I always take a shower and scrubadunbdub just before an appointment. In my personal life that was seemingly also the case. I shower every am and when I get home from the days activities. I don't ever go to bed dirty. So I’ve always been clean when having sex. Now I have had sessions that were let’s say sweat provoking. I knew the provider had an appointment after I left and we had run over so she was not going to have time for a shower. I had seen this provider several times. A few days later I read a review where the guy gave a no recommendation because of smell. He claimed it smelled of burnt rubber. I couldn't stop laughing! I thought to myself, I better slow down! LOL DATY? Never have, never will! Questions? LOL
Originally Posted by Still Looking
This is hilarious! Did you PM the guy and let him know that you were the guilty culprit?