Elegant Ebonies: Post a pic of yourself or...

Lavender Obsidian's Avatar
It’s my beautiful, bodacious birthday! Check out the attached graphic if you’d like to send me a gift! 🎁

I’m new to this site, so I’m still learning the ropes, but I’m a classy companion who’s certainly not afraid to let loose and get a little libidinous when the time comes! Not sure if I’m allowed to post links here, but I’m on pretty much all of the sites, so feel free to look me up.

Lavender Originally Posted by Lavender Obsidian
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Glad to see that this thread is still going!

VipAhyanaJames's Avatar
Let's keep this Thread Alive
Feeling a bit cheeky today. Unfortunately this is the only one that would upload�� loving this thread!
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Happy BHM lovely ladies and gents!
KassidyXoxo's Avatar
so decadent
AuroraRoyal27's Avatar
Yeah you Are So beautiful girl
donnanyc's Avatar
Yeah, that girl is very good-looking and & Smart.
Godiva Who?
Looking good ladies!
Alivia Marie's Avatar
Alivia Marie
Attached Images File Type: jpg aliv.jpg (46.1 KB, 189 views) File Type: jpg alblue.jpg (40.6 KB, 189 views)
fire engine red's Avatar
Good reason to go to Louisiana!!
Charlie Belle's Avatar
Love seeing my fellow ebony angels here!

Nice pics