Young girls with LOW prices?

Remember, the girl's have ALL the PUSSY but only half the money! Surely everyone can reach an agreement that if some slab wants to sell it cheap it's her prerogative.

There's a reason that there aren't many homeless women, ( some guy takes them home hoping they'll touch his peepee) and you don't see anyone bitching because the ones you do find will fuck your brains out for a box of McNuggets !
splitlog's Avatar
When I first got into the hobby I couldn't believe how cheap it was. I've spent more for
Freaking lap dances until I found the hobby by accident.
When I first got into the hobby I couldn't believe how cheap it was. I've spent more for
Freaking lap dances until I found the hobby by accident. Originally Posted by splitlog
Yep, $300 is fkn pocket change for me. I do feel some pity for the dudes who have to barter alot and try to swap personal favors for pussy. Kind of sad really.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
When I first got into the hobby I couldn't believe how cheap it was. I've spent more for
Freaking lap dances until I found the hobby by accident. Originally Posted by splitlog
I should've been a stripper but I have stage fright 😳
And for the record, everyone is gonna have to pay a dumb cunt if the Hildabeast becomes president.
I can "Feel the Bern" over here. I know it probably doesnt matter who wins but i still like to live in a fantasy world where i imagine my vote counts.
BabyDallass's Avatar
This is a perfect example of what guys are talking about. Your attitude fucking sucks. Guys pay so they don't have to hear shit like this. They can hear shit like this from wives and girlfriends. You're getting $300 an hour and it's STILL not enough for you. Well, go to fucking college, find another job where you can make more and/or shut the fuck up. No one made you enter this business. If you don't like it, get out. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Blah blah blah now I see why most of yalls wives and girlfriends don't give yall none and most of yall have to come see us your a bunch of Whiney little brats who complain about everything and how your life sucks and how your wife or gf won't fuck yall lol I totally see why! This only goes to your rude ones who always have something rude to say like me & when your paying my rate then you can tell me what the fuck to do...

& I said MOST, NOT all...
BabyDallass's Avatar
Yep, $300 is fkn pocket change for me. I do feel some pity for the dudes who have to barter alot and try to swap personal favors for pussy. Kind of sad really. Originally Posted by Das Ficker

Lol love it! & agree...the ones who have to beg for half hours and special discounts...poor little tink tinks
Youre making me feel bad about myself dallass...
BabyDallass's Avatar
Youre making me feel bad about myself dallass... Originally Posted by Iridemhard

Lol how does a hooker make you feel bad at all??? Just like if I took what yall said about me to heart, then it would be broken I'm just tough and suck it up and like to talk shit and be funny....half the shit I say is just being funny and playing....but some people get all in their little feelings lol lets have fun!
I just cant take comments like that. I wish i had tough skin like you and i was stronger....emotionally.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I just cant take comments like that. I wish i had tough skin like you and i was stronger....emotionally. Originally Posted by Iridemhard
But they are just words? I guess the way I was raised around a bunch of smart mouthed people made me have a smart mouth and not care what people say about me....I call it teasing or kindergarten flirting
splitlog's Avatar
Most important. You got some spider webs off of some keyboards. You woke some people up. And now we have something to comment on outside all the usual stuff we see.

Do you have cute toes? I need some good foot play.
Just sayin.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Most important. You got some spider webs off of some keyboards. You woke some people up. And now we have something to comment on outside all the usual stuff we see.

Do you have cute toes? I need some good foot play.
Just sayin. Originally Posted by splitlog
There are people commenting that I forgot existed lol. Even some new names I've never seen
BabyDallass's Avatar
Most important. You got some spider webs off of some keyboards. You woke some people up. And now we have something to comment on outside all the usual stuff we see.

Do you have cute toes? I need some good foot play.
Just sayin. Originally Posted by splitlog

That was my Main goal and me and one of these guys on here kissed and made up lol well no kissing but we made up!!!

& yes I have cute toes!! They are sensitive though so be gentle