Reading shit from a teleprompter does NOT make you a president, it only makes you a YES man from the people that really run this country from behind the scenes.
The president showed us all — he could read! ... So Sad.
I just wish we could see some RESULTS from all his promises and fantasy teleprompter words.[/COLOR][/B]
Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Cg....seriously, posting a (link to a) story written by Filipino-American, self-professed Trump hater (and he is), Emil Guillermo, to back your claims per the rest of your post isn't quite enough to build a case for impeachment. That said...
Why not go for the gusto and add those loving words of Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Maher, Michael Moore and last but not least, Dan Grilo?
ALL fantastic ambassadors and representatives of the party that is all about Love, Unity and Acceptance (so long as you agree with them, of course...)
Moving along....okay, so he used a teleprompter to aid in delivering his speech the other evening. Big whoop. Would it have made Emil (and everyone else) feel better if our president had read from hand-written index cards? Or was he expected to deliver it from memory? Perhaps so, I dunno....
Anyways, it matters naught what Barry's results were those initial 40-45 days of his first term; pointless in listing those epic
ground breaking accomplishments. After all, we've moved on from those Dark Days in our nation's history.
I would, however, ask you to offer your expert opinion....and it'd be pure speculation on your part, of to what President (Hillary) Clinton's
accomplishments to date would look like had she actually won in November (based on her campaign promises)? I know (based on opinions of professionals I value) the stock market wouldn't look like it does today; not even let's not go there, k?