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I suggested in the thread that ads would be met with as much effort in getting the other opinions shared that it all gets dropped...... Pretty much saying..... Drop it all let her serve out her ban and deal with it herself when she returns.. or not....
Originally Posted by Whispers
Well. We do have a grey area. No where does it say hobbyist can't do what you call Ads. You got a GL that stipulates they can't do it. One POV is they are sharing Information like the ecc*I*e says.
And Whispers, regardless what the people of this site do, she IS serving out her ban. Don't link what these people do to her time being done. Can you prove she is creating fake accounts and logging in? Then you would have a gripe about her ban.

I made a joking comment, to her BF at the time, to see just how jealous he was. I've welcomes anyone that can post anything more than that to do so. I do not pay to see old whores. I don't pay to see middle aged providers and SELDOM pay to see some young hot provider. My time and money is mostly spent in a different P4P arena that yields higher quality experiences. Originally Posted by Whispers
Obviously you didn't come across as making a joke. Sure you weren't ruffled when a *middled aged* (BTW I like how you backed off on your previous description of her being more advanced in years) turned you down?



Banned Providers should NOT benefit from the board. Originally Posted by Whispers
So, should every reference on the site of a Banned Provider be removed?
If not, why can't the Hobbyist refer to them in *any* way?


Yes. I will ALWAYS respond when you or anyone else comments about me. ALWAYS. If you do not want to hear my opinion, leave my stated views out of things. Originally Posted by Whispers
No you won't. I made a comment on you, I think, two days ago. Still no response from you.
I don't need to! This one provides a tremendous amount of information as well as entertainment!

And my involvement in THIS particular Slave G Production was all by her personal request since the beginning of the fiasco....
Originally Posted by Whispers
Elaborate... i don't see her asking u to do anything for her. Based on how u talk about her. Someone miss something here? Been speculating since the beginning and do not see her asking u for anything to benefit her in some way. Only that the drama stops, and stops here. I do not need rhetoric From Previous Stated Issues Of Disorders, INDISSCRETION, Or irresponsibility. We've heard that already. So unless u wish to share something new, case closed imo.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Whispers
I don't need to! This one provides a tremendous amount of information as well as entertainment!

And my involvement in THIS particular Slave G Production was all by her personal request since the beginning of the fiasco....
Elaborate... i don't see her asking u to do anything for her. Based on how u talk about her. Someone miss something here? Been speculating since the beginning and do not see her asking u for anything to benefit her in some way. Only that the drama stops, and stops here. I do not need rhetoric From Previous Stated Issues Of Disorders, INDISSCRETION, Or irresponsibility. We've heard that already. So unless u wish to share something new, case closed imo. Originally Posted by dew1212
Whispers's Avatar
You don't see providers...

You don't review...

True. I gave that up long ago but I still share the information via PM and email with a circle of friends and associates.

You're not an E-scort or C-lient...

I disagree. And I contribute a lot to other forums the board has.

You just look for, stir, and make controversy on this site...

No. I usually get pointed towards it and it typically is already "made" needing only some light shined on it.

The services of which you don't even use.

I use the board regularly. much in the same fashion as you. In between the times you are seeing some lady what are YOU doing on it? Socializing? Keeping in contact with people that matter to you? Seeking entertainment?

Why are you here?

Because I can be. More specifically I got involved in the Slave G fiasco from the start because she requested my assistance.

To say you've been on "the boards" for 15 years next year?

If you want to hear the sound of your own voice, might I suggest singing in the shower. I have a lousy singing voice.

That is all. Originally Posted by Netx9
I am sure that it is not.

HEY! did you realize that you posted ALL OF THAT without mentioning Slave G even once?

Whispers's Avatar
Elaborate... i don't see her asking u to do anything for her. Based on how u talk about her. Someone miss something here?

Unfortunately, posting the contents of PMs in a public forum is simply not allowed.

Been speculating since the beginning and do not see her asking u for anything to benefit her in some way. Only that the drama stops, and stops here.

Where do you see her asking for that? In her threads she continuously referenced me looking for attention and the most recent one was a post in an Austin Thread, I assumed because I was not reading the SA forum at the time and had not made it to her fast enough.

I do not need rhetoric From Previous Stated Issues Of Disorders, INDISSCRETION, Or irresponsibility. We've heard that already. So unless u wish to share something new, case closed imo. Originally Posted by dew1212
Closed? Oh shit. I did not know you could do that!

Ok. So YOU do not need any more...... OK. Then feel free to ignore me..... You DO realize that others are only recently seeing the story and new people join the board every day right?

For the most part though. I've been in response mode for a long time here. You and others keep the issue alive. Heck. I don't know what I'll do if you and the others stop addressing posts at me that beg for a response.
Why are you here? Originally Posted by Netx9
To drive page views and revenue for the owners:
as recent examples.
dearhunter's Avatar
Point of Order: A ban is simply a loss in posting privileges for some period of time. It is not intended to deny the banned party extended benefit from the board.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 03-29-2014, 11:00 AM

HEY! did you realize that you posted ALL OF THAT without mentioning Slave G even once?

Originally Posted by Whispers
That's kind of a weird observation... I quoted your mention of her name and all of the first "Gloating 3" posts you made alluding to her ban... Including the comment "Another dig at G-s health".

The rest of what you actually quoted didn't mention her because it wasn't about her. Picking nits but I did mention her so not really sure what your point is... I guess you don't always have to make sense or be accurate to try to make a point.

Got a busy weekend so I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and remember, always have fun!
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 03-29-2014, 11:02 AM
Point of Order: A ban is simply a loss in posting privileges for some period of time. It is not intended to deny the banned party extended benefit from the board. Originally Posted by dearhunter
And a good point it is. The only time, I believe, a providers handle is not to be mentioned or a topic of conversation is if they are no longer on the board and ask not to be discussed. The banned provider's posts and reviews with contact information remain for all to see.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 03-29-2014, 11:39 AM
I am sure that it is not.

HEY! did you realize that you posted ALL OF THAT without mentioning Slave G even once?

Originally Posted by Whispers
And so did you! Oops, except for that last part...

HEY! Did you realize you posted ALL OF THAT without calling Slave G a wh*re even once?


I guess we're both growing up a little

As for "that is all", I'm off to a beer brewing and beer drinking "retreat" of sorts the rest of the weekend. Don't have too much fun and keep the lights on for me!
Whispers's Avatar
Can you prove she is creating fake accounts and logging in?

I never suggested such. Do you know about something?

Sure you weren't ruffled when a *middled aged* (BTW I like how you backed off on your previous description of her being more advanced in years) turned you down?

Read the sentence before the Middle Aged comment.

I don't see OLD. I don't see Middle Aged.
I consider her to be OLD.

Originally Posted by Precious_b
Keep trying
Whispers's Avatar
As for "that is all", I'm off to a beer brewing and beer drinking "retreat" of sorts the rest of the weekend. Don't have too much fun and keep the lights on for me! Originally Posted by Netx9
Take Louigi with you. He enjoys his beer.... a bit too much at times....

But maybe in ya'lls absence we can get through the weekend...... Maybe not... Precious seems riled up!
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 03-29-2014, 01:06 PM
Take Louigi with you. He enjoys his beer.... a bit too much at times.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Awww... A little jab... You like him!

Louigi, here's to ya!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Precious_b
Can you prove she is creating fake accounts and logging in?

I never suggested such. Do you know about something?

Sure you weren't ruffled when a *middled aged* (BTW I like how you backed off on your previous description of her being more advanced in years) turned you down?

Read the sentence before the Middle Aged comment.

I don't see OLD. I don't see Middle Aged.
I consider her to be OLD.
Keep trying Originally Posted by Whispers
I forgot how old she was. I like them older, yet she may too young for me LOL
each there own.
not what I want to ask,

what I want to ask is

I have a hard time with more than two at one time, how you handle so many with little or no help? reading and trying learning from ya
Precious_b's Avatar
Keep trying Originally Posted by Whispers

Keep trying what?

Ducking answering other peoples queries? We know you have a history of not addressing questions that are directed at you to get *Information* at your, some would say, diatribes.

I'll answer your questions if you address *all* of mine from where you took my partial posting quote.

From my POV, she is serving her ban. Regardless what you say or rant about.
There is only a problem of her serving it *IF* she is making fake accounts. Until *YOU* can prove that, you have no ammunition that she is *NOT* serving her ban.

By your admission, and hers, you make overatures to see/meet her.
Obviously not all parties took it as a *joke*.
MeThinks a person as persuasive as yourself would have clearly shown it was a joke.
Something else amiss here since it wasn't taken as a joke?

Unless otherwise shown, I think one of the parties involved in the communique about a rendez vouse may have have their nose bent out of joint on the polite decline of an offer.