New Obamacare Prices - Hot off the Press - Liberals Lied about reducing costs

I'm not seeing or hearing any rush to sign up for an Obamacare policy. As opposed to a Plan D Medicare insurance where there was a mad rush as I signed up both my parents.

Are you nwa?

That said, there's politicians are willing to call something a resounding success even though the evidence isn't there. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I could see how you would do that it was free and unfunded we just borrow money to pay for it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are taking advantage of Webster's broad definition of socialism. In the USA clearly the means of production is not owned or controlled by the state. You are right. The means of production and the banks control the government. If that were true you would not have billionaires like Buffett, Gates, Trump, and Oprah.Do you think there are no wealthy people in socialist countries? The prescription drug plan that was implemented by Bush helps seniors pay for their medications. Is this socialist? Yes. Let's not forget that Bush was/is a republican. So? They are just as Statist as the Democrats. As far as the debt ceiling goes, President Regan, another republican raised the debt ceiling 18 times in two terms. Regan also raised taxes. Was Regan a socialist? Well, yeah. But not for the reasons you stated. Raising the debt ceiling and taxes are not unique to socialism. And his name is Reagan. Spell it right. You read like a moron. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You know, the system really isn't that socialist, Fluffy. I agree. It is much more fascist than socialist. It is certainly antithetical to free markets and liberty, which is probably why you are such a strong supporter of it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-30-2013, 10:02 PM
Not at all, in my previous post if you would have read, I clearly stated that you cannot define socialism in a one sentence definition. It is a theory, and millions of pages have been written on the subject. As always, I'm not sure where CJ was coming from when he posted the definition. I simply pointed out the definition clearly states that it is a theory.

And of course the prescription plan was a socialist idea incorporated into law. Both dems and repubs alike pass wealth distribution laws all the time. Originally Posted by nwarounder

this website was built around a theory ... ponder that
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm going to save significantly more than a grand a month. Without subsidies.

You stand on principle. I'm going to see my doctor...

whine on pussies!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I call bullshit, Assup. You're lying.
flghtr65's Avatar
You know, the system really isn't that socialist, Fluffy. I agree. It is much more fascist than socialist. It is certainly antithetical to free markets and liberty, which is probably why you are such a strong supporter of it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COF, if you use this Webster's definition of Socialism, you would not have billionaires now would you?

a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

You mean to tell me that high def TV's and cell phones are not made and sold in a free market. Who is controlling Samsung, Sony, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, US Cellular, T- Mobile? Who is controlling the retailers like Best Buy and Walmart?

I belive this: Everyone needs affordable healthcare regardless of income level. So if you are an actor who gets paid 5 million per picture or a Quarterback in the NFL who gets paid $100 million to throw a football or you are a Cashier at Walmarts making $8.50 per hour everyone needs affordable health care.

You are about the only one on the planet that will call Bush and Reagan Socialists. No one at Fox TV would do that, nor would any other republican.

You have been drinking way too much of the Ron Paul Kool-Aid. Are you trying to get back at the republicans for sending Ron Paul home early from the republican primaries?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Call bullshit all you want Whiny.

You don't know what I've been paying a month. self-employed, two pre-existings... You probably can't even guess.

I'm a happy guy!

If it'll make you feel better, I could probably get the platinum level policies and still save 400-500 a month! and because Perry is an imbecile, our exchange is administered by the Feds in Texas. So I might even wangle some subsidy money too. I'll enjoy spending your money on my next colonoscopy, whiny. thanks for surrendering your freedom to be sick for my freedom to be healthy!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy. Poor Fluffy. He sees the world as good guys (Democrats) versus bad guys (Republicans). They are both bad guys. Both parties are Statist to the core, and the apparent differences are for cosmetic effect only. They are two sides of the same coin.

I supported Dr. Paul, but I would have rather not had him involved in Republican primaries at all. He'd have had a greater effect running third party, and would have stood a much better chance of participating in the major party debates than Gary Johnson.

You are the Kool Aid drinker, my ignorant friend. You still think that Obama and the Democrats care about you. They don't. They don't give a DAMN about you. Neither do the Republicans, by the way.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Call bullshit all you want Whiny.

You don't know what I've been paying a month. self-employed, two pre-existings... You probably can't even guess.

I'm a happy guy!

If it'll make you feel better, I could probably get the platinum level policies and still save 400-500 a month! and because Perry is an imbecile, our exchange is administered by the Feds in Texas. So I might even wangle some subsidy money too. I'll enjoy spending your money on my next colonoscopy, whiny. thanks for surrendering your freedom to be sick for my freedom to be healthy!

Jealous? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bullshit. You're lying. Prove it, DOTY.

flghtr65's Avatar
Fluffy. Poor Fluffy. He sees the world as good guys (Democrats) versus bad guys (Republicans). They are both bad guys. Both parties are Statist to the core, and the apparent differences are for cosmetic effect only. They are two sides of the same coin.

I supported Dr. Paul, but I would have rather not had him involved in Republican primaries at all. He'd have had a greater effect running third party, and would have stood a much better chance of participating in the major party debates than Gary Johnson.

You are the Kool Aid drinker, my ignorant friend. You still think that Obama and the Democrats care about you. They don't. They don't give a DAMN about you. Neither do the Republicans, by the way. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You did not answer this question? Why is it too tough?

COF, if you use this Webster's definition of Socialism, you would not have billionaires now would you?

a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

You mean to tell me that high def TV's and cell phones are not made and sold in a free market. Who is controlling Samsung, Sony, LG, Toshiba, Verizon, US Cellular, T- Mobile? Who is controlling the retailers like Best Buy and Walmart?
flghtr65's Avatar

I supported Dr. Paul, but I would have rather not had him involved in Republican primaries at all. He'd have had a greater effect running third party, and would have stood a much better chance of participating in the major party debates than Gary Johnson.

You are the Kool Aid drinker. You still think that Obama and the Democrats care about you. They don't. They don't give a DAMN about you. Neither do the Republicans, by the way. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So Ron Paul cares about people. Ron believes this:

If your city is destroyed by a level 5 hurricane, don't look to FEMA for help, just fend for yourself like we did in the 1940's.

Ron Paul doesn't care about anyone. The republicans have tuned him out a long time ago.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sure, Salina cocksucker... Whatever you say! I'm going to post a copy of my current insurance statement and the new one side by side.

RIGHT! You've got a chance of that.

Wait. Maybe I can bring it to the Salina bus station and show it to you! Yeah, that's the ticket!

Then, JL will meet you at Dallas Love Field and kick your ass with his bare fists!

Why would I lie about this? I suppose you must feel I am. Tough titty, asshole. You bitch, moan, grouse and call bullshit all you want. I'm saving huge bucks on this deal. And I don't give a frogs fat ass if you believe me or not! Spend 10 minutes and see how oppressed you are!


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You have succumbed to the delusion that if any good is to be done, government MUST do it. Truly sad, Fluffy. You have a good heart, but a very inadequate intellect.

Oh, and Assup, you're lying.
I could see how you would do that it was free and unfunded we just borrow money to pay for it. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Plan D is not free. It costs $50 a month then and $85 a month now. There is also a very high "donut" zone of no re-imbursement. From the government's perspective, it was likely "underfunded", not "unfunded."

Some free medical advice: Spend $100 on a good motorcycle helmet or end up like Eva.


I supported Dr. Paul, but I would have rather not had him involved in Republican primaries at all. He'd have had a greater effect running third party, and would have stood a much better chance of participating in the major party debates than Gary Johnson.

.... Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ron Paul ran for President multiple times as a third party candidate. IMO, he and his message received more exposure as a Republican candidate than he ever did as a Libertarian candidate.

I've seen Gary Johnson several times on "Red Eye." He simply isn't that strong of a politician or even a late night talk show guest.
LexusLover's Avatar
Plan D is not free. It costs $50 a month then and $85 a month now. There is also a very high "donut" zone of no re-imbursement. From the government's perspective, it was likely "underfunded", not "unfunded." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Gnad is correct, PLUS, copays, and travel looking for an 'available" provider, who still accepts medicare-patients. When the government dips (borrows) from the funds to pay for "UNNECESSARIES" and to COVER those who have not contributed over the years ....


The "sucking up" of billions of taxpayer dollars to support ACA was to assure that ...

... 11 million people would have MANDATORY health care coverage.

Make sense?