Oh No, No Lady! This very very important. It affect the integrity of the Board. HaHa! World as we know it coming to an end! I stay up nights worrying about how Busty Amy and Sexy C keep getting away with it again, and again, and again, and again
Now I'm goin watch me some Honey Boo Boo and Jerry Springer. The proper role models make a difference in your life.
Originally Posted by HumptyHumper
Thanks for this post, you have inspired me with something.
You think these two weren't throwing PMs back and forth with their "confidants" and "stooges" like BDD to help wreak their havoc on each other???
You're insane...and the board is facilitating their stupidity...remove them from the picture entirely and let their horseshit play out off the board where it belongs...
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I just love it when the most useless and hate filled person on ECCIE talks shit about how to run this board.
I've been inspired by HumptyHumper and have figured out a new name for wakeup.
Honey Boo Hoo...............or HBH................no doubt on many occasions he posts like an 8 year old child.