_that's Avatar
She was basic GFE n one review......when I inquired to clarify she became germaphobe GFE so I lost interest. What was kinda funny was she recently got popped by LE. And for a little while after getting busted had a NWA policy ....where she was only seeing black clients only. Guess not too many cops are black at peak
Oh no, you didn't get yourself put on the much feared 'Backpage Blacklist' did you?
LOL Originally Posted by Crazyleg
Don't know never heard of it
Don't know never heard of it Originally Posted by JayMax03
It's not a real thing. I've just seen some ads where the lady says if you're rude or cancel or they don't like you then you'll be blacklisted.
oh... well regardless of that website I still want to see Skyler can't get her out of my system
How about you wash your nasty ass feet, huh?
This ad should be titled, "Wanna get robbed?"
This ad should be titled, "Wanna get robbed?" Originally Posted by stanky
Are those bullett holes in the roof?
If sexual slavery is your particular fetish... shaking my damn head. Please, bust fuckers like this and throw away the god damned key