Houston Vs. Dallas

tiatate's Avatar
lol y'all are so pressed about this imaginary pimp.

What is it?
Are you not used to seeing a girl rocking her natural hair and doing well with it?
Are you not used to seeing an intelligent provider who is equally proud of hobby and education?
Better yet, are you annoyed because said provider is AA and showing signs that her intelligence is top notch?
Are are you just annoyed that you don't have the confidence to charge the rates I do?
Maybe you are just annoyed at my own levels of confidence?
Maybe you are annoyed that I have the confidence to price myself out of your budget?
Maybe you are angry that I don't fit YOUR standard of beauty and have the damn audacity to not be low range?
Maybe you are astounded that I am: educated, enjoy this hobby, unapologetic about my looks, AND have the hustle to get it without a pimp?

These are questions you need to ask yourself before responding. Maybe you should do some soul searching, and find that confidence in yourself. Maybe you just need to find the hustle so you can have a bigger budget.

Wish I did have someone/assistant answering my emails and taking my calls, shit is exhausting. But worth it, cause ain't nobody getting a cut bih.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-04-2017, 04:35 PM
no, and
any more questions?
tiatate's Avatar
^^^lmao all questions were rhetorical babe
TryWeakly's Avatar
Off topic.... in your own thread no less.... heh...

Back to the topic of Houston vs Dallas...

Dallas has waaay more fucktards in it.. js..

(but thats just my IMPUT)
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
3 weeks later and this broad is still tossing around the race card.

Tia, it must suck to be so displeased with the skin you are wrapped in. See a therapist and get off the board with all your self hate.
tiatate's Avatar
3 weeks later and this broad is still tossing around the race card.

Tia, it must suck to be so displeased with the skin you are wrapped in. See a therapist and get off the board with all your self hate. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Lmao girl you wish. I love the skin I'm in, otherwise I would be charging those low end rates. You know, such as yourself. & TBH I'm probably on the cocky side vs insecure, if anything!
You need to see a therapist and get some self respect. Or maybe just go to school and get some biz sense...
I wish I would have as many reviews as you, and be charging your rates.

Fuck I look like??

I'm just saying it like it is. Not a race card. There was a reason you have all these lil white knights coming to defend and back you up, on some dumb ass advice at that! They have thrown out every insult associated with black culture, they just can't blatantly call me the slur because it is against board rules. But I'm not stupid, and neither is anyone else who is reading.
You and your lil possee can't stand this #blackgirlmagic
Grace Preston's Avatar
Here is an example of another Ebony provider who does quite well for herself. Interestingly enough, she's never received an ounce of hate on this board. Maybe it has nothing to do with color, education, or "confidence".. and more to do with your horrid attitude.


One who has "intelligence" is generally smart enough to not feel the need to start threads in environments known to be hostile

One with "confidence" does not feel the need to constantly try to "prove" themselves to others. They simply are.

Note-- while the lovely Ms. Marie is not in Houston or Dallas, I believe she has visited both cities. I wonder how they compare for her...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-04-2017, 06:30 PM
Funny how this hood rat laughs at established providers for charging "low rates" and getting great advice but fails to get a single review from real members NOT fake mandles.

What a train wreck this thread has been for you LOL, this gig is not for you but you would be great working for Disney with your great imagination and story telling.
tiatate's Avatar
^^** the fact that you 2 are the only ones who keep calling this drama is just proof that y'all are unbelievably pressed.
GP I'm very aware of other successful AA providers. They were probably on this board at one point in time, and have simply outgrown it. You should too.
winn dixie's Avatar
Let us all stay on topic!! Is Houston a good place for tittat to visit?? The answer is obviously NO. With that said she should stay in the hood she's at in south dallas.. With her terrible people skills and no real world experience tittat is only suitable AND DESTINED to become a statistic.. Sorry to see but unavoidable in her case!! She just cannot help herself!! But she is winning-Mr. sheen style... Hope you have a wonderful knight BOO!!!!!!!!!
tiatate's Avatar
You are really hung up on this word "boo" huh?

But it sounds like that MOD point whipped you back into shape though, yes stay on topic boo!
winn dixie's Avatar
You are really hung up on this word "boo" huh?

But it sounds like that MOD point whipped you back into shape though, yes stay on topic boo! Originally Posted by tiatate
This was not on topic BOO!! And no points here!! Can u say the same!! And Houston would not be a good place for you to visit! As it already has whales manatees and its share of hoodrats
CurvyKatie's Avatar
For the love of God, can they not just close this thread already???
TryWeakly's Avatar
No points here either, bish.... you still seem "pressed" though, as you say.

It would seem that the hoodrat is not becoming of the Dallas whoretard.

Hmm. Dallas vs Houston? Yep. Stay your concrete stamped ass up in Dallas...also quit havin your backpage ghetto pimp fight the fight fer ya.

Get that new showcase up yet? Bahahaaaa.....

Caint wait for dat! Now bih, go make me some money and STFU UITB.....

Dallas vs Houston? Easy.....
winn dixie's Avatar
No points here either, bish.... you still seem "pressed" though, as you say.

It would seem that the hoodrat is not becoming of the Dallas whoretard.

Hmm. Dallas vs Houston? Yep. Stay your concrete stamped ass up in Dallas...also quit havin your backpage ghetto pimp fight the fight fer ya.

Get that new showcase up yet? Bahahaaaa.....

Caint wait for dat! Now bih, go make me some money and STFU UITB.....

Dallas vs Houston? Easy..... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
I agree!! And this was totally on topic..........