Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

Does it bother anyone else the liberal sprinkling of the word "hooker"? Good lord. Why isn't his user name "John." Ugh... that's revealing.

Also, many of the ECCIE providers participate with hobbyists in their spare time, at their own discretion.

I'm not certain why that is a negative.

He wants to spend time with confident and intelligent women.

Most self-respecting women I know have other interests, families, aspirations.

There are websites for supposed sugardaddies to meet women who can accommodate him.

Why insult us "hookers?" That's very abrasive.

Travelinggentleman: Quit calling the water company because your cable is out.

You need to approach the right service provider for your needs.

You sound ridiculous.

Silly man.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Bettie, the thread title....

You don't have to repeatedly announce that you aren't it. I get it. Go about your life. I'm after what I'm after, how I wish to pursue it, and having a merry time.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Missy, apologies for my delinquent reply - I've been traveling, then got back and flew a provider to Houston for a week to paint the town red. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
TG's review: TG and Foxy paint Houston Red (and cream colored)

The ensuing Houston Coed discussion: So hypothetically Yummy....

I hate the feeling of beimg embarrassed for other people. This guy wants to see quality women? He just shot himself in the foot in a big way. So many ladies wouldn't see him for his review alone. He talks too much and has no sense of discretion.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I hate the feeling of beimg embarrassed for other people. This guy wants to see quality women? He just shot himself in the foot in a big way. So many ladies wouldn't see him for his review alone. He talks too much and has no sense of discretion. Originally Posted by Ansley

First; women aren't supposed to be able to see ROS - speaking of shooting yourself in the foot...

And second, what do you object to? And why on earth do you think someone wouldn't want to see me over it?
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Class is not about glitz.
Class is not about glamour.
Class is not about chatter.
Class is not about refined living.
Class is not about $300 bottles of wine.
Class is not about bitching how superior you are to others here.

The above is all about tawdry trash. Originally Posted by essence
I'm going to go out on a limb here and uh...point you to the top of your screen...where you will find a description of Diamonds and Tuxedos. I'll handily quote it for you.

Diamonds and Tuxedos Glamour, elegance, and sophistication. That's what it's all about here in ECCIE's newest forum which caters to those with expensive tastes, lavish lifestyles, and an appetite for upscale entertainment.

Class is not about bitching how superior you are to others here. Originally Posted by essence
Agreed. So stop. No need to chime into a thread just to troll about how your opinions are better than mine, how I'm using the forum wrong, how my interests, and the definition of the purpose of this forum is tawdry trash.

Your thoughts and put-downs don't really change my opinions - what you post makes you look worse to an educated eye than any tirade I could leverage in your direction.
Ha ha, TG, I think the problem started when you initiated a thread about classy girls in a trashy discussion group about diamonds and tuxedos. At least I have the decency to acknowledge that class has nothing to do with all the things I mentioned, whereas you are so lacking in class you still think diamonds on a girl makes them classy. So sad.

You really don't get it.

I consider myself very well educated with wide cultural interests, but I have never owned a tuxedo and never given a girl a diamond.

Class is when a girl can discover the joys of 30 mins of daty to Bruckner's 8th or Mahler's 9th (slow movements each), never having heard of either composer, but her body reacting with joy to the new discovery (with a little help from my magic tongue).

I have had that experience with a girl I picked up (civilian) from Onyx, dressed in jeans, and with the creole lady (who insisted hearing it twice).

I have also known a very elegant well dressed lady who fidgeted all the way through La Boheme, and wanted to leave after the first act.

Let me keep it simple for you.

Class is not the same as wealth.
Seriously TG, I'm just having fun here, we are all looking for different things, so long as there is a warm wet welcoming pussy, so whatever does it for you, I am just trying to help you understand yourself and what you want.

I was brought up to look down on flashy displays of wealth or privilege, but with the highest regard for education and culture. I was lucky enough, because of my parent's sacrifices, to have access to the best education. Most of my parents' income went towards their children's education. Family holiday maybe once every two years.

Because I came from a comfortable (but not wealthy) background, I can scorn riches. I realise I am very fortunate.

I am very aware that girls I meet who come from backgrounds where money was scarce have a different attitude. They never wish to be in that situation again, so the pursuit of riches is more important to them. It is too easy to be a snob about their attitude towards money, I did not experience the same upbringing. For many in the US and UK, poverty is a daily reality.

I just want to pay off my mortgage and have enough over to entertain girls.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

You really don't get it....Class is not the same as wealth. Originally Posted by essence
I think we should just agree to disagree on our basic ideas, and move along. You THINK my argument is "Class = Wealth" which is ridiculous; not least of which because if it was, finding a classy girl provider would impossible. If they were wealthy, they wouldn't provide, and if they did; it would be as a hobby to men they find attractive, not internet strangers.

I'm looking for a demure, intelligent, refined, sexy woman, and I posted a thread in Diamonds and Tuxedos to ask where they were.

Your ideas...please don't attribute them to me.

Seriously TG, I'm just having fun here, we are all looking for different things, so long as there is a warm wet welcoming pussy, so whatever does it for you, I am just trying to help you understand yourself and what you want.

I was brought up to look down on flashy displays of wealth or privilege, but with the highest regard for education and culture. I was lucky enough, because of my parent's sacrifices, to have access to the best education. Most of my parents' income went towards their children's education. Family holiday maybe once every two years.

Because I came from a comfortable (but not wealthy) background, I can scorn riches. I realise I am very fortunate. Originally Posted by essence
Yes, you are. I came from a civil war as an asylum seeker, orphaned extremely young, and was brought up picking through trash cans and dumpsters for food here in the U.S. unaware of the words "American Dream" while stealing anything I could to survive, until I learned the real American lesson - American prisons are punitive, not rehabilitory.

I've clawed and fought for my life, and for what I consider to be extremely hard-won leisure pursuits without a hand-out from anyone along the way. I spend more of my free time picking up homeless people and giving them a taste of "class" than I do in cigar bars, because just as I desire to experience new things and expand my horizons, I want to be the cause of the same for others.

And in my other free time, when I'm looking to expand my horizons in the hobby, I desire to do so in the company of those who can appreciate the subtleties of what make an expensive taste. I don't break out $300 wine for everyone - it would be wasted; like writing poetry for a blind mute that you can't communicate with. I know about wine because I spent time learning about it, appreciating it, and listening to those who knew more than me, and I seek the company of those with similar tastes.

I will spend two hours dissecting a bottle of wine with a steak, because every bite reminds me how far I've come from eating out of dumpsters. If I'd had parents like yours, I'd be president by now, and would have installed a wing in the White House to keep my harem.

If I sound unsympathetic, it's because I am. Check your privilege at the door, and point out the classy ladies to me instead of telling me I don't know what class means.
Good. We agree class != wealth. We agree this forum is mis classified as 'Diamonds and Tuxedos'. We would probably also agree that the impression given by sites such as 'seeking arrangement' are completely misleading - quote "They appreciate exotic trips and gifts. Sugar Babies get to experience a luxurious lifestyle, and meet wealthy people on a regular basis."

I have met plenty of classy beautiful girls through seekingarrangement. They have in most cases not been looking to be a kept woman, nor do they want luxuries. Many girls hate the idea of being controlled. I hate the concept of sugar babe/daddy, but it is still a useful site to find non-sugar babes (if you see what I mean).

First; women aren't supposed to be able to see ROS - speaking of shooting yourself in the foot...

And second, what do you object to? And why on earth do you think someone wouldn't want to see me over it? Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
No, I didn't shoot myself in the foot. I read what every other woman is able to read. I gave you short and to the point reasons in my first post, "He talks too much and has no sense of discretion". While screening, lots of women will check out reviews. It gives us a sense of who you are. I found this thread about reviews. Lots of good information. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...hlight=reviews

Guess what? On another board we are able to see our reviews in full. If we pay for their membership, we can see every review on that site.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
"He talks too much and has no sense of discretion". Originally Posted by Ansley

While screening, lots of women will check out reviews. It gives us a sense of who you are. Originally Posted by Ansley

You assume so much and know so little, and I see no need to correct it. Continue on.
Seeskylar's Avatar
I would think I would be considered classy and has values
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I would think I would be considered classy and has values Originally Posted by Seeskylar

I tip my hat to a lady.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I would think I would be considered classy and has values Originally Posted by Seeskylar

I tip my hat to a lady then.