Off the Clock

Charles, would you put down a CPA who made a good-sized paycheck because working with numbers was the only thing she was good at?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I'll suggest that every provider's willingness to offer OTC time is a function of 3 things (and for some a 4th):

1) boundaries - does OTC time cross a boundary she has set or does she think it will cause her date to think the boundaries of their relationship have changed.

2) her opinion of the gentleman - this is the epitome of YMMV. If you have genuine rapport you will get more.

3) her availability/opportunity cost of her time - She's not likely to decline a paid date to have drinks with you (unless you have very established relatonship), but if her alternative is take-out and a night in at the hotel watching Law & Order....

4) use as a marketing technique (this is the one that only applies to some) - an invitation for a drink to selected men is a calculated effort to generate paid business either later that night or at a future date.

Where a woman falls across these four elements is fluid and subject to change at anytime.

I have had OTC time with a number of ladies. Sometimes it is rousing fun. One time a took two ladies to a strip club and I think one of them had a better time than I did. They fall cleanly into two categories. After BCD time, either party asks if the other wants to have dinner, go to a club, etc. The other is an unsolicited invitation from a lady to meet for a drink, etc. Me personally, I would never initiate an invitation for OTC time unless it immediately followed BCD least for me that clarifies boundaries.

I have found touring gals are often very open to OTC-time and some will initiate the invitation. They are in a strange, but from what they've heard, "fun" city, they have some open time & having a "tour guide" so to speak is an attractive option.

The rules I have for OTC time are:
1) never expect it
2) clarify upfront it is OTC ("we're just having drinks, the meter is off, right?")
3) complete discretion...the fact that you are getting it is no one's business...for obvious reasons it would hurt her business if everyone thought OTC was part of the deal

finally @charles - our POV's are based on our experiences. Fact. Given that you admittedly only shop the clearance rack I can see how you came to that POV.
Joshua's Avatar
I won't share what I am working toward in terms of education. It's not relevant anyway. I still think that being a good escort requires a number of skills that a lot of people don't have. Just because you do not respect those skills does not mean that they are not skills. Originally Posted by China Doll
You are correct. To be a really great escort, requires many skills and a level of talent that few people have. Escorts that possess those skills and talents demand a great deal of respect from anyone that values and seeks enjoyment from them - just as the skills and talents of any other profession are respected and valued.
Actually, I respect and value those skills and talents more than most other professions!
You are correct. To be a really great escort, requires many skills and a level of talent that few people have. Escorts that possess those skills and talents demand a great deal of respect from anyone that values and seeks enjoyment from them - just as the skills and talents of any other profession are respected and valued.
Actually, I respect and value those skills and talents more than most other professions! Originally Posted by Joshua
[**Just looking for a little OTC time, BCD, of course.**]
I didn't think otherwise. I was just wonder how you dug yourself out of a hole for .02. It's never been that low.

I strongly suspect this has put me on several DNS lists. For instance, I would be willing to bet a fair amount that between the recent exchange I had with OH, one I had a while ago, and today, my chances of being on her DNS list is pretty high. Same for CD.

But to bring this thread back to where it should be (anyone remember?): I am firmly and wholeheartedly against time OTC. Even of offered, I'd be wondering, "what's the catch?" I guess I've just never believed (or experienced) that you get something for nothing.

But maybe picking an escort is like picking a movie. The price is the same (or nearly always the same), but the experience is different: one time you see "Body Heat" (a film that had my young juices going); and another you see "A Man for All Seasons." If I only had enough money to see one, it would be "Seasons." It made a much more lasting impression, and had several morals that went with the story. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Charles, you like anyone are entitled to their opinion. Our exchange on the NPR thread didn’t bias me one way or the other about seeing you. Your negativity might. Your post about ignorant ladies isn’t nearly as telling as your response to SROnly above. Baby, I’m sorry is free. Life is what you make of it Charles, and it is blue skies for me.

So, back to the topic. Yes, I see friends off the clock. Lunch, dinner or drinks after some sugar is something I do sometimes. We become friends. It’s important; it’s part of the experience for me as well as my companion. It’s not about X number of dollars for wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am or a lady trying to hustle you for everything she can get by going to lunch with you. It’s about warmth, companionship, a whisper against your neck, meeting new people and some good old-fashioned sugar.
[**Just looking for a little OTC time, BCD, of course.**] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Once again, your bitterness clouds your mind. Joshua and I have spent time together, and I consider him a perfect gentleman. I know that white knights exist for the purpose of gaining favor from the ladies, but I believe his motives to be pure. There is a difference, Charles, between healthy cynicism and bitter pessimism.
I still think that being a good escort requires a number of skills that a lot of people don't have. Just because you do not respect those skills does not mean that they are not skills. Originally Posted by China Doll
I agree. I don`t like it when people think being an escort is easy.
I didn't think otherwise. I was just wonder how you dug yourself out of a hole for .02. It's never been that low. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charlie, I was trying to toss a little humor using a monetary amount more familiar to Camille and Valerie. I have been hoping that a more positive spin on things related to our demimonde world to be for your benefit. I sense (and could be wrong) that there is a dark cloud over you. I do not wish that upon you. I enjoy your posts, even though I may not agree, but I want you to start thinking positive. Whether it is about your own job, body, life or the ladies you have the ability to see for a variety of reasons. I am not sure nor do I/we need to know what has you in a funk, but I think we as a collective would love to help you out. No I will not date you. That is for the ladies to decide. Can I buy you lunch or join you at a baseball game or whatever, yes, I would hope I can do that (but I do have rigorous screening ). You are indeed smart and witty. Intelligence is something that we (the ladies and the rest of us)appreciate. At the end of the day it IS the ladies that matter.

I strongly suspect this has put me on several DNS lists. For instance, I would be willing to bet a fair amount that between the recent exchange I had with OH, one I had a while ago, and today, my chances of being on her DNS list is pretty high. Same for CD. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
But if you go in with an upbeat 'tude the ladies will enjoy their time with you, on the clock or not. I try to go into every date upbeat, knowing I am meeting someone new who has an intelligence that may challenge me, or calm me, or make me think I am a "hottie" (okay, I won't have Beckham's body or wife ). It is the adventure. The trip is as exciting as the destination.
You are correct. To be a really great escort, requires many skills and a level of talent that few people have. Escorts that possess those skills and talents demand a great deal of respect from anyone that values and seeks enjoyment from them - just as the skills and talents of any other profession are respected and valued.
Actually, I respect and value those skills and talents more than most other professions! Originally Posted by Joshua
True, and its especially visible when you see mistakes escorts make that did not have been properly trained or educate themselves on the business (for example putting homepages on their real names to get looked up on whois, having photos that save them anonymity, screening and marketing and branding herself. And these are just some basics. Lets not even talk about safe sex practices and other concerns. Its a one woman enterprise. I `d call it entrepreneurial. If you are capable of transferring some skills learned or required for escroting you can be a successful business woman in other areas as well.
Naomi4u's Avatar
This is funny. Is this the first time Charles has pissed yall off? He does it all the time. I thought we were all used to it by now.
There is no use even insulting him. He just needs to get laid.
Charlie, I was trying to toss a little humor using a monetary amount more familiar to Camille and Valerie. I have been hoping that a more positive spin on things related to our demimonde world to be for your benefit. I sense (and could be wrong) that there is a dark cloud over you. I do not wish that upon you. I enjoy your posts, even though I may not agree, but I want you to start thinking positive. Whether it is about your own job, body, life or the ladies you have the ability to see for a variety of reasons. I am not sure nor do I/we need to know what has you in a funk, but I think we as a collective would love to help you out. No I will not date you. That is for the ladies to decide. Can I buy you lunch or join you at a baseball game or whatever, yes, I would hope I can do that (but I do have rigorous screening ). You are indeed smart and witty. Intelligence is something that we (the ladies and the rest of us)appreciate. At the end of the day it IS the ladies that matter.

But if you go in with an upbeat 'tude the ladies will enjoy their time with you, on the clock or not. I try to go into every date upbeat, knowing I am meeting someone new who has an intelligence that may challenge me, or calm me, or make me think I am a "hottie" (okay, I won't have Beckham's body or wife ). It is the adventure. The trip is as exciting as the destination. Originally Posted by SR Only
Very very well said....I think you'll find Charlie that there are a lot of us who recognize this dark cloud, and would really like to help you and get through to you
discreetgent's Avatar
Doove, China Doll ... get a room ............ again lol

(DG for Ansley )
This is funny. Is this the first time Charles has pissed yall off? He does it all the time. I thought we were all used to it by now. There is no use even insulting him. He just needs to get laid. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Dearest Naomi,
To be honest he hasn't pissed me off, but I can understand the ladies are annoyed by his comments. I am saddened that this is his PoV. He is entitled to it and as I noted I do not agree.

I will agree a good schtupping wouldn't "hoit" (as they say in NYC).
Nor am I, SR. It takes a lot to get me upset on these boards, especially when I view the offender as jaded.
Nor am I, SR. Originally Posted by China Doll
Can we get a room, now?