Odds on Trump's Impeachment

TheWanderer's Avatar

The republicans only shot would be to actually run someone else against the president of their own party. Originally Posted by grean
And that would not surprise me. That would be a first I believe...that the incumbent would be voted out by their own party.
That usually divides their party too badly to even have a chance in the overall election.
  • grean
  • 03-02-2017, 10:45 AM

Here's another article demonstrating more math trouble for Trump.

The article includes sources of the information so you can verify whether or not it is fake news.

Like Trump you say alot. You say the economy is going to grow as the stock market is growing and that is how things will be paid for. WHERE ARE YOUR NUMBERS? Talk the talk but can you Walk the walk?

  • grean
  • 03-02-2017, 10:53 AM
And a thumbs up to anyone who can guess what Trump bachelor's degree is....

Ok. I can't let someone take this from me. Its Economics!


So maybe he doesn't keep up to date in economic theory.
Reading shit from a teleprompter does NOT make you a president, it only makes you a YES man from the people that really run this country from behind the scenes.
The president showed us all — he could read! ... So Sad.


I just wish we could see some RESULTS from all his promises and fantasy teleprompter words.[/COLOR][/B]

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Cg....seriously, posting a (link to a) story written by Filipino-American, self-professed Trump hater (and he is), Emil Guillermo, to back your claims per the rest of your post isn't quite enough to build a case for impeachment. That said...

Why not go for the gusto and add those loving words of Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Maher, Michael Moore and last but not least, Dan Grilo? ALL fantastic ambassadors and representatives of the party that is all about Love, Unity and Acceptance (so long as you agree with them, of course...)

Moving along....okay, so he used a teleprompter to aid in delivering his speech the other evening. Big whoop. Would it have made Emil (and everyone else) feel better if our president had read from hand-written index cards? Or was he expected to deliver it from memory? Perhaps so, I dunno....

Anyways, it matters naught what Barry's results were those initial 40-45 days of his first term; pointless in listing those epic ground breaking accomplishments. After all, we've moved on from those Dark Days in our nation's history.

I would, however, ask you to offer your expert opinion....and it'd be pure speculation on your part, of course....as to what President (Hillary) Clinton's accomplishments to date would look like had she actually won in November (based on her campaign promises)? I know (based on opinions of professionals I value) the stock market wouldn't look like it does today; not even close...so let's not go there, k?
  • grean
  • 03-02-2017, 11:30 AM
Cg....seriously, posting a (link to a) story written by Filipino-American, self-professed Trump hater (and he is), Emil Guillermo, to back your claims per the rest of your post isn't quite enough to build a case for impeachment. That said...

Why not go for the gusto and add those loving words of Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Maher, Michael Moore and last but not least, Dan Grilo? ALL fantastic ambassadors and representatives of the party that is all about Love, Unity and Acceptance (so long as you agree with them, of course...)

Moving along....okay, so he used a teleprompter to aid in delivering his speech the other evening. Big whoop. Would it have made Emil (and everyone else) feel better if our president had read from hand-written index cards? Or was he expected to deliver it from memory? Perhaps so, I dunno....

Anyways, it matters naught what Barry's results were those initial 40-45 days of his first term; pointless in listing those epic ground breaking accomplishments. After all, we've moved on from those Dark Days in our nation's history.

I would, however, ask you to offer your expert opinion....and it'd be pure speculation on your part, of course....as to what President (Hillary) Clinton's accomplishments to date would look like had she actually won in November (based on her campaign promises)? I know (based on opinions of professionals I value) the stock market wouldn't look like it does today; not even close...so let's not go there, k? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Had Hilary been elected.....

Gun prices & sales alone would have sky rocketed! Get your AR-15 and high capacity mags before they're banned.

That alone may have increased Tax Revenues greatly. LOL!
@ CB, When you want the TRUTH, you don't ask one of trumps YES men.
what about those many other links, like the Boston globe etc?
Are they all Trump Haters? i don't think so.
Do you think I will be getting honest truth from a TRUMP lover?

When you are elected as president and your digging a hole,
best thing to do is STOP DIGGING, and stop tweeting.

  • grean
  • 03-02-2017, 12:36 PM
Cg....seriously, posting a (link to a) story written by Filipino-American, self-professed Trump hater (and he is), Emil Guillermo, to back your claims per the rest of your post isn't quite enough to build a case for impeachment. That said...

Why not go for the gusto and add those loving words of Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Maher, Michael Moore and last but not least, Dan Grilo? ALL fantastic ambassadors and representatives of the party that is all about Love, Unity and Acceptance (so long as you agree with them, of course...)

Moving along....okay, so he used a teleprompter to aid in delivering his speech the other evening. Big whoop. Would it have made Emil (and everyone else) feel better if our president had read from hand-written index cards? Or was he expected to deliver it from memory? Perhaps so, I dunno....

Anyways, it matters naught what Barry's results were those initial 40-45 days of his first term; pointless in listing those epic ground breaking accomplishments. After all, we've moved on from those Dark Days in our nation's history.

I would, however, ask you to offer your expert opinion....and it'd be pure speculation on your part, of course....as to what President (Hillary) Clinton's accomplishments to date would look like had she actually won in November (based on her campaign promises)? I know (based on opinions of professionals I value) the stock market wouldn't look like it does today; not even close...so let's not go there, k? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Why does being a reporter and being Filipino matter? So he doesn't like Trump. Is his article not backed with facts? If its not, please point out the error. If it is backed with facts, I'm not sure what your trying to say.

What are these "Dark Days" you mentioned?

Why does being a reporter and being Filipino matter? So he doesn't like Trump. Is his article not backed with facts? If its not, please point out the error. If it is backed with facts, I'm not sure what your trying to say.

What are these "Dark Days" you mentioned? Originally Posted by grean

The Filipino-American "matter" is no matter at all. I conveniently slipped it in there just as he identified hostage Jurgen Kantner as a German in the beginning of his commentary. Capiche?

Dark Days referred to Dindu Nuffin's 8 years of crappy lack-of-leadership. I just can't make it any more simple for you than that.
[QUOTE=Fishy2;1059246412]News Flash---


News Flash---

@ CB: I know your a good person and you mean well but, when it comes to TRUMP,
i think he is a train wreck looking for a place to happen.

Obama is gone and won't be back, Hillary is gone and won't be back. Can we stick with the person that has the keys to the white house and the power to play with your tax money like it's free hobby money.

Did Jeff sessions resign yet?
Did trump accomplish any promises yet?

TRUMPS MESSAGE TO MUSLIMS and MEXICANS: Thanks for your vote and some of you had family members that died for our country. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT AND DON'T COME BACK

skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Can anybody say WATERGATE 2.0 2017
So... The DOW Jones is still above 21000. I'd say that's pretty good. It's amazing that some would celebrate a down day of the market. If the market is down today its partially due to the skepticism of people on the left. When investors see that everyone is not buying in they keep their money in their pockets. People on the left creating stories out of nothing. Sows disharmony across the country. THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING! AMERICA IS RACIST! JEFF SESSIONS IS RACIST! TRUMP IS A RACIST!
Please listen to Trumps speech again. We are going to dream big. You talked about buying a new car. How can we pay for it. The first thing you do is
Get to work and Invest in yourself (Education etc)
What's Trump doing
Creating Jobs and investing in America
The people have to believe though. The strength of Trump is the depth of loyalty of his base. We just need buy-in from the rest of the country.

Why does being a reporter and being Filipino matter? So he doesn't like Trump. Is his article not backed with facts? If its not, please point out the error. If it is backed with facts, I'm not sure what your trying to say.

What are these "Dark Days" you mentioned? Originally Posted by grean
So testy... Don't get triggered Grean. Do you think people ought to be color and culturally blind? Are you a SJW?
Do you have preferences Grean? When you go to an AMP? Do you like fat girls or skinny? Black or white? Asian or Mexican? Is there a difference? Do they fuck differently? Is it the same? Are we allowed as humans to make some inferences about people based on ethnicity?
So... The DOW Jones is still above 21000. I'd say that's pretty good. It's amazing that some would celebrate a down day of the market. If the market is down today its partially due to the skepticism of people on the left. When investors see that everyone is not buying in they keep their money in their pockets. People on the left creating stories out of nothing. Sows disharmony across the country. THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING! AMERICA IS RACIST! JEFF SESSIONS IS RACIST! TRUMP IS A RACIST!
Please listen to Trumps speech again. We are going to dream big. You talked about buying a new car. How can we pay for it. The first thing you do is
Get to work and Invest in yourself (Education etc)
What's Trump doing
Creating Jobs and investing in America
The people have to believe though. The strength of Trump is the depth of loyalty of his base. We just need buy-in from the rest of the country. Originally Posted by Fishy2
You have already been left behind, you're so damn stupid u ask someone to prove a negative...and that is about as shit stupid as it gets
Stupid... Seriously?
I'm still waiting for you to ask a legitimate question. Take English 101 and stay away from the drugs.
So... The DOW Jones is still above 21000. I'd say that's pretty good. It's amazing that some would celebrate a down day of the market. If the market is down today its partially due to the skepticism of people on the left. When investors see that everyone is not buying in they keep their money in their pockets. People on the left creating stories out of nothing. Sows disharmony across the country. THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING! AMERICA IS RACIST! JEFF SESSIONS IS RACIST! TRUMP IS A RACIST!
Please listen to Trumps speech again. We are going to dream big. You talked about buying a new car. How can we pay for it. The first thing you do is
Get to work and Invest in yourself (Education etc)
What's Trump doing
Creating Jobs and investing in America
The people have to believe though. The strength of Trump is the depth of loyalty of his base. We just need buy-in from the rest of the country. Originally Posted by Fishy2
and WHAT has he done on any of these fronts? Oh, I forget, you ran like a little girl from backing your previous lies, and will do so again. Now prove me right again.